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Thread: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

  1. #7651

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesseda View Post
    Im not sure! I called the school to ask questions and the person on the phone told me she cant answer anything and to ask my daughter which makes no sense smh, all my daughter told me was the girl knew she had it and how multiple cheerleaders tested positive the past week which this girl was a cheerleader according my daughter. I got a email last night saying the school was made aware that 2 kids had coronavirus and attended school on monday and that was mainly it so I dont have a answer but you would think the parents allowed her to show up since she came in knowing she was positive and later on bragged about it to some students which then turned her in. Again this info is from my daughter since the school is not giving me any answers smh. I believe my daughter because she was so mad at this girl my daughter was in tears from being angry and I know my daughter wouldnt be angry if it was just a I did not know I had Covid type situation.
    Jesseda, I think you should hire an attorney to be honest.

  2. Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    White House report out today for public.

    "Oklahoma is in the red zone for cases, indicating 101 or more new cases per 100,000 population last week, with the 9th highest rate in the country. Oklahoma is in the orange zone for test positivity, indicating a rate between 8.0% and 10.0%, with the 8th highest rate in the country."


  3. #7653

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    So, end of the year we will have around 250,000 cases? Then we will hit 1,000,000 by end of April '21?

  4. #7654

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Jesseda, I think you should hire an attorney to be honest.
    Personal injury lawsuit against a parent who intentionally sends a child infected with a pandemic disease to school? Interesting idea.

  5. #7655

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by OkiePoke View Post
    So, end of the year we will have around 250,000 cases? Then we will hit 1,000,000 by end of April '21?
    At the current rate yes. And there's the theory, which seems very reasonable, that many times more people have or have had it than the results show. If so with a population of 4 million it's possible that 50% or more will have had the virus by that time. Possibly way more.

  6. #7656

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Why did OCCHD stop posting the weekly report of where the Oklahoma county cases were occurring? Used to be a weekly post based on contact tracing, which was how they identified church services, restaurants, etc. I think it was called "The Serious Six"?
    The jaded cynic in me wonders if the Oklahoma Restaurant Association had some choice words with the elected representatives. Also, around the time they stopped posting, we as a state decided to celebrate " Restaurant Appreciation Day" when the Governor told everyone to go dine out on October 3rd.
    I wonder if the restaurant lobby has decided that contact tracing doesn't benefit them.

  7. #7657

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond Hausfrau View Post
    Why did OCCHD stop posting the weekly report of where the Oklahoma county cases were occurring? Used to be a weekly post based on contact tracing, which was how they identified church services, restaurants, etc. I think it was called "The Serious Six"?
    The jaded cynic in me wonders if the Oklahoma Restaurant Association had some choice words with the elected representatives. Also, around the time they stopped posting, we as a state decided to celebrate " Restaurant Appreciation Day" when the Governor told everyone to go dine out on October 3rd.
    I wonder if the restaurant lobby has decided that contact tracing doesn't benefit them.
    Could be. Just about the time we remotely considered the possibility of going to one of our regular restaurants the "Serious Six" came out listing restaurants as a hot spot so we decided not to. I've wondered why that system went away.

  8. #7658

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    I read online that a teacher at Bishop McGuinness died today from Covid-19. The Oklahoman and Tulsa World as well as the TV outlets are dropping the ball big time on covering the spread of coronavirus in the schools. It could be simple laziness but there are least five dead teachers now, and kids have only been back in schools less than two months.

    How many students have had it? How many teachers? How many family members of students or teachers have gotten it? It seems fairly obvious that the return to in-person learning is the number one cause of spread throughout the state right now, but how would we know?

    This isn't receiving the news coverage it deserves.

  9. #7659

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Government interfering with business, or at least that is what somebody argued I’m sure.

  10. #7660

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Personal injury lawsuit against a parent who intentionally sends a child infected with a pandemic disease to school? Interesting idea.
    Start with the school board, the superintendent, the principal and the parents. Keep suing.

  11. #7661

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I read online that a teacher at Bishop McGuinness died today from Covid-19. The Oklahoman and Tulsa World as well as the TV outlets are dropping the ball big time on covering the spread of coronavirus in the schools. It could be simple laziness but there are least five dead teachers now, and kids have only been back in schools less than two months.

    How many students have had it? How many teachers? How many family members of students or teachers have gotten it? It seems fairly obvious that the return to in-person learning is the number one cause of spread throughout the state right now, but how would we know?

    This isn't receiving the news coverage it deserves.
    They are not keeping separate information on schools anywhere in the U.S.

    I'm sure the current government does not want those numbers reported.


  12. #7662

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    I had the sound off but channel 9 morning news actually ran a story this morning on how safe the schools are. Like has been said it's like we're in a bad Twilight Zone episode.

  13. #7663

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Well OKC was just on NBC National news mentioning how we have no ICU beds available. What a great look for our city. SMH

  14. #7664

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    Well OKC was just on NBC National news mentioning how we have no ICU beds available. What a great look for our city. SMH
    I wonder how many places they could have chosen though. A few weeks ago there were 27 states with a RT below 1. Today there are 11. Many other countries are hitting or headed toward record levels. It's bad almost everywhere with no end in sight anywhere. Except maybe New Zealand but they have the advantage of being an island.

  15. #7665

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    I wonder how many places they could have chosen though. A few weeks ago there were 27 states with a RT below 1. Today there are 11. Many other countries are hitting or headed toward record levels. It's bad almost everywhere with no end in sight anywhere. Except maybe New Zealand but they have the advantage of being an island.
    The main body of the story was about Wisconsin. But OKC got thrown in there at the start of the story about cases on the rise.

  16. #7666

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    I'm sure we were singled out because this was just made known yesterday's city council meeting.

    And also because it's a particularly bad situation.

  17. #7667
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    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    At the current rate yes. And there's the theory, which seems very reasonable, that many times more people have or have had it than the results show. If so with a population of 4 million it's possible that 50% or more will have had the virus by that time. Possibly way more.
    There are lots of cockamamie theories out there.

  18. #7668

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    At the current rate yes. And there's the theory, which seems very reasonable, that many times more people have or have had it than the results show. If so with a population of 4 million it's possible that 50% or more will have had the virus by that time. Possibly way more.
    Nope. Studies have showed there is nothing to this. If you’re going to throw out conspiracy theories, at least add a respected source. If there isn’t one, then why spread it? This is called misinformation and it’s harmful.

  19. #7669

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I read online that a teacher at Bishop McGuinness died today from Covid-19. The Oklahoman and Tulsa World as well as the TV outlets are dropping the ball big time on covering the spread of coronavirus in the schools. It could be simple laziness but there are least five dead teachers now, and kids have only been back in schools less than two months.

    How many students have had it? How many teachers? How many family members of students or teachers have gotten it? It seems fairly obvious that the return to in-person learning is the number one cause of spread throughout the state right now, but how would we know?

    This isn't receiving the news coverage it deserves.

    Beloved deacon, teacher at Bishop McGuinness Catholic School dies due to COVID-19


  20. #7670

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    Nope. Studies have showed there is nothing to this. If you’re going to throw out conspiracy theories, at least add a respected source. If there isn’t one, then why spread it? This is called misinformation and it’s harmful.
    So you don't believe there are lots of asymptomatic people that have the virus but never get tested because they have no reason to believe they need to? Like me for instance? It was estimated at the beginning that 80% of cases are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic. I haven't seen anything dispute that. The CDC estimated as late as late July that lack of testing was causing many positives to be missed. I haven't seen anything from them changing that stance and I've searched. If you have something let me know where.

  21. #7671

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    So you don't believe there are lots of asymptomatic people that have the virus but never get tested because they have no reason to believe they need to? Like me for instance? It was estimated at the beginning that 80% of cases are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic. I haven't seen anything dispute that. The CDC estimated as late as late July that lack of testing was causing many positives to be missed. I haven't seen anything from them changing that stance and I've searched. If you have something let me know where.
    I think people got twisted off on the specific number you threw out before. I don’t think that many people will argue that there are more people out there with covid than is showing in the numbers given the mildly asymptomatic community spread. The question is how much? Unfortunately, we may never know.

    What I find interesting is how China can test 3 million people in 2 days which amounts to all the citizens in a particular city. They are able to get that clearer picture of covid spread in their cities and put a stop to it. The US on the other hand, is clearly a cluster **** in regards to our testing. We will never get a clear picture of what’s going on until we can get some rapid, in-home tests.

  22. #7672

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    So you don't believe there are lots of asymptomatic people that have the virus but never get tested because they have no reason to believe they need to? Like me for instance? It was estimated at the beginning that 80% of cases are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic. I haven't seen anything dispute that. The CDC estimated as late as late July that lack of testing was causing many positives to be missed. I haven't seen anything from them changing that stance and I've searched. If you have something let me know where.
    very much this ... my parents just found out they are positive for Covid-19 ........ how you ask?? my father was going in for surgery and a covid test was required for them both a few days before. they would not have gotten a test other wise and had basically no symptoms.

  23. #7673

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by C_M_25 View Post
    I think people got twisted off on the specific number you threw out before. I don’t think that many people will argue that there are more people out there with covid than is showing in the numbers given the mildly asymptomatic community spread. The question is how much? Unfortunately, we may never know.

    What I find interesting is how China can test 3 million people in 2 days which amounts to all the citizens in a particular city. They are able to get that clearer picture of covid spread in their cities and put a stop to it. The US on the other hand, is clearly a cluster **** in regards to our testing. We will never get a clear picture of what’s going on until we can get some rapid, in-home tests.
    OK. I'll eat crow that I got a little carried away with the percentage. But it's absolutely certain that there are many more positives past and present than get included in the counts.

  24. #7674

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by C_M_25 View Post
    ... We will never get a clear picture of what’s going on until we can get some rapid, in-home tests.
    Even then, people will have to be willing to take the test, and that's not guaranteed for a large percentage of the population, most likely (and sadly).

  25. #7675

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by RustytheBailiff View Post

    Beloved deacon, teacher at Bishop McGuinness Catholic School dies due to COVID-19

    As a former student of Deacon Grover, this news hit hard. If you were to poll McGuinness graduates on who their favorite teacher was, he would easily be top 2. R.I.P.

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