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Thread: Free $5 WalMart Gift Card - SERIOUSLY

  1. Default Free $5 WalMart Gift Card - SERIOUSLY

    Because I'm a giver, I thought I'd share this with you guys.

    People.com is giving a free $5 Walmart gift card if you answer a 4-question survey. first 5000 respondents only.

    answers are; Runway, Joey, The Queen, The Departed.

    Link - http://www.people.com/people/static/...ive/index.html

    It's the center circled image.

    NOTE: You are basically getting the $5 gift card (may take up to 6 weeks) in exchange for your email address. If I were you, I'd set up a spam email address on gmail or something, because you are going to be put on spam lists.

    I have one that we always use when signing up for stuff, that way our REAL email doesn't get spammed.

    It's only $5, but our whole family did it and we will have about $25 to blow.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Free $5 WalMart Gift Card - SERIOUSLY

    i better get this 5 dollar gift card

  3. Default Re: Free $5 WalMart Gift Card - SERIOUSLY

    wow, that's pretty cool!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #4

    Default Re: Free $5 WalMart Gift Card - SERIOUSLY

    very cool indeed - thanks, bailjumper!

  5. #5

    Default Free $5 WalMart Gift Card - SERIOUSLY

    Thank you, Bail. Nice!

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