Tulsa going with a mask requirement as soon as Wednesday, Holt just tweeted that there's a meeting on Thursday to discuss a similar measure in OKC
Just to be clear though, even going non profit it doesn't mean hospitals would just staff tons of unnecessary people sitting around waiting for a major health event. Even fire departments staff based on typical projection of needs; not based on responding to a 9/11 level disaster. So yeah, they'll have people sitting around being paid to polish, but that's still just a specific number of people that are on shift at that moment. Efficiency still will matter.
Holt issued all types of unilateral edicts regarding the Covid-19 situation (complete shutdown and reopening of businesses, curfews) but is now passing the buck to City Council on the mask issue claiming he is only "1 vote of 9". Certainly his prerogative but a purely political move to deflect heat regardless of what is decided.
It can get a lot worse. It's 33% in AZ. NY peaked at 50%.
Yes, agreed, but the just-in-time model and what we're doing is not working. Read a story a few days ago about how hospitals keep soooooooooooooooo much secret WRT how much procedures cost for this insurance company, that insurance company, this hospital, that one, uninsured, ad nauseum that it's clear it's working for nobody except the insurance companies and hospital conglomerates. Here it is, horrible to read, but worth it.
One of the good guys as long as he agrees with you? If he veers off your holy path at all, he loses your respect? I think he has done well. He knows businesses can't afford to close again, as much as this board wants them to. He also knows hastily enacting a mask mandates will get recall petitions against him, like in Norman. Just my opinion.
The controversy over mandatory mask wear is the height of ridiculousness. It's been a lot worse assault upon personal freedom and enjoyment when this all started. Thunder couldn't play any more. The Cher concert and all other concerts were canceled. Bars, restaurants, movie theaters and unessential businesses were shut down by the government. People couldn't make a living. The government compounded things by being unable to process the onslaught of unemployment claims. Yet, after all of that some people want to stir the pot over being required to wear a mask? May God help us.
So folks, please wear a mask when in public. Surely you and I don't want to return to another period of closed businesses and further lasting uncertainty as to when games and concerts can restart. If things don't improve by mid August, it may be doubtful that schools and colleges can safely resume classes in person.
Anybody that doesn't mandate masks in the current environment such as the one OKC is currently experiencing and passes the buck is not a good guy, he's shown his colors. This is/was a test and he's failed. As Pete said, he's passed down unilateral mandates before, but then just went "Eh, not my problem, talk to the horseshoe".
Ya kind of felt like Holt is taking the plan on not stating his opinion so if it goes bad either way he can say well I was just one vote! Pretty lame leadership from Holt.
He could take a page from the Tulsa playbook and say " if Dr. Dart (McGough for OKC) says we need to do item x (masks, public hand washing stations, free testing) due to a public health emergency, and I am going to follow the advice of experts".
Note this tactic works best when your public health experts are, in fact, scientists.
Yep. Is he just hoping that Cooper, Hamon, Nice, and a stray other council member help seal the deal? I don't understand the logic of taking the dramatic action of shutting everything down and banning gatherings, etc. early on in the pandemic (granted everywhere was), only to weasel out of having to make a simple decision on the one way that we could more safely reopen for all as we accumulate 6-8X the number of cases per day than when he'd taken the drastic action....
From https://twitter.com/Hi_Dr_Nick in response to Holt's "I'm only one vote of 9" tweet:
Also from https://twitter.com/Hi_Dr_Nick:
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