Quote Originally Posted by SouthSide View Post
I feel a bit silly asking this but is the trail system just the standard city concrete sidewalks and on-street bike lanes? I was considering seeking out the trail system since my neighborhood is mostly one block cul-de-sacs. I guess i pictured something more scenic.
Oh no! Get on the OKC govt web site and go to the page with the trails map. There’s miles and miles of trails that are specific for bikes\runners\walkers that almost never are part of a sidewalk or street. There are a few spots that it wasn’t feasible to completely separate the trails from streets but very few. The trails were\are a great effort between the city and user groups like the Oklahoma Bicycle Society. I put in many hours myself as a representative of the OBS in planning and design meetings so I’m very proud of the trail system. Hal McKnight, the owner or now maybe former owner of Wheeler Dealer Bicycles was also a driving force behind the trail system development.