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Thread: What are you watching this fall?

  1. Default What are you watching this fall?








  2. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    There is no way you actually watch this much tv....is there?

  3. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

  4. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    What the hells that? I still have a vcr dude. LOL. I know that's tevo or whatever but I'm not kidding, I really do still have a vcr. I haven't upgraded to dvd, and I don't have cable and only have 1 set of rabbit ears so have to move them from living room tv to bedroom tv depending on where I want to watch my PBS at. I just got a phone that can text message a few months ago.......my friends all make fun of me but eventually they give me their old stuff when they get new, so I'm always a little bit behind with technology but I never have to pay for anything. I love free stuff. So anyone that has movies on vhs I'll take them, there's only so many times you can watch Octo***** (the greatest James Bond movie of all time however) or Friday.......I need new movies.

  5. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    Haha I have some VHS's you can take off my hands.

  6. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    I haven't seen many of those shows ... actually, I've seen only one! I started to watch Desperate Housewives but not anymore... with Fall coming though, it gets dark early and it's always fun to get hooked on a series.

    I'm more a movie watcher and video game player... when I watch TV, it's usually news.. I know, how boring.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  7. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Roger that!

  8. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    For me:
    Heroes and Lost will be the critical ones. I never watch TV, but those drew me in.
    I may throw The Unit in there too. I record all the shows I willw atch that week, and watch them while I do bills and such on the computer every Sunday afternoon.

  9. #9

    Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    the office and scrubs are the only things i ever plan on watching.

  10. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    Don't get me started on the new Fall TV season!!

    ....I'll have to list it when I have more timE!?

  11. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    I only watch one show with any regularity, and that's Dexter on Showtime.

  12. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    Nice compilation of graphics, I must say. And how can you go wrong with a title like "Dirty Sexy Money"?

    I'll peek into Pushing Daisies only for that phenom Kristin Chenoweth.
    Continue the Renaissance

  13. #13

    Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    i don't watch much tv... mainly movies for me. however, amongst that primetime lineup i'll probably be watching heroes. or at least downloading it. a friend introduced me to it a couple weeks ago and it looked interesting... so naturally last weekend i had a heroes 'binge' where i caught up on all the episodes.


  14. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    I dvr'd the premiere of CBS's Kid Nation last night, and I was thoroughly entertained! I think it's going to be a lock on my weekly schedule. Elsewhere, here's what my watch list is going to look like next week (beyond that, who's knows what'll be dropped??)


    Boston Legal

    Kid Nation
    Pushing Daisies
    Criminal Minds
    Bionic Woman
    Lost (Spring)
    Life - Already looking at dropping this

    Survivor: China
    My Name Is Earl
    The Office
    Grey's Anatomy

    Oh Fall....How I've missed thee!

  15. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Wonder View Post
    I dvr'd the premiere of CBS's Kid Nation last night, and I was thoroughly entertained! I think it's going to be a lock on my weekly schedule. Elsewhere, here's what my watch list is going to look like next week (beyond that, who's knows what'll be dropped??)


    Boston Legal

    Kid Nation
    Pushing Daisies
    Criminal Minds
    Bionic Woman
    Lost (Spring)
    Life - Already looking at dropping this

    Survivor: China
    My Name Is Earl
    The Office
    Grey's Anatomy

    Oh Fall....How I've missed thee!
    Holy crap! Do you need like 3 TV's in the living room or what?

  16. #16

    Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    Man, my list is so long it's embarrassing. I saw the first episode of "Chuck" and I'm already hooked.

    I'm staying far away from both "Moonlight" and "New Amsterdam." I'll stick with "Life" for a while and I have high hopes for "Aliens in America."

    But Thursday will still be my NBC night. "Office," "Scrubs," "30 Rock" and "My Name is Earl." At least until "Scrubs" becomes too annoying and I have to fly to Hollywood and put Zach Braff out of MY misery.

  17. #17

    Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    The Office is my only must-watch/can't-miss show, but I'll probably be watching 30 Rock just before it, as a warm-up of some sort. I'm glad they're back-to-back this fall--having the awful Scrubs sandwiched between the two last season was just short of torture.

    And of course, must also catch my dose of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report from Mondays through Thursdays. Oh yeah, and South Park, too, on Wednesdays.

