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the problem is that in some cases the broken part is the Union, and the only way to fix that broken part is to completely disband the current police force. Go look at Camden NJ before the got rid of the unionized police force, it cost them $182,168 per office, but Officers were only paid an average of around 62,000. after getting rid of the union, the reason they were able to bring most of the police officers back to their newly created department was because the cost per officer dropped to 99,605 and the average officer pay went from 62,000 to just above 80,000 (the rest is training, insurance, etc.) Police Unions have created a system where police are more expensive than they need to be, because of the bureaucracy that is the Union, also the Unions have in some places created a culture where it is impossible to get rid of a bad officer, and good officers are discouraged from reporting bad officers.