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Thread: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

  1. #4001

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)


    The guidelines issued by the white house and followed by Stitt for reopening specifically said this:

    Downward trajectory of documented cases within a 14-day period
    Downward trajectory of positive tests as a percent of total tests within a 14-day period (flat or increasing volume of tests)

    Treat all patients without crisis care
    Robust testing program in place for at-risk healthcare workers, including emerging antibody testing

    Downward trajectory of influenza-like illnesses (ILI) reported within a 14-day period
    Downward trajectory of covid-like syndromic cases reported within a 14-day period

    So, we can discuss this all we want, but people are already forgetting and ignoring the standards set by the feds and state.

    And there are a million points of gradiation between where we are now and complete lock-down.

  2. #4002

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    But why wait until hospital start to get full? Then what oh they are now full so we have to close everything? If we have over 500 cases a day wouldn't they keep getting full? Shouldn't we be taking more action now since they are at the same levels as April and not wait until they are full.
    Not saying I agree with the plan. I just think that’s what the plan is. And hospitalizations/deaths are increasing at a much lower rate than new cases. I really think new case numbers are becoming less and less relevant for decision making purposes in the eyes of the decision makers.

  3. #4003

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    I really think new case numbers are becoming less and less relevant for decision making purposes in the eyes of the decision makers.
    # of cases and those trends were used when it served their agenda, and in fact were the main driver.

    Now, that things have gone exponentially the wrong way on that front, it's no longer a valid metric.

  4. #4004

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by jdizzle View Post
    This is a very liberal way of reporting the information. It is sad, since all these #s tend to do is fear monger. That hospitalization is most likely overstated, in terms of how many went there JUST for COVID reasons.
    Oklahoma doesn’t follow the CDC recommendations for reporting and counting cases, so our numbers are likely higher. They might catch the occasional test on someone who is in the hospital for non-COVID reasons, but they also ignore all the presumptive cases as well as rapid tested positives.

  5. #4005

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    57,000 new cases today in the U.S., which is more than a 10% increase over the previous record high which was just yesterday.

    And over 200K cases worldwide, another record.

  6. #4006

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Really simple and proactive approach by government of south Korea to send out care packages with masks early on

  7. #4007

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    We need a mask ordinance for OKC. Not here to criticize Holt but he has boxed himself in on this by saying it is “unenforceable.” So are marijuana laws, and seatbelt laws. Not advocating for either of those but most people will follow the law. I was encouraged to see a young man wearing a mask in the OnCue drive-thru today. I have been there once each week for the last four weeks and this was the first time I have seen someone wearing a mask. He said it is mandatory there now and that managers pull video to see if employees are complying. I thanked him for wearing one and he thanked me back for wearing one, too. The restrictions Holt put in place do not require masks from OnCue employees, but it shows the power of government and how much people listen to leaders.

  8. #4008

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Chinese wet markets are still open, so there will be another SARS/Corona style virus again. So I give up.

  9. #4009

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by brian72 View Post
    Chinese wet markets are still open, so there will be another SARS/Corona style virus again. So I give up.
    Tough times, don't give up!

    To gain control over what little we have available, at least for me, it feels like wearing a mask makes me feel like I have done what I can.

    Flipside is i feel angry at others who don't wear masks.

  10. #4010

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by brian72 View Post
    Chinese wet markets are still open, so there will be another SARS/Corona style virus again. So I give up.
    People gonna be people, and Mother Nature almost always wins (at least temporarily, until the next time, she's tireless ), sadly. All we can do is learn from this (doubt very much learning will actually happen, though, based on *this* crisis, unless we get lots of new leaders in the US) and be prepared next time, and there will be a few "next time"s, guaranteed.

  11. #4011
    OKC Talker Guest

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)


    “There’s a lag between confirmed case and hospitalization, and between hospitalization and death. So you look at the numbers and you can see how hospital capacity could quickly become strained in coming weeks,” said Saskia Popescu, an epidemiologist at the University of Arizona.

    As hospitals have become overwhelmed, deaths have risen — not just among covid-19 patients who get insufficient care, but among those facing other medical crises who don’t seek care from an overwhelmed system because they think they won’t receive it.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that since Feb. 1, about 20,000 to 49,000 more people have died of all non-covid-19 causes than would have been expected.

    The fear is that the same will soon happen in states such as Arizona, Texas and Florida as their health-care systems are strained to capacity. In Arizona, if hospitalizations push past capacity, patients will be given a score based on life expectancy and underlying conditions.

    “You look at what happened in Lombardy, Italy. What happened in New York. That’s what is about to happen here. People are going to die because our system is overwhelmed,” said Will Humble, who was director of Arizona’s Department of Health Services for six years under its previous Republican governor. “It’s important for other states to learn from us. This wasn’t bad luck. It was avoidable. Don’t let this happen to you. You look back at the past few months and we’re an example of what not to do.”

  12. #4012

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC Talker View Post

    “There’s a lag between confirmed case and hospitalization, and between hospitalization and death. So you look at the numbers and you can see how hospital capacity could quickly become strained in coming weeks,” said Saskia Popescu, an epidemiologist at the University of Arizona.

    As hospitals have become overwhelmed, deaths have risen — not just among covid-19 patients who get insufficient care, but among those facing other medical crises who don’t seek care from an overwhelmed system because they think they won’t receive it.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that since Feb. 1, about 20,000 to 49,000 more people have died of all non-covid-19 causes than would have been expected.

