OAN is for people who think Fox News is far left.
OAN is for people who think Fox News is far left.
That is ridiculous. Are you going to denounce Texas and for that matter the entire SEC and most of the ACC as well? Don't try to turn football recruiting into a red state/blue star thing. Sure our state needs to do better, but one thing that OU has going for it is a great Head Coach. Here's an example:
I might feel different if he was wearing the shirt at a school event or such, but I keep the crappiest trash t-shirts to wear fishing (or working on cars). If the shirt itself actually said something offensive or racist then I might see some outrage but right now I'm not feeling it. I think he should address it, because obviously there's something there and Hubbard's feelings and experience should be listened to. This doesn't mean it's the type of thing that someone should lose their job over.
I'm not felling this either. So he likes this network so what. I don't like what Chick-fil-a stands for being anti gay but I still go there. Not everybody is going to like what your like or believe the same way you will . The bar just gets low and low in this country every day.
I'm sure if someone dug into Chuba Hubbard past they might find someone he wore or said offensive too. JS
^^ Gundy is a public employee. A very well paid one at that. Very well paid. The standard is higher for him than a player. But without some context of Gundy being problematic or having a history outside of this, I'd lean into feeling like this is a potentially dangerous over-reaction. To call back to the Chick-fil-a reference, is that next? Get coaches fired if they're caught with a Chick-fil-a or Papa John's cup?
The shirt is going to be the center of attention for many but I think this isn’t about a tee shirt. It was just the straw that broke the camels back. If the comments made by past and current OSU players this afternoon are true there are major problems in the OSU football program.
You are entitled to your opinion, I respect it, but I do not know if you are a person of color or not but I am and Oklahomas history with regard to race is deplorable and extends into this day. Maybe some of us are just tired of being used to make others rich and being cheered on Sat while others who look like us are being shot down in the street routinely in Tulsa, Then the Governor gleefully allows people to walk around with weapons intimidating others for no DXXXN reason. NE OKC cant get a grocery store. Maybe The Governors SILENCE on racial issues is disturbing. Maybe Mary Fallins snub of a sitting President Obama is disrespectful. Please don't talk to me about ridiculous
Both sports stations have talked about it all afternoon. KFOR posted the Twitter feed early, before a lot more players chimed in. What I read was a few black players saying they were called thugs, hoodlums and they “Could go back to the hood”. Way too many players for something not to be going on in Stillwater. I expect it to be the biggest national story tomorrow.
I find it very disturbing when someone can't express a view without censorship. In this case Coach Gundy wearing a t-shirt on a fishing trip. This is what Chuba appears to be upset about. And of course he has a right to his views. And so does coach Gundy.
I may not like what you say and may not agree with it but I defend your right to say it. I don't know all the facts but it seems Chuba is saying my way or the highway. Obviously Chuba can stay or go and express his thoughts...but so can Coach Gundy.
Pick up a history book and read up on the first law passed when Oklahoma became a state. White supremacy has been a dominant feature throughout the state's history from Jim Crow segregation laws to White flight to residential redlining to policing and on and on. I also invite you to learn about the White supremacist structures Roscoe Dunjee and Clara Luper were fighting against. They aren't heroes because White people were nice to them. And, this is nothing to say about the genocide, murder, and exploitation of Indigenous People that are literally the basis of Oklahoma's founding. Just because Oklahoma did not have the southern slave system to the same degree does not mean Oklahoma's past and present aren't structurally unequal.
https://twitter.com/i/status/1272673812795084801 Glad this might end well.
This is BS. This is part of that nobody can dare be offended crap. The student athlete doesn’t get to tell the coach what he wears. This kind of publicly shaming your coach would have resulted in summary dismissal - not all that long ago. I hate OAN, Gundy obviously likes it. Who cares? He shouldn’t have to run down a list of possible “triggers” for anybody. Get over it Hubbard. No hand holding from me and no, “we need to listen” crap. Maybe he, and others, need to listen about how their easily getting offended is unacceptable in a free society - or should be. The athlete speaking publicly this way about a coach wearing a TV logo - or anything! - is not a part of the deal. Surprised there’s so much sympathy.
I never once suggested Oklahoma was a saint in race relations. Only that we are not alone, and relatively new in our issues as others were trying to make it seem.
And again, as bad as all these laws were and as evil as people were in the 20th century, it pales in comparison to the structural dehumanization that was going on in the 19th century. And when you say pre-statehood in Oklahoma, it's pretty much pre-anyone but Native Americans.
you might know more about the subject than i do, but i recall hearing it was actually in the state constitution until Teddy Roosevelt and a few state leaders wanted it removed. Teddy wouldn't approve Oklahoma for statehood with it in the state constitution. So the writers removed it from the state constitution, became a state, then passed it as a state law immediately.
Any idea who the state leaders were who didnt want it in the state constitution?
Sorry to derail the subject.
Wow, we agree on something! Its a slippery slope. When the new player sponsor pay starts up what happens if the star player has a sponsor and several players are opposed due to something they are offended by? This sets a bad precedent. What if a coaches wife is found shopping at a store not approved by the players?
This was a time for the school to stand strong and they folded.
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