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Thread: LifeChurchTV

  1. #601

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    They tape from the main OKC campus on NW 178th and Penn. You can catch him live usually on Saturdays at 5:30pm or on Sundays at the 11:30am services. He's not always there though, some of them he tapes before the service if he has to go out of town or whatnot. This coming weekend is the last of the "At the movies" series so I'm not sure he will be there. There is a brand new series starting next weekend so he should be there then (august 11th and 12th)

  2. #602

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    Also, if the senior pastor Craig Grochel doesn't do the teaching, sometimes another campus or associate campus pastor or the occassional invited pastor/guest will do a sermon or teaching. The live tapings are always done from the main OKC campus at NW 178th (2nd in Edmond) and Penn regardless of who is doing the preaching.

  3. #603

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    metro, i couldn't remember the name of the new series...do you remember what it is?

  4. #604

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    30 days to live. also to answer your question from another thread, they did comment/announce and email about the Greensburg, Kansas tornado mission trip as well as the one in the western part of the OKC metro. I'll see if I still have those old emails. Since they do a weekly update email, I usually delete the old ones.

  5. #605

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    kmf, I found the email about the mission trip to west okc. I'll post it below. I'm pretty sure I deleted the one about the Greensburg, KS tornado mission trips since I get at least one church email a week, I usually delete them to keep my inbox clean. If I find it, I'll post it for you.

    Last week several homes along Morgan Road were heavily damaged due to the tornado that touched down. One neighbor’s home lost a roof and another had his barn completely leveled. Both homes have debris scattered all over their property.

    What if people from NW OKC LifeChurch.tv showed up on Monday afternoon with a group of 50 plus people and just started filling trash bags and piling debris to help the owners clean up. What if during that time some prayed with the owners, spoke a work of encouragement, or brought a meal? What if God’s love for them was shown in simple acts of kindness? Would you want to see how God would change their lives and even that neighborhood? I would!

    I spoke today to John, the man whose barn was destroyed, walked his property with him and asked him if we could come. He was nearly speechless…when he did speak it was “Yes! That would be great!”

    The NW OKC staff will be there! Won’t you talk with your group tonight or call them tomorrow and join us. If you want to come please call me at $@#-#@#$.

    Directions and Details: THIS IS TOMORROW NIGHT, MONDAY, APRIL 2, 2007

    Location: From NW Campus take NW Expressway West go under the Kilpatrick Turnpike Bridge and continue on NW Expressway a short distance to the next light which is Morgan Road. Turn right and go North. cross NW 122nd (no sign, but only crossroad) until you see the home with no roof. Park next door at !@#$%Morgan Road.

    Time: Meet at the residence (see map below) beginning at 4:30 p.m. we will work until dark (around 7:30 p.m.)

    What to bring: work gloves, yard trash bags, rakes, shovels, and wheelbarrows (if you have them)…bring your kids but you will need to have them under supervision since it is messy. We will provide the water!

    The news was there to cover the damage, let’s be the one’s to clean up the mess. Whoever finds God finds life!

    Jim Meldrim
    NW OKC LifeGroups and Missions Pastor
    Last edited by metro; 08-07-2007 at 04:58 PM. Reason: removed phone number and address to respect privacy

  6. #606

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    ahhh, I didn't get that email because I don't go to the NW campus. I go to the main campus. We never received anything like that. But I'm glad to hear that campus gets involved with helping the community. I know our campus does things with Habitat for Humanity about once a month or so, but that's the only thing I know of. Thanks for sharing!

  7. #607

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    if you go to the main campus, your campus does more than any other campus, they have weekly projects usually with the Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity, New Orleans relief, and of course the church's Mercy Ministries (daily near downtown OKC feeding the homeless, educating them, giving them clothes and household items, praying for and helping them) and many other projects on top of the out of state and out of country missions projects.

    my campus (NW) has also adopted Tulakes elementary which has the highest number of kids coming and going in the entire state. It also is a high poverty school. We had sign up sheets to purchase all 600 students of the school's school supplies for this year as well as we bought them all new backpacks. we're going to deliver them next week. I hope it will make their day and help their parents out financially and spiritually.

  8. #608

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    kmf and anyone else interested, I found out yesterday that lifechurch.tv (all metro area campuses) will be doing a giant micro-mission in downtown OKC on Sept. 15th. It will be geared towards working with the homeless as well as low-income people who ride the Metro Transit busses. Right now, I don't know much more about it but I'm told we'll be hearing alot more information about it. They are expecting about 3,000 in attendance I believe.

  9. #609

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    Lots of interesting talk about LifeChurch here - almost all good.

    In 1980, David B. Barrett, writing in the Dictionary of Christianity in America identified 20,800 Christian denominations worldwide . At that time, he classified Protestant denominations into seven major blocs and 156 ecclesiastical traditions. That number has since been estimated upwards of 30,000. My question? Which one of these (Life Church, Crossings and others among them) is THE true church - the one Matthew referred to in his Gospel, Chapter 16, Verse 18: "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it"?

