Bryce Vann (the oldest of five brothers) was a year younger than me and was the first black kid to letter in a sport at PC. He graduated in 1979; the school was founded in 1919.
It's unbelievable to think about now. When I was in grade school, it was still a felony to marry outside your race in Oklahoma and all the southern states. That was true until the supreme court *forced* those laws to change; it's not like there was any drive in Oklahoma to remove that horrific law. And people don't change their minds after decades of firmly held belief just because the federal government forces you to stop persecuting people.
I also remember racial jokes were very common in school and among my friends. When I got to OU, the only black kids in my classes were athletes. All the fraternities -- including my own -- were completely segregated. Our house mother only called blacks by the n-word and nobody corrected her.
This is the environment in which almost everyone over 50 in the U.S. grew up. Even among the evolved and open-minded, that old way of thinking gets into your subconscious and comes out in a million different ways.
I know this because of my own odd reflex reactions to the LGBTQ community. I grew up when being gay was absolutely never discussed; teachers would be fired, young people beaten, sons and daughters completely disowned by their families. I literally never even saw homosexuality until well into my adult life and even then it was still quite hidden. So, when I moved to California and gay marriage was made legal, intellectually I was thrilled and extremely supportive. Yet, I've been to gay weddings and felt uncomfortable. I hate that the whole thing still *feels* somehow 'wrong' to me, no matter how much my brain thinks the complete opposite.
And because of the baby boom and because medical science has made huge strides, there are a disproportionate number of people over 55 in this country right now and a good many of them were raised in a very different time (and passed on their views to the next generation) and their fear of 'others' and change is being exploited to hold this country back.
Change, in fact, is almost a universally positive and healthy process. We know more, we learn, we grow, we evolve. Yet, it can be scary especially to those of a certain age who are threatened by the new and unfamiliar. As a result, there is great political currency in forwarding ridiculous ideas that appeal to this age group and the uneducated. And thus they are constantly being fed this conspiracy nonsense by the 24/7 news cycle and social media. How else can you possibly explain the absurd idea that masks are somehow a control mechanism of the government rather than the modern-day all-for-the-greater-good equivalent of rationing and buying war bonds??