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Thread: HTeaO

  1. #201

    Default Re: Mutts


    Property owners are required to keep their properties in decent order.

    Not fixing the roof after a storm is not an acceptable reason IMO. There was a fully operating business in that building the day the damage happened.

    In effect, the city is rewarding a property owner when they choose not to maintain their property as required by code.

  2. #202

    Default Re: Mutts

    Good point. I do wish code enforcement would have sharper teeth with negligent owners of both commercial and residential property. From what i've gathered with the few instances i've dealt with code enforcement on dilapidated/unsafe structures, they would rather look the other way and not deal with doing anything about it. Not sure why.

  3. #203

    Default Re: Mutts

    Quote Originally Posted by GoGators View Post
    Good point. I do wish code enforcement would have sharper teeth with negligent owners of both commercial and residential property. From what i've gathered with the few instances i've dealt with code enforcement on dilapidated/unsafe structures, they would rather look the other way and not deal with doing anything about it. Not sure why.
    The city is very good about acting when a formal complaint is filed through the Action Center.

    I've done in about a dozen times and the issue is always resolved. Once it goes into the system, you can see it progress.

    They are not good about being proactive, however. Something pretty much has to be reported.

  4. Default Re: Mutts

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    The city is very good about acting when a formal complaint is filed through the Action Center.

    I've done in about a dozen times and the issue is always resolved. Once it goes into the system, you can see it progress.

    They are not good about being proactive, however. Something pretty much has to be reported.
    I can second this from experience. I have had potholes fixed within 24 hours! I was amazed by that. And I reported graffiti at the Belle Isle bridge complex and they painted it out within days. Gotta jump on that kind of stuff quickly or it will get out of hand.

  5. Default Re: Mutts

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    The city is very good about acting when a formal complaint is filed through the Action Center.

    I've done in about a dozen times and the issue is always resolved. Once it goes into the system, you can see it progress.

    They are not good about being proactive, however. Something pretty much has to be reported.
    I agree. I can see an issue sit for months then when I report it, it's resolved within a week.

  6. #206

    Default Re: Mutts

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    The city is very good about acting when a formal complaint is filed through the Action Center.

    I've done in about a dozen times and the issue is always resolved. Once it goes into the system, you can see it progress.

    They are not good about being proactive, however. Something pretty much has to be reported.
    I've heard Code Enforcement management explicitly say "it must be reported, we don't do proactive enforcement." From my understanding, that division of the City has never had enough employees to conduct proactive enforcement. The most proactive thing they do is pull signs in the ROW.

  7. #207

    Default Re: Mutts

    Quote Originally Posted by LakeEffect View Post
    I've heard Code Enforcement management explicitly say "it must be reported, we don't do proactive enforcement." From my understanding, that division of the City has never had enough employees to conduct proactive enforcement. The most proactive thing they do is pull signs in the ROW.
    Which is understandable, while also underscoring the importance of people actually using the Action Center (although when it comes to neighbors I still think the much nicer and more effective approach is the kind but direct one).

  8. #208

    Default Re: Mutts

    They have submitted a new site plan which will be reviewed by the Urban Design Commission on 6/24.

    It's basically the same strip center, just rotated and moved closer to 23rd.

  9. #209

    Default Re: Mutts

    This is the dumbest thing i've ever seen. Whoever is designing this cant even fathom a strip center not directly address a parking lot so they would rather turn their storefronts away from the public than to not have front row parking.

    Address the street. It would take zero effort or cost to rotate that building back to the original orientation and have it pushed up against 23rd. Put the parking in the back and be done with this.

  10. #210

    Default Re: Mutts

    Lack of imagination

  11. #211

    Default Re: Mutts

    As I said before - "I doubt they even use developers for this kind of crap, there's probably a stripmallsrus.com site that any idiot with money and no sense of civic responsibility or taste can download plans from..." Hopefully they won't let him get away with just turning it sideways.

  12. Default Re: Mutts

    hopefully the UDC wont approve it unless they at least turn the storefronts around to face the street.

    It'd also be nice if udc could require them to put the fronts even closer to the street and move parking to the back, you know - teach them urban design by committee approval rather than just rubber stamping development (since it's better than what we have now.... excuse.)
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  13. #213

    Default Re: Mutts

    Backhoe parked in the parking lot tonight when we went by on our way to Providence Pizza, so guessing it's coming down soon.

  14. #214

    Default Re: Mutts

    The demolition permit has been issued.

    Just took this:

  15. #215

    Default Re: Mutts

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    The demolition permit has been issued.

    Just took this:

    It makes me sad, bye Mutts

  16. #216

    Default Re: Mutts

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonersFan12 View Post
    It makes me sad, bye Mutts
    What made *me* sad was when they decimated their menu a couple of years back and took all the original/good stuff off.

  17. #217

    Default Re: Mutts

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    What made *me* sad was when they decimated their menu a couple of years back and took all the original/good stuff off.
    yep... this... i used to go there often, then they reworked the menu and i never went back

  18. #218

    Default Re: Mutts

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    yep... this... i used to go there often, then they reworked the menu and i never went back
    Wish they would've made at least *some* attempt to save the bldg, but that's what you get when you have a landlord that's an accountant and doesn't give a crap about the restaurant business. Similar to the owner that had a record store I loved, but he never listened to music - he thought it was a good investment until he got tired of dealing with it and then killed it. Not saying that all landlords should have an interest in whatever business they're leasing to, but I just don't like this guy specifically for his demolition-by-neglect and then his really sh*tty new building plan for the site.

  19. #219

    Default Re: Mutts

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Wish they would've made at least *some* attempt to save the bldg, but that's what you get when you have a landlord that's an accountant and doesn't give a crap about the restaurant business. Similar to the owner that had a record store I loved, but he never listened to music - he thought it was a good investment until he got tired of dealing with it and then killed it. Not saying that all landlords should have an interest in whatever business they're leasing to, but I just don't like this guy specifically for his demolition-by-neglect and then his really sh*tty new building plan for the site.
    At least jump in there and save that cool sign.

  20. #220

    Default Re: Mutts

    Gone as of this afternoon.

  21. #221

    Large Chain HTeaO

    This is what will be going on on the site of the old Mutt's in Updtown/23rd.

    There are already locations at 11701 S. Western and in The Village at 10805 N. May.


  22. #222

    Default Re: Mutts

  23. #223

    Default Re: HTeaO

    Has anyone been to either of the other two locations in the metro area?

  24. #224

    Default Re: HTeaO

    Quote Originally Posted by jbkrems View Post
    Has anyone been to either of the other two locations in the metro area?
    I have not, but several co-workers go on a daily basis and really like it.

  25. #225

    Default Re: HTeaO

    Man, between Urban Teahouse on 23rd and Walker and the extreme concentration of bubble tea shops in the Asian district I'm tempted to start referring to the area surrounding 23rd and Classen as the Tea District. Fine by me!

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