Re: Oklahoma City, In the Press
It does appear that MSM seeks out these idiots to further the label of OKC being ultri-conservative. OKC has had numerous progressive events lately that have been well attended (and behaved) but NOT ONE mention on nightly news or whatever while they continually show violence in other cities as progressive. I was so hopeful to see some OKC action on national news so the country/world can see OKC's mozaic and how "we" do things regarding protests - not a peep.
It is time for the MSM to give OKC another look and at least have balance. Not everyone in OKC are ultra-conservative hicks NOR ultra-liberal communists, OKC is quite moderate yet tends to avoid violence - THIS city hsould be promoted more in the media and not the constant violence and riots of other less (yet get protrayed as more) diverse cities.
Even ESPN didn't give OKC much during the OKC-UTAH game. I was thinking/hoping they'd show OKC's BLM area and perhaps some of what OKC is doing. Not a peep and I only saw ONE OKC skyline image in the 3rd qu (to be fair I missed the 1st half but they seemed consistent to just show the orlando arena at breaks - which is NOT a good sight imo).
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!