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Thread: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

  1. #6726

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    Yes no issues at Whole Foods for the same reason.
    . . .also Sprouts @63rd/May

  2. #6727

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    And this is why we find ourselves in this outrageous situation. It’s not just the masks in stores. That is an indicator. It indicates the blatant disregard for the virus. If this country and state had competent and consistent leadership we would be in a better place to deal with this.
    it’s less of a leadership issue and more of a “Rugged American Exceptionalism” issue. Mandates are in place, after all.

  3. #6728
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    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by rwalker View Post
    it’s less of a leadership issue and more of a “Rugged American Exceptionalism” issue. Mandates are in place, after all.
    It is rugged Armerican ignorance issue following agenda driven persons in positions of power and influence. There’s nothing exceptional about being careless , ignorant and undisciplined. Maybe it’s just Rugged American Arrogance.

  4. #6729

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by rwalker View Post
    it’s less of a leadership issue and more of a “Rugged American Exceptionalism” issue. Mandates are in place, after all.
    If back in April (or even May) we had had clear leadership on masks, massive campaigns and propaganda supporting mask wearing, and our top leaders always wearing masks, we'd have had a much higher compliance rate and we'd probably be in a much better position overall. I agree that there is a inately American resistance to mandates and sacrifice, but I believe it's not insurmountable. But there hasn't really been an attempt. Saying "oh well, I support masks, I guess" isn't really leadership. And with so many leaders seeming to be afraid to be photographed wearing a mask it's no wonder were still debating masks this far in.

  5. #6730

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Yep on a google group that I belong to, and yes they are still around, people are still arguing that masks do not good and are harmfull. Of course they are saying that covid 19 is not that bad and most of the people dying are really dying of other chronic health issues. ugh.

  6. #6731

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    613 new cases today; 7-day rolling average is 784.

    No additional reported deaths.

  7. #6732

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    So tomorrow will be the first set of numbers with the new methodology?

  8. #6733
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    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    I heard a an older guy just yesterday tell a worker at oncue that if God intended us to wear masks we would have been born with one.
    Was he wearing shoes?

  9. #6734

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Do we have any locations that are using the new saliva rapid tests?

  10. #6735

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Is the Jeff Dunham Tour still scheduled for the Peak on Oct 1st? I haven't see anything saying it's cancelled. Will this be the first big event at the Peak since all this started?

  11. #6736

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    Is the Jeff Dunham Tour still scheduled for the Peak on Oct 1st? I haven't see anything saying it's cancelled. Will this be the first big event at the Peak since all this started?
    I haven’t seen anything about cancellation of this either. I wouldn’t be comfortable going under any circumstances but I have no problem with those who do go if they take proper precautions. We’ve seen him twice and under normal circumstances we’d be going to this one. He is hilarious!!!!! “Silence!!!!!.........I keeeeelll you!!!!!”

  12. #6737

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    I haven’t seen anything about cancellation of this either. I wouldn’t be comfortable going under any circumstances but I have no problem with those who do go if they take proper precautions. We’ve seen him twice and under north circumstances we’d be going to this one. He is hilarious!!!!! “Silence!!!!!.........I keeeeelll you!!!!!”
    I have tickets and kind of feel the same way. If they opened it up for General Admission and let people sit where ever they wanted so they could social distance then I would think about going. Not saying they check tickets that closely but only the lower and club will be open.

  13. #6738

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Westhaven nursing home in Stillwater dealing with COVID-19 outbreak.

  14. #6739

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Went to Lowe's today on May/36th and it was the worst compliance I've seen anywhere in weeks. I probably saw at least 10 people with no masks at all, and more with gaiters or masks completely below their noses. All this despite a sign claiming masks are required on the door. What a joke. Funny how many kids I saw wearing masks just fine but it's apparently too much of a commitment for many grown men. I got out of there as quickly as I could....

  15. #6740

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Westhaven nursing home in Stillwater dealing with COVID-19 outbreak.
    Is it wise to pull your loved one out of a nursing home if you are able to work from home? I am not in this situation, but there are people 20 years older than me who are in this situation. Are you keeping your loved one in a home or are you bringing them home to care for them and why?