  10. #610

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    Quote Originally Posted by bwana_bob View Post
    Which one of these (Life Church, Crossings and others among them) is THE true church - the one Matthew referred to in his Gospel, Chapter 16, Verse 18: "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it"?
    Or what was later modeled in the book of Acts and the other letters to the churches.

  11. Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    I see LifeChurch now has a facebook application.

  12. #612

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    Yeah, I read about that on Craig's blog. They are also working on an iPhone interface as well as an interactive online bible called YouVersion.

    The homeless mission project was postponed due to some holdups with the city in obtaining permits, etc. however from the church bulletin I read that they are working with city leaders and the Homeless Alliance in obtaining necessary permits and such to make it an even better event. I'll post something when I hear more.

    kmf did you attend the OKC vision meeting at the OKC campus last Thursday night? It was excellent. Pastor Chris Spradlin and Craig talked about the vision for the OKC campus as well as the church as a whole. Awesome stuff. They not only talked about where the church is headed, new campuses (including international ones), but also about the hundreds and thousands of churches who use our free content each week as well as the churches it is inspiring to start giving away their content away for free.

  13. #613

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    No, I planned on attending but I have a pre-teen son. Need I say more?? haha. He came home with one of those "mom, I have a project due tomorrow things." So yeah, I missed the meeting. But I wondered how it went and also about this weekend. Let us know if you hear when the mission is re-scheduled for. I need to go online and find a new lifegroup also. Mine has switched nights and I am unable to attend.

  14. #614

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    Church purchases former Dillard's building in Midwest City
    By Pamela Grady - 12/4/2007
    OKC Business

    Edmond-based Life Covenant Church Inc. purchased the former Dillard’s building at Heritage Park Mall in Midwest City from Oklahoma City-based Midland Capital LLC and CMSM LLC for $1.5 million.

    The one-story 99,828-square-foot building sits on 8.13 acres with 400 parking spaces.

    Fred Mazaheri, with Midland Capital LLC said the property has been vacant since big-box retailer Dillard’s moved out in mid-2006 and said he hopes to see new activity at the mall as a result of the Dillard’s building being purchased.

    “In a struggling mall, Life Church will bring some life and a user to real estate that might have sat vacant for quite some time,” Mark Inman said.

    Moving forward, whether the church plans to leave the inside mall opening to the Dillard’s building open or not is still up in the air.

    “It’ll be more of a function on how the church elects to use the building,” Louis Almaraz said. “I don’t know if the opening (to the inside of the mall) that’s there will be used or closed off.”

    Almaraz adds anything that brings activity to the mall will only benefit the mall, he said.

    “The mall -- through our efforts -- is still trying to find junior anchors to solidify the mall,” Almaraz explained. “Leasing is still on going and Christmas sales, I understand, are good. It is still a viable mall, the dynamics and the use of certain parts of it may change during a certain time, but I think the church will enhance those activities.”

    Heritage Park Mall Property Manager Sharon Banta, who works for mall owner Heritage Park LLC-based out of California, had not yet been notified of the sale since the Dillard’s building is owned by a separate entity, but she said she’s glad to hear the property has been sold since the mall’s occupancy was at 60 percent at time of sale.

    Mark Inman with CB Richard Ellis/Oklahoma and Louis and Michael Almaraz of Grubb & Ellis|Levy Beffort handled the sale. Kimberleigh Toci with First American Title & Trust out of San Francisco handled the closing and Bank of the West handled the financing.

  15. #615

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV


  16. #616

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    Don't worry Mid, lifechurch.tv Europe is coming soon, seriously!

  17. #617

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    Oh wow.

  18. Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    Were several pages of this thread deleted??

  19. Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    No, not that I know of. If you are looking for the thread that was up yesterday... search Life Church - it's all there.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  20. #620

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    i don't know of anything deleted, either. -M

  21. Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    Oh sorry I'm getting confused with the other thread in which the LC debate is raging.

  22. Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    Join the club.. I'm in a constant state of confusion, lol... (but I knew you probably got the two confused). If you search Life Church, it's the second one you'll come to.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  23. #623

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    kmf, I'm posting this for you. Here is a link to Craig and Bobby's blog. Aranda played for the church leadership (all campuses) this last week.

    Thursday at the December Event at LifeChurch.tv : swerve

  24. #624

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    Yeah, Dameon told me they were doing that again. They played last year also.

    Last weekend he and Bruss lead worship at the main campus. It wasn't as bold and bright as they historically have been...but it was still the two of them together again and it was nice to see Bruss's big happy smile.

    Dameon said he played switch on the southside last week also, not sure who else was there with him.

    I'm getting excited about the Christmas worship weekend! It's always something memorable. Last year the main campus had a couple of kids join with their snares and they did an amazing performance of The Little Drummer Boy. Stephen cole even banged a couple of drums. They were everywhere! And Craig always gives such a heartfelt sermon. I love it.

  25. #625

    Default Re: LifeChurchTV

    Agreed, while our church doesn't do the big Christmas productions or plays, it is always warm and sincere and to the point. The Little Drummer Boy last year was awesome, it reminded me of the blue man group or Stomp.

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