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Thread: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

  1. Default Re: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

    What about blonde jokes, lawyer jokes, priest jokes, children jokes, pet jokes, funny home videos? Do you find any of those funny?

    This isn't a racist issue.. it's a play on words referring to someone mowing a lawn .. sheesh, there's no shame in yardwork/landscaping. It so happens that a large portion of Hispanic people choose to mow lawns .... what's racist about that?

    I'm the first one to abhor racism but I didn't find this comment offensive at all ..
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. Default Re: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

    that's screwed up... which is why i want to move from racist oklahoma even more.
    Last edited by Karried; 09-15-2007 at 08:19 AM.

  3. Default Re: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

    I'm from California.

    I will admit to a racism here in OK but it exists everywhere. Take a look at any newspaper or talk forum. It's everywhere.

    What I'm not understanding about this comment is why people are taking it as a racial slur.

    Should Caucasians or other nationalities be ashamed of owning a landscaping business? or mowing a lawn? That's what I'm not understanding.. what's wrong with mowing lawns?

    There is a great feeling of satisfaction in a job well done whether it be landscaping or closing a big deal.. hard work is never anything to look down upon.

    That's what I don't get about this comment. It didn't seem like it was derogatory but maybe I just didn't see it that way because I don't think anything is wrong with working hard and earning money instead of sitting home earning unemployment - now that would have been a slur in my mind.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #29
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

    High-lighting our differences in a light hearted, joking manner is not racism. There was nothing demeaning or hateful in that joke. No one really believes that all (or even most) latinos are lawn mowers.

    Some people are just hyper-sensitive to perceived racism and tend to blame others for their own misconceptions and automatically scream out "OMG - Rasicm" without thoughtful consideration of the situation. This is the world we live in - one where a person can make a movie titled "White Men Can't Jump" and nobody bats an eye, but a harmless play on words concerning a non-white person gets you ostracized. Where a large number of hip-hop artists use the universally disgusting "N-word" in their songs, but if it's used by someone not of their own race, that person (rightfully) receives condemnation from the black community.

    Any modern, intelligent person knows that people are basically all the same, but there are differences in our mannerisms and values and a wide variety of other things and this can be a basis for humor (similar in the basis for blond-brunette jokes). It's not hate, it's humor. If you can't understand or don't agree with that then you are indeed hypersensitive and thin-skinned.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

    Its amazing how XXXXX and self absorbed both of you are.

    Have either of you stopped to think that some members of this board might not be white and/or offended by the 'joke'?

    Numerous people have said thay they were offended and then you both waste a paragraph on trying to tell them what they should find offensive or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cid View Post

    By the way, is making fun of latinos like the new fun racist thing to do?
    Quote Originally Posted by Jesseda View Post
    I guess it is, I am half latino, and what was sad is my dad is full and they live in a upscale area, and when he is out mowing his lawn once a month someone will pull up and ask for his business card or phone number.
    Quote Originally Posted by rugbybrado View Post
    ^ im an ass, but i didnt comment on the juan mower joke because it wasnt funny.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cid View Post
    The thing is, you don't know me. That is especially why I find the juanmower joke offensive. I'm NOT just like you. I don't rub elbows with you. I'm not your buddy. You may tell your racist jokes with your friends and family. That's between you and them. I'm not your friends. I'm not your family. Keep your racist jokes to yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tex View Post
    that's screwed up... which is why i want to move from racist oklahoma even more.
    Last edited by rugbybrado; 09-15-2007 at 03:41 PM. Reason: recieved TOS violation for using the word 'racist', but racist jokes that offend members are fine - my apologys

  6. #31
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

    I (and many others) find you offensive, but don't whine about it. Perhaps you should stop posting to keep from offending us? Do you really have that much difficulty posting something without calling names? I would think that your huge nearly-MBA brain would allow you to understand the rules and abide by them.
    Last edited by MadMonk; 09-15-2007 at 09:15 PM. Reason: Removed juvenile name-calling item from my post as I'm not 8 years old.

  7. Default Re: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

    if anything i thought the funny thing was that the orignal poster would actually consider it smart to hire someone for the rest of summer instead of buying a new mower. im never surprised at how lazy and fat the majority of americans have become.

    That is pretty offensive.

    Seems like someone is prejudiced against overweight people.

    A lot of overweight people have thyroid problems or other issues that affect their weight - they are not all lazy. Some might find that offensive.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. #33

    Default Re: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

    I wasnt calling either of you names, as i said earlier i was just making an observation. As you both know im not even hispanic but myself and other members have repeated numerous times how we were offended, but you both go on and on about how we are being to sensitve and thinned skin and then try to lecture us why we shouldnt be offended. I didnt even mention the joke at first because it was stupid, but when other people started objecting the offensive thing was when you guys went on and on trying to tell everyone what they should find offensive or not. Youre not them and you cant dictate to someone what they should find offensive when it comes to racial humor.

    Everyone knows im 25 and i get called childish but how old are both of you again?

    But im am man enough to apologize, if i offended you by pointing out how more and more americans are becoming obese and lazy - i apologize to you and your family. I will not make any more comments about fat or overweight people on this board because i respect that it might be unsensitive and hurtful to you. I only wish you guys could do the same.

  9. Default Re: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

    Apology accepted.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  10. #35

    Default Re: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

    So did Rugby get banned for this? Whatever I guess. I guess I have to back him up. More than one person found this post racist. But since the mod's didn't see it as racist, the guy who calls them out gets banned. I guess I am beating a dead horse here though...

  11. Default Re: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

    I have to wonder why he got banned as well. I thought the joke was in bad taste too. Rugby may not have been a popular poster and was outspoken but I saw nothing "ban" worthy from him. Surely people here aren't banned just because others don't like their opinions.

  12. Default Re: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

    So did Rugby get banned for this?
    No, not for this.

    It was a temporary break. He is welcome to come back in a few days if he chooses.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  13. Default Re: Lawnmower Died - Cheap Mowing Service?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    What about blonde jokes, lawyer jokes, priest jokes, children jokes, pet jokes, funny home videos? Do you find any of those funny?

    This isn't a racist issue.. it's a play on words referring to someone mowing a lawn .. sheesh, there's no shame in yardwork/landscaping. It so happens that a large portion of Hispanic people choose to mow lawns .... what's racist about that?

    I'm the first one to abhor racism but I didn't find this comment offensive at all ..
    No jokes are funny unless I tell them.

    Watch this:

    What's green and skates on ice?

    Peggy Flem.

    See? Admit it. You laughed.

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