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Thread: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

  1. #2876

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Anyone have updated numbers today. On a side note do you see where 5 Alabama players tested positive. It didn't say out of how many but i have a feeling actually i have thought all along way more people have this then we think. I just don't see how the NBA is going to be able to do it. Players are going to test positive I just don't see a way they won't unless they just go to the gym and back. I think they would of been better off doing all this in May when the resort was still closed.

  2. #2877

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    Anyone have updated numbers today. On a side note do you see where 5 Alabama players tested positive. It didn't say out of how many but i have a feeling actually i have thought all along way more people have this then we think. I just don't see how the NBA is going to be able to do it. Players are going to test positive I just don't see a way they won't unless they just go to the gym and back. I think they would of been better off doing all this in May when the resort was still closed.
    This is the latest I've ever seen us go without an update.

  3. #2878

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    The OSDH reports technical issues are preventing an update for June 5.

  4. #2879

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    The OSDH reports technical issues are preventing an update for June 5.
    Their computer system got a virus?

  5. #2880

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Their computer system got a virus?
    Or someone spilled a Corona on it?

  6. #2881

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    New totals finally in.

    96 new cases
    1 new death
    86 newly recovered


    Positive rate still below 4%, looking pretty consistent

  7. #2882

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    And people still refusing to social distance. I got crowded by 4 large younger men around the check out at Home depot today. I needed stuff ie chemical gloves, (they did not have but sent me to mult areas ot the store) so that I could do a bit of spraying, a real bow saw blade not made in china (found down in the city) and hearig protectors since mine fell apart. None of them would move. I mean like 2' away on 3 sides, as an older lady I don't like men standing that close to me to begin with. They just looked up at me then went back to looking at their phones when I asked them to social distance and 2 just kept talking to each other. My internet has been down all week att said it will be up by tomarrow, yah which tomarrow. Even on my phone it was done. Not sure really how to use it one the phone. I am not real up on computer stuff. I only had in the past cell phones that made phone calls. I am getting where I dont' like going to town. And tonight tried to see a problem on my mower and lost the metric nuts in tall grass. Now I have to try to find new ones to hold my pull starter on. I will take the one and try to call them from the parking lot. No way will I go in on a Sat. Just don't understand why with all the signs no one wants to social distance. It is not about you its about keeping older and more vulnerable people safe. I am getting where i don't want to go in any stores. I live alone so no one to shop for me.

  8. #2883

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by oklip955 View Post
    And people still refusing to social distance. I got crowded by 4 large younger men around the check out at Home depot today. I needed stuff ie chemical gloves, (they did not have but sent me to mult areas ot the store) so that I could do a bit of spraying, a real bow saw blade not made in china (found down in the city) and hearig protectors since mine fell apart. None of them would move. I mean like 2' away on 3 sides, as an older lady I don't like men standing that close to me to begin with. They just looked up at me then went back to looking at their phones when I asked them to social distance and 2 just kept talking to each other. My internet has been down all week att said it will be up by tomarrow, yah which tomarrow. Even on my phone it was done. Not sure really how to use it one the phone. I am not real up on computer stuff. I only had in the past cell phones that made phone calls. I am getting where I dont' like going to town. And tonight tried to see a problem on my mower and lost the metric nuts in tall grass. Now I have to try to find new ones to hold my pull starter on. I will take the one and try to call them from the parking lot. No way will I go in on a Sat. Just don't understand why with all the signs no one wants to social distance. It is not about you its about keeping older and more vulnerable people safe. I am getting where i don't want to go in any stores. I live alone so no one to shop for me.
    Oklip955, I’ve been experiencing the same things. Seems like a lot of folks think this thing is done and won’t respect those who don’t. And Lowes is where I run into the rudest of the bunch. I went to pick up a few sticks of lumber for a fence project and remembered that I needed some nails. Rather than dragging the lumber cart to the hardware isle, I parked it on the drywall isle and walked over to hardware to grab some nails. I was gone 3 minutes tops and when I came back I found that someone had piled my stuff on a stack of drywall and took my cart. I’m glad I couldn’t identify which cart was mine because I probably would have taken it back.

    By the way, I have containers full of loose metric hardware.

  9. #2884

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by oklip955 View Post
    And people still refusing to social distance. I got crowded by 4 large younger men around the check out at Home depot today. I needed stuff ie chemical gloves, (they did not have but sent me to mult areas ot the store) so that I could do a bit of spraying, a real bow saw blade not made in china (found down in the city) and hearig protectors since mine fell apart. None of them would move. I mean like 2' away on 3 sides, as an older lady I don't like men standing that close to me to begin with. They just looked up at me then went back to looking at their phones when I asked them to social distance and 2 just kept talking to each other. My internet has been down all week att said it will be up by tomarrow, yah which tomarrow. Even on my phone it was done. Not sure really how to use it one the phone. I am not real up on computer stuff. I only had in the past cell phones that made phone calls. I am getting where I dont' like going to town. And tonight tried to see a problem on my mower and lost the metric nuts in tall grass. Now I have to try to find new ones to hold my pull starter on. I will take the one and try to call them from the parking lot. No way will I go in on a Sat. Just don't understand why with all the signs no one wants to social distance. It is not about you its about keeping older and more vulnerable people safe. I am getting where i don't want to go in any stores. I live alone so no one to shop for me.
    It is quickly becoming as if it’s all over and done. Not for me. I make it a point to get up and be at stores when they open the doors. Much fewer customers for the first hour or so.

  10. #2885

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    I noticed yesterday at both Homeland and Penn Square Mall, the 'one way' arrows were being completely ignored.

  11. #2886

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I noticed yesterday at both Homeland and Penn Square Mall, the 'one way' arrows were being completely ignored.
    Yeah. About everywhere I go also. At Homeland this morning I also noticed that about half the employees weren’t wearing masks and I know that the company policy hasn’t changed.

  12. #2887

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I noticed yesterday at both Homeland and Penn Square Mall, the 'one way' arrows were being completely ignored.
    Pretty much everybody at Homeland followed the arrows when we were there yesterday afternoon, except for one couple who literally went down every aisle the wrong way (we got ahead of them pretty quickly).

  13. #2