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Thread: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

  1. #2951

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Shout out to Coven Salon in this regard. They have taken it very seriously since the beginning and continue to do so.

  2. #2952

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    Way too slow for whatever reasons. Also, the 5 deaths occurred between April 5 and June 7. April? I wonder if other states are similar. I bet they are.
    I still think they can only process so many test in a day. You could do 100,000 test in a day but if the machines that are analyzing the test can only do 10,000 in a day then shouldn't it be 10,000 test that day and not 100,000. I'm not sure it's currently working that way? I could be wrong.

  3. #2953

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Thanks for the barber suggestions. I'll check those out.

  4. #2954

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Weldon Jack was taking it very seriously as well. Masks, gloves, etc. Here is their statement on their procedures: https://mailchi.mp/b4db8b5cd22b/holi...OHg5RSoLQ_gyA0

  5. #2955

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    I still think they can only process so many test in a day. You could do 100,000 test in a day but if the machines that are analyzing the test can only do 10,000 in a day then shouldn't it be 10,000 test that day and not 100,000. I'm not sure it's currently working that way? I could be wrong.
    I was really referring to deaths that don’t get reported for a month or two. I’ve just about stopped paying attention to new cases because they are so dependent on labs properly reporting and the total number of tests reported on a given day that they just aren’t as important as hospitalizations and deaths.

  6. #2956

  7. #2957

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    Going for my first haircut and need a recommendation for shops requiring everyone to wear a mask if anyone knows of one. Mine isn't doing either, barbers or customers, unless you request your barber to wear one then they alone will. There were 4 people in the shop when I stopped in to check. Not that big of a place and nobody wearing a mask.

    I may have to cut my own from here on out.

  8. #2958
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
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    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    An article about the Springfield hair salon with two positive hairdressers, and there was no community spread, a good argument for masks, on servers and customers,

  9. #2959

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Mike Morgan
    Health Alert from the front lines everybody! Marla says that the ER area at the hospital is getting noticeably busier. Fellow Okies, you be careful out there.

  10. #2960

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    Mike Morgan
    Health Alert from the front lines everybody! Marla says that the ER area at the hospital is getting noticeably busier. Fellow Okies, you be careful out there.
    If it means too many older Okies, say over age 50 and most definitely over 65 are showing up, then that fact needs well publicized, because in Oklahoma, over 80% of the virus deaths have happened to those over age 65. Far fewer people under age 50 die.

  11. #2961

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    If it means too many older Okies, say over age 50 and most definitely over 65 are showing up, then that fact needs well publicized, because in Oklahoma, over 80% of the virus deaths have happened to those over age 65. Far fewer people under age 50 die.
    We have had a few more deaths over the last couple days under 50 I think we are up to 12 now but 12 in what 3 months now. I agree if we start seeing an increase in the older population then it could be bad again real quick. Not that it isn't already bad.

  12. #2962

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mott View Post
    An article about the Springfield hair salon with two positive hairdressers, and there was no community spread, a good argument for masks, on servers and customers,
    Yup, this just adds to the mounting evidence that masks make a big difference. Wear them to protect others and ask them to wear them to protect you.

  13. #2963
    OKC Talker Guest

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    This may be useful information (depending on your views on science):
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	8-Test-Pos-L14-as-of-6-9-20.jpg 
Views:	81 
Size:	12.7 KB 
ID:	16149

    "...test positivity can be a bit misleading. The very high test positivity in March looks scary, but that is expected, since tests were scarce and priority was rightly given to those showing symptoms. But the shape of this line (really high to really low) does not necessarily mean that the virus has slowed down. As more tests became available, more healthy people took the test and drove the rate down, even as the number of positives coming back hovered in the same range.

    What you want to watch is the slope of the positivity line—is it pointing up or down? Now that we’ve achieved a fairly steady high rate of testing, we probably won’t reach those high early positive percentages again. What we need to know instead is whether the test positivity rate is going up and down. If that line starts rising, it will be one of the first indicators of the feared “second wave” of infection that could follow as we reopen parts of our society."

