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Thread: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

  1. #7001

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Why oh why are people always listening to some quack or Facebook conspiracy theorists or anyone with a Youtube account????

    This country has an entire crew of scientists that do this all day, every day, are not politically aligned and universally respected. They offer great, comprehensive data and clear advice.

    It's very simple: follow what THEY are saying and stop listening to a bunch of random people on the internet.

    The fact that people refuse to do this has caused our great and rich country to be way worse off than just about everywhere else, including a bunch of 3rd world places with a tiny fraction of our resources. And it's killing people, our economy and way of life in the process.
    Numbers don't like though. That video I posted is straight up facts and numbers. Are we way worse off than others? Last time i checked we were 9th in total deaths per capital. Actual numbers. Why can't people look at different points of view?

  2. #7002

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Numbers may not lie, but they can be used in poor contexts, spun maliciously, or interpreted by people who don't have the knowledge, training, or experience necessary to accurately interpret them.

    What Pete is saying is that there are people who have that training, knowledge, and experience necessary to interpret the numbers and provide guidance, without political spin as so many pundits and "content creators" do, that you should be paying attention to.

  3. #7003

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    This virus is more deadly no question about that. However it's kind of following the course of all other viruses. Are the test are too sensitive. Are the test picking up dead cells. People are still testing positive for months afterwards. Is it really cause they are still infected or are the test giving too many false positives? If the average hospital stay is only 5 days according to Mr Stitt today then why are the numbers not going up or down very much? Are 30 people leaving the hospital and 15 more coming in. 30 leave in 5 days 40 come in that seems odd to me. Could it be that there is a group that is sick and been in the hospital for a while? Are there any sites that give the total number of discharged vs the number of new people coming in?

    We had a casedemic with H1N1 also.
    1. Some people continue to test positive long after initial contraction but it doesn't mean they are still contagious. This is not new information.

    2. Governor Stitt has lied repeatedly; I would recommend taking literally anything he says with a grain of salt. We also know the color-coded county map that he had created is complete BS. He doesn't follow through on what he said he would and completely misstates facts or gaslights.

    3. We know that as time has gone on, hospitals have become better at treatment as they have learned more about how to deal with it. Magic bullet? Absolutely not, as our rising death rate affirms.

    4. Re: "Could it be there is a group that is sick and been in the hospital a while?" Yes, this has been discussed repeatedly. Also, remember that hospitalizations and deaths are lagging indicators. We should only now begin to start seeing the results of sending common and higher education students back to school.

    I think it is important also to recognize that the general benchmarks we are looking at are not necessarily transparent or consistent, such as hospitalizations. While I cannot prove it, it seems clear the state is trying to minimize reporting about outbreaks in schools (as they have admitted). I believe it is because they want to force schools to stay open (although I cannot prove that).

    There's really nothing groundbreaking here. The state is experiencing an escalated level of cases, starting about September 1. We should be seeing the hospitalization numbers tick up (if they are being transparently reported) starting next week, as has been the case EVERY TIME we have seen an uptick in new cases. There's nothing new that will have changed that.

  4. #7004

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)


    We are 11th in deaths per capita out of 215 countries with reported cases and have been steadily moving up that list and continue to do so. We lost 1,150 people yesterday alone and have way more deaths than anywhere else, now over 200,000 (!!) and counting.

    The scientific method -- which the CDC follows rigorously -- accounts for different points of view by peer-based evaluation and constant improvement of the data, theories and information.

    And when you go trolling around for 'different points of view' it's generally because you don't like the hard answers science is providing and thus latch on to the wide variety of craziness on the internet that reinforces what you want to believe.

    THAT is what has led this country to do such a horrible job in dealing with this mess in the first place.

  5. #7005

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    The number of people dying has gone up significantly, so this is a silly argument.
    Significantly based off of what? Not based off total number of cases. May 2,811 cases 112 deaths 4% July 22,695 cases 154 deaths .6%. August was bad and All deaths are bad but I wouldn't say we have had a huge jump based on cases. The more people you test the more cases you will find but of those cases that you are finding how many are shredding the virus? Are 1,000 people a day in Oklahoma getting sick testing positive and shredding the virus? Do you really believe that? If you do that is fine that is your view point. I don't think that is the case and that is my view point.