    I asked because I want to be prepared to give sound advice to friends or family if this topic comes up as we head into the fall.

  16. #6741

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by HHE View Post
    Is it wise to pull your loved one out of a nursing home if you are able to work from home? I am not in this situation, but there are people 20 years older than me who are in this situation. Are you keeping your loved one in a home or are you bringing them home to care for them and why?

    I asked because I want to be prepared to give sound advice to friends or family if this topic comes up as we head into the fall.
    Probably depends if a family has the time or resources to take care of a loved one that gets pulled out of a nursing home.

    I personally believe the nursing home outbreaks are occurring because of this little known fact below. Everyone knows about a certain medical conditions that is pretty common in LTC facilities so you don't really have to use too much of your imagination why its a big problem that covid lasts for a long time in gut. I wouldn't use public restrooms right now for the same reason.


  17. #6742

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    833 new cases today; 808 7-day rolling average.

    1 additional death.

  18. #6743

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    One question I have is the reporting requirements, I’ll need to talk to OKCCHD about this. So far we have not reported any positives from rapid tests to the State, since they previously told us that they weren’t counted and didn’t need to be reported.

  19. #6744

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    What sensitive rate is Oklahoma using on testing. I saw the new york times story saying that most states use 37% or 40% sensitive where only 30% is needed and we are detecting people that might even only have a small amount of the virus in their system.

  20. #6745

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by jdizzle View Post
    What is your solution to college, just shut down until a vaccine? Go fully online, which doesn't benefit everyone (for a MULTITUDE of reasons).
    Hi. College professor here. All my classes have been moved online and it's going well. There are challenges to online learning, but there are also benefits. Moving classes online has definitely been the best approach as it reduces anxiety, provides clarity (no bouncing back and forth between in-person and online depending on situation), and protects our community.

  21. #6746

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    Hi. College professor here. All my classes have been moved online and it's going well. There are challenges to online learning, but there are also benefits. Moving classes online has definitely been the best approach.
    I have a niece that is in her second year of teaching grade school. They gave students/parents a choice and around 80% went for online learning. My niece got picked to be her grades online teacher. She’s very smart and talented so I think she was a good choice. But she says it’s a lot more work than in person.

  22. #6747

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    No question that teaching college courses online is easier than doing so in K-12, especially the younger grades. Props to all the teachers out there. It's been really hard on them. Online learning can require so much more labor.

  23. #6748

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    I wonder if the community colleges saw a surge enrollment from all this. Not sure why anyone would fork over the money for their core classes online when you can get comparable education somewhere else for far cheaper.

  24. #6749

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    I wonder if the community colleges saw a surge enrollment from all this. Not sure why anyone would fork over the money for their core classes online when you can get comparable education somewhere else for far cheaper.
    I work at a community college. We are down 5-6% in enrollment compared to last fall. It was looking pretty bleak earlier in the summer, when we were thinking we'd be down 25% or so. I think having the option to be completely online sold it for a lot of students.

  25. #6750

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Figured I would post some final updates before the counting methodologies change with tomorrow's update. Given the state's prior history with "technology", I am not expecting it to go smoothly.

    Month Totals
    Cases totals still estimated to be the highest month, but of course the month is still young. I have a feeling the deaths are a bit low over the past few days due to the holiday weekend. The lower deaths over the past few days has brought the deaths/day for September down significantly:

    Average Trends
    Average 7-day deaths have fallen ~40% from the recent peaks on August 30th. Certainly a good sign, but I wouldn't be surprised if we see the average come up as any holiday weekend backlogs get cleared out. The 7 day case average still shows a slow march upward - off the recent low of 645 back on Aug 19th to 808 today.

    Not a ton of new info here - we still see the 7 day leading the 14 day leading the 21 day. IMHO a bad sign and not where we want to be headed.

    Rolling 14-day new case totals are flirting with breaking 11,000 again, while total 14-day deaths have fallen well below recent peaks: from 142 on Aug 28 to 110 as of Sept 8.

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