The vaccine that’s on its way is pretty exciting stuff; however, the news reported today that what we have of Pfizer’s vaccine today, is all we’re going to have until June!! Apparently, Pfizer gave the trump administration an opportunity to buy more earlier this summer and they declined. Now Europe has purchased their remaining stock. Now, I don’t necessarily blame this administration as they were trying to spread their risk out to multiple potential vaccine candidates. That being said, our archaic processes probably kept them from making an educated decision. For instance, the FDA only reviews data after the trials hence our delay. The equivalent group in Europe does a rolling review of these vaccines as data comes out so that they can make a decision quicker. Hence why they have already approved the vaccine. It would have been nice if we did that as we could have bought as much of that vaccine as we could once we started seeing promising results.
Thinking about that vaccine brings hope and many questions though. How long till we can get that vaccine? Will it kill covid or just prevent a serious reaction? Can we still get and spread it even after getting the vaccine? That question makes me nervous as children will not be vaccinated. I would hate to get my kids sick multiple times! What about mutations? There’s already a sign (in Wuhan) of another covid variant emerging that is not as severe. Will life go back to normal?? Next year will be very fascinating.