    The fear is that the same will soon happen in states such as Arizona, Texas and Florida as their health-care systems are strained to capacity. In Arizona, if hospitalizations push past capacity, patients will be given a score based on life expectancy and underlying conditions.

    “You look at what happened in Lombardy, Italy. What happened in New York. That’s what is about to happen here. People are going to die because our system is overwhelmed,” said Will Humble, who was director of Arizona’s Department of Health Services for six years under its previous Republican governor. “It’s important for other states to learn from us. This wasn’t bad luck. It was avoidable. Don’t let this happen to you. You look back at the past few months and we’re an example of what not to do.”
    With 526 new cases again today on July 3rd in Oklahoma. Also our hospitals are starting to get full. Maybe or leaders are wanting to see how full our hospitals can get before they decide to do something about it. SMH

  13. #4013

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    526 new cases today.

    3 additional deaths.

  14. Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    +23 hospitalizations from last night. We won't know any more hospital numbers until Monday due to the holiday. Hope people stay safe this weekend.

  15. #4015

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Another 9,500 cases for Florida today.

    Arizona seems to be even worse, with 4,400 cases today on a much smaller population. If this keeps up, they will soon have more cases per capita than any other state.

  16. #4016
    OKC Talker Guest

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Another 9,500 cases for Florida today.

    Arizona seems to be even worse, with 4,400 cases today on a much smaller population. If this keeps up, they will soon have more cases per capita than any other state.
    It's like watching a slow motion train crash but the conductors are too proud to hit the brakes

  17. #4017

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC Talker View Post
    It's like watching a slow motion train crash but the conductors are too proud to hit the brakes
    Also, as Texas hospitalizations rise, border states can be asked to hold non emergent cases. So even if Oklahoma does everything right, our hospitals could still see increase in bed occupancy from transfers of non-Covid cases.

  18. #4018

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    And there are a million points of gradiation between where we are now and complete lock-down.
    One that seems like such a no brainer with little to no economic fallout: offices where remote work is capable should remain/return to working remotely. Maybe it doesn't even need to be made an official mandate, just "highly suggested" to get a good participation rate. Every person in my peer group that works in a large (100+) offices has reported that they've had positive cases at their place of work. Every person in the same peer group is capable of working from home, and already did, at some point during March-June.

  19. #4019

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    For public decision making I think it’s always been about hospitalizations and deaths. Even if we see over a thousand new cases per day and way high positive percentages of tests Oklahoma and its major metropolitan areas aren’t going to do anything to mitigate the spread of the virus. If the hospitals aren’t being overwhelmed, and right now they aren’t, and we do have deaths skyrocket, and right now they’re not, then what we have is as restrictive as it’s going to be. Not saying I agree but that is how it is. I would agree with a previous post that hospital bean counters like to see 85% ICU occupants and it’s lower than that even with the COVID patients. I want this stuff over with as much as anyone. I would like to see a rollback to Phase 2 or even 1 1/2. But that’s just not gonna happen if the hospitalization/death stats aren’t overwhelming and they’re not. Not to the decision makers that must have a level in mind that would trigger more restrictions. I still think the Oklahoma new case/hospitalization/death stats are around what the experts expected at this point. So to be like a broken record it’s up to each of us to take care of ourselves.
    I don't see how the tripling of hospitalizations in the last three weeks isn't an indication that we won't be where Texas and Arizona are in short order. Do we have more hospitals per capita than those states?

  20. Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CBB22D46-4C4E-4690-9C4F-58E6291C1F56.jpeg 
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  21. #4021

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by AP View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CBB22D46-4C4E-4690-9C4F-58E6291C1F56.jpeg 
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ID:	16212
    Damn, that’s chump change. Should have made it $3,000 if they wanted compliance.

  22. #4022

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC Talker View Post
    It's like watching a slow motion train crash but the conductors are too proud to hit the brakes
    Not the conductors, the train company President had all the brakes removed.


  23. #4023

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I don't see how the tripling of hospitalizations in the last three weeks isn't an indication that we won't be where Texas and Arizona are in short order. Do we have more hospitals per capita than those states?
    I don’t get why we don’t roll back to at least a full Phase 2. But Texas really hasn’t done anything but close bars and limit restaurant capacity. Arizona has gone back to closer to what our Phase 2 was.
    I was on the bass players forum today and there seem to be more people that believe since it’s not the top story on every single newscast that the crisis is over. And it isn’t on the news near as much as it was once. I stopped watching local news at all for awhile because everything was COVID, COVID and more COVID. Some newscasts now barely mention COVID other than the side effects like unemployment card issues. It’s like news is stuck on news cycles and they don’t know what to do with an ongoing story.

  24. #4024

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    KOCO reporters' Twitter accounts and Oklahoma Source on Facebook are pretty good sources for this information.
    Also found out about the FB group "Oklahoma City Masked and Unmasked" - incredible amount of info on which establishments are, literally, masked or unmasked. Braum's is getting slammed on there by folks and they say they couldn't afford masks for all their employees, just insane. Bet they found the money after the mandate went into effect today for OKC, and I'll also bet they don't mask up anywhere else except where they're forced to.

  25. #4025

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    It’s so hard to quantify how much masks really help; however, this may be about as close to a slap in the face for people to wake up as you’re going to get.

    I’m sure there’s caveats and pitfalls to this dr’s experiment, but directionally, this is a pretty good illustration to how much masks can really help.


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