    And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Curb Your Enthusiasm, for the next eight Sundays, as well.

    That's all.

  18. #18

    Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    Battlestar Galactica (October)
    Lost (Spring)
    Nip/Tuck (October)
    Bionic Woman
    Torchwood (BBC America)
    CSI: Miami

    Pushing Up Daises and others look interesting. May give them one or two shots and see what happens. Would like to watch The Office but just don't have time.

  19. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    This thread is scaring me......people watch too much tv......I can not imagine even finding enough free hours in the week to watch so many programs and I'm single/no kids and really not THAT busy and couldn't find enough free hours to watch this much.

  20. #20

    Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    You know when we were younger and I was working and kids and ball games, practice, dance lessons, Child taxi service...LOL...We pretty much gave up on tv...and then in the summer now when we are always on the go...but then the days get shorter and the nights longer..and now with Satelite or Cable whichever your fancy...and the fact that this made the networks bring better quality tv or maybe not better, but just more options and then they created DVR..or Tivo..your personal prefrence...And you don't have to watch 45 min of commercials for every 15 minutes of programming..Seems you can get more TV in less time..LOL

    So here we go...
    Saturday Football...
    Sunday Footballl...
    This is always hard...Football...
    CSI Miami...
    And in Janurary thank Goodness...It is Jack..as in "24"

    Law and Order SVU

    Criminal minds
    Can't remember right now...

    Law and Order...

    There are more, but I just can't remember right now...
    And we do DVR alot and watch on our own time...

  21. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    Ok, I watched a show last night.....and want my hour of lost time back. The Bachelor. What a disappointment. The dude was cute, but had the personality of the bottom of my shoe. I'm sorry, but he does not represent Austin men very well. I've never seen so many girls act like they've never seen a man before. So, that was my exciting television experience. However I am tempted to watch again because you just know a few of those airheads are bound to go crazy and who can resist watching bimbos fight over lipgloss......

  22. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    Heroes was underwhelming, but I'd kind of expected that seeing as how massively overhyped it has become during the summer.

    It won't deter me from continuing to watch because it's a pretty great show (especially in HD), but the premiere was kind of weak.

  23. #23

    Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    Quote Originally Posted by Misty View Post
    This thread is scaring me......people watch too much tv......I can not imagine even finding enough free hours in the week to watch so many programs and I'm single/no kids and really not THAT busy and couldn't find enough free hours to watch this much.
    I couldn't agree more. My husband and I agreed about 2 years ago to cut way back. Now, there are about 3 or 4 shows we watch with any regularity: Grey's Anatomy, South Park, and CBS Sunday Morning. The rest of the time, we read or engage in some other activity around the house. We even moved the TV out of the bedroom, which helped considerably.

    I like the Office, too, and Ugly Betty, but know I can't watch them all so catch a random episode here and there when they're on during the summer repeat season.

    This week, though, is all about "The War" on PBS. Definitely worth a watch.

  24. Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    I really love PBS. Do you ever catch the Red Green show? I grew up on the Canadian border and that show couldn't be more true. I guess I do have some shows I like although I hardly see them. Are you Being Served and Keeping up Appearances are awesome on Sunday nights. The Bucket residence...the lady of the house speaking
    Last edited by Misty; 09-25-2007 at 01:02 PM. Reason: .

  25. #25

    Default Re: What are you watching this fall?

    Quote Originally Posted by Misty View Post
    I really love PBS. Do you ever catch the Red Green show? I grew up on the Canadian border and that show couldn't be more true. I guess I do have some shows I like although I hardly see them. Are you Being Served and Keeping up Appearances are awesome on Sunday nights. The Bucket residence...the lady of the house speaking

    I do watch PBS from time to time, but have never caught Red and Green. I will admit to a penchant for those classic Brit-coms, though, (add "The Vicar of Dilbey" to your list) and for some of the new ones I see on BBC America. "Little Brittain" and "Coupling" are outrageous, as is the original "Office."

    In fact, with the exception of the US version of The Office, which holds up very well to the British original, most TV shows we try to "import" and change to our liking end up as big stinkers. I got hooked on "Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares" this summer on BBCA. Fox has tried to Americanize the same and has sanitized it so much, it's not worth watching.

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