Are you sure about the 40,000 students? The last 10-15 year plan I read about for the Norman Campus was what I explained before. And I am not the only who read that. Someone else told me about it first and then I ended up finding the same story. The goal for OU was to add the weather center and a few other buildings out there. It said they planned on opening a 4-year university in Tulsa for their overruns, like UT has all over Texas. It said the Norman campus was going to stay very elite, hence the rising ACT scores, a 25 or 26 now to get in. From what I read, their plans were NOT to expand the campus and add more students...they want quality not quantity. The person who told me that they were not going to expand their enrollment at all was my OU adivisor that came to my high school to speak to all the interested seniors. So unless all this has changed in the last month or so, then OU is telling two different stories!