  14. #2964

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC Talker View Post
    This may be useful information (depending on your views on science):
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	8-Test-Pos-L14-as-of-6-9-20.jpg 
Views:	81 
Size:	12.7 KB 
ID:	16149

    "...test positivity can be a bit misleading. The very high test positivity in March looks scary, but that is expected, since tests were scarce and priority was rightly given to those showing symptoms. But the shape of this line (really high to really low) does not necessarily mean that the virus has slowed down. As more tests became available, more healthy people took the test and drove the rate down, even as the number of positives coming back hovered in the same range.

    What you want to watch is the slope of the positivity line—is it pointing up or down? Now that we’ve achieved a fairly steady high rate of testing, we probably won’t reach those high early positive percentages again. What we need to know instead is whether the test positivity rate is going up and down. If that line starts rising, it will be one of the first indicators of the feared “second wave” of infection that could follow as we reopen parts of our society."
    Since testing has expanded I wonder how many people just decide to go take the swab to the back of your sinuses test just for the heck of it. And it’s been said on here from a source that has a contact that says that lab confirmed tests are all that get counted. If most people that are getting tested just to see what happens are getting the rapid test that isn’t being counted then that graph looks much better.

  15. #2965
    OKC Talker Guest

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    The important part to me was that if test availability and the number of new tests have leveled off, it's much harder to explain away the increase of recent cases in OKC.


  16. #2966

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC Talker View Post
    The important part to me was that if test availability and the number of new tests have leveled off, it's much harder to explain away the increase of recent cases in OKC.

    Increase due to Memorial Day parties, re-opening, and fairly widespread ignoring of mask-wearing?

  17. #2967

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Increase due to Memorial Day parties, re-opening, and fairly widespread ignoring of mask-wearing?
    With the virus still out there of course reopening and lack of people practicing safety measures is going to raise the number of cases.

  18. #2968

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    146 new cases
    2 new deaths
    14 new hospitalizations

    Things are definitely picking up. This wasn't even a huge testing day

  19. #2969

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by PoliSciGuy View Post
    146 new cases
    2 new deaths
    98(!) new hospitalizations

    Things are definitely picking up. This wasn't even a huge testing day
    Covid hasn't gone away at all the problem is people have thought it has gone away. When you see the same people every day at your local fast food place or Supermarket you start to think yourself will they haven't gotten sick so why would I. You see the people on News 9 no longer social distancing. Many people think oh I haven't gotten it by now I'm probably not going to get it and that's the wrong way to think. We have let our guard down too much

  20. #2970

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    The numbers going up aren't good.

    But, There are always going to be positives, So I guess we have to wait to see what the new average is. I am hopeful the numbers will go down some next week.

    I dunno, I have gotten to the point that I guess I will just have to wait for Mayor Holt or someone to update. I know the virus still exists and it is going too.

  21. #2971

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by PoliSciGuy View Post
    98(!) new hospitalizations
    i'm not seeing that on the site. the cumulative hospitalization graph shows 1092 today and 1075 yesterday. yesterday's executive report indicates 94 current hospitalizations, so an increase of 98 day-over-day would be pretty significant. the main page indicates 97 recoveries day-over-day next to the other figures you reported... did you perhaps get the two confused?

  22. #2972

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    I doubt that 98 is accurate. We would have heard about this in the past 2 weeks, you know, when these tests were taken. Hospitals are not close to being overrun, so that number should not scare anyone.

    Edit: 14 new hospitalizations, per NewsOK article. PoliSciGuy, you may want to update your post before you scare people who won't want to go double-check the info.

  23. #2973

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    i'm not seeing that on the site. the cumulative hospitalization graph shows 1092 today and 1075 yesterday. yesterday's executive report indicates 94 current hospitalizations, so an increase of 98 day-over-day would be pretty significant. the main page indicates 97 recoveries day-over-day next to the other figures you reported... did you perhaps get the two confused?
    Yep, sure did, it's 14, not 98, new hospitalizations. My bad, I'll edit the original post

  24. #2974

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Well unless the number is wrong we had over 200 new cases today I would say I told you so but nobody wanted to hear it a couple weeks ago when I even suggested we would hit 200. I don't understand why people think this is gone away

  25. #2975

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    Well unless the number is wrong we had over 200 new cases today I would say I told you so but nobody wanted to hear it a couple weeks ago when I even suggested we would hit 200. I don't understand why people think this is gone away
    And most are already recovered by now. Again, the state is so behind, the numbers will never be accurate. So worrying about them is dumb at this point.

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