  6. #7006

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)


    Your point is that things aren't as bad as they may seem.

    How can that be true when large numbers of people are still dying more than 6 months into this?

    It's really that simple.

  7. #7007

  8. #7008

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    Significantly based off of what? Not based off total number of cases. May 2,811 cases 112 deaths 4% July 22,695 cases 154 deaths .6%. August was bad and All deaths are bad but I wouldn't say we have had a huge jump based on cases. The more people you test the more cases you will find but of those cases that you are finding how many are shredding the virus? Are 1,000 people a day in Oklahoma getting sick testing positive and shredding the virus? Do you really believe that? If you do that is fine that is your view point. I don't think that is the case and that is my view point.
    Dude, maybe you should take a break. You are ignoring information that has been common knowledge since this began. Namely, A F*CKTON of people carry this virus without symptoms.

    Your dubious argument seems to be that "we have more cases now why not more hospitalizations?" The answer is obvious: we are merely discovering more cases than before (although there are probably many more) and a lot of them are asymptomatic.

    You also ignore what Pete and others here are trying to help you understand: Hospitalizations are lagging indicators behind new cases. So, as a reminder, we began to see our total positives tick up around the first of the month. That means starting next week we should start seeing a corresponding uptick in hospitalizations.

    It is also likely that a lot of the new cases are schoolchildren, who don't end up often needing hospitalization. This is still bad because some of the complications this causes in children are damaging and scary, much else is unknown, and importantly these children will end up getting their family members sick, leading to more dire consequences.

    What we do know as of today are the following:

    1. Cases are going up. Not only numerically but our positivity rate remains elevated regardless of how many tests are conducted.

    2. More folks are dying.

    3. Hospitalizations and deaths are lagging indicators of new cases, so we should expect our hospitalizations and deaths to begin rising as early as next week.

  9. #7009

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	364C92D3-DD92-4B5B-B64B-76C072D88880.jpeg 
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ID:	16456 Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	16457In July, Aug and Sept the average lines for new cases and deaths almost match. There is no case to be made that new cases have gone way up and deaths have gone down.

  10. #7010

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Interesting chart from mayor holt comparing OKC to other major cities across the states:


  11. #7011

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    Your point is that things aren't as bad as they may seem.

    How can that be true when large numbers of people are still dying more than 6 months into this?

    It's really that simple.
    Many of the deaths are not directly from Covid. If someone goes in the Hosp for whatever reason and dies and they have a positive test it is marked as Covid. That is what some of the DRs are coming forth and saying.

    Now if you are listening to CNN and some other news media it's all Covid all the time. Yes it's bad but they have inflated the numbers IMO.

  12. #7012

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    Many of the deaths are not directly from Covid. If someone goes in the Hosp for whatever reason and dies and they have a positive test it is marked as Covid. That is what some of the DRs are coming forth and saying.

    Now if you are listening to CNN and some other news media it's all Covid all the time. Yes it's bad but they have inflated the numbers IMO.
    This is political crap and an attempt to deflect responsibility.

    There are plenty of reports that the number of Covid-related deaths is way under-reported.

  13. #7013

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post

    If this is true.
    It's not. Save this stuff for InfoWars

  14. #7014

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    This is political crap and an attempt to deflect responsibility.

    There are plenty of reports that the number of Covid-related deaths is way under-reported.
    I have no idea I am just passing on what some of the Docs are coming out saying. Could be BS or could be true but I doubt we will ever really know for sure. Everyone has an agenda and we know that the worst the Dems can make this look the better for them come election time.

  15. #7015

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    Many of the deaths are not directly from Covid. If someone goes in the Hosp for whatever reason and dies and they have a positive test it is marked as Covid. That is what some of the DRs are coming forth and saying.

    Now if you are listening to CNN and some other news media it's all Covid all the time. Yes it's bad but they have inflated the numbers IMO.
    Good chance people are getting Covid from the hospital. You get a deal! Free sample of covid with your staph infection.

    Either way, viruses don't hang out around a R value of 1 forever, infections either go up or down so a long period of flat hospital growth starts to raise eyebrows.

  16. #7016

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    I have no idea I am just passing on what some of the Docs are coming out saying. Could be BS or could be true but I doubt we will ever really know for sure. Everyone has an agenda and we know that the worst the Dems can make this look the better for them come election time.
    The CDC doesn't have an agenda.

    If you aren't listening to them, then you are the one with the agenda.

  17. #7017

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    I guess no one in Arkansas is actually following the statewide mask mandate they had since early summer?
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ArkansasVsOklahoma.JPG 
Views:	78 
Size:	129.8 KB 
ID:	16458

    Honest question. What is Arkansas mask compliance rate?

  18. #7018

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    I guess no one in Arkansas is actually following the statewide mask mandate they had since early summer?
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ArkansasVsOklahoma.JPG 
Views:	78 
Size:	129.8 KB 
ID:	16458

    Honest question. What is Arkansas mask compliance rate?
    Or they are merely doing about the same as Oklahoma, which is hit and miss and then not following the other recommendations. Masks are only part of the equation, after all.

    We all know compliance is based very strongly on political persuasion and Arkansas is very similar to Oklahoma in that respect.

  19. #7019

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    I guess no one in Arkansas is actually following the statewide mask mandate they had since early summer?
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ArkansasVsOklahoma.JPG 
Views:	78 
Size:	129.8 KB 
ID:	16458

    Honest question. What is Arkansas mask compliance rate?
    or they are having a casedemic.

  20. #7020
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    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    I guess no one in Arkansas is actually following the statewide mask mandate they had since early summer?
    Apparently not.

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Honest question. What is Arkansas mask compliance rate?
    We'll never know that because it's not enforced. You can't come up with a rate of compliance for a statute if no one is keeping track of infractions. I guess you can guess at it. To do that, you might start with that graph.

  21. #7021

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    or they are having a casedemic.
    That may be true for other places(Europe for example), butI don't think its currently true for Oklahoma until deaths start falling anyway.

    Ironically, Oklahoma is having better luck at "flattening the curve" but only because of lower population density.

    The same states and countries that are saw the greatest declines also had the greatest outbreaks when adjusted for population. Sweden is the most famous example of this.

  22. #7022

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    or they are having a casedemic.
    The graph and your casademic video don’t correlate at all. Please stop!

  23. #7023

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Ironically, Oklahoma is having better luck at "flattening the curve" but only because of lower population density.
    In no way has Oklahoma flattened the curve, unless you want to count maintaining all-time highs for extended periods.

  24. #7024

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCretro View Post
    the problem with the masks, and let me preface with that I wear one all the time in public when i am around people.

    the 1st 2 months of this thing, the CDC and Fauci said that make didnt work against the virus, so no point in wearing them.

    then the next 5 months we were told that a person should wear a masks to save other people. The other persons mask was to protect you from getting the virus.

    Yesterday the CDC director said the mask will protect the wearer better than a vaccine?? I thought the mask was to prevent other people from getting your droplets and not for your own protection?

    Its getting confusing......
    First, your timeline is off. It did not take two month for officials to start encouraging masks. Maybe officially, but they recommended it earlier than two months (if we're considering March the real beginning of community spread). Second, if you follow good sources then you would have known much earlier. I posted this Zeynep Tufekci article (Why Telling People They Don’t Need Masks Backfired) in this thread on March 17th. A big point she makes—and you made—is that is was irresponsible to tell people not to wear masks. Third, people need to understand that some of the science is emerging. Just because you hear something different later, doesn't mean we should throw our hands in the air. We need more scientific literacy as most people don't seem to understand how research works. We are increasingly learning that masks also benefit the wearer.

  25. #7025

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    I have no idea I am just passing on what some of the Docs are coming out saying. Could be BS or could be true but I doubt we will ever really know for sure. Everyone has an agenda and we know that the worst the Dems can make this look the better for them come election time.
    This is how brainwashed citizens in authoritarian countries talk. They just throw their hands up and say, it's impossible to know truth, why try?

    Actually, it's really not that hard to understand scientific information. I have felt really well informed during the entire pandemic. There's so much thoughtful and helpful reporting out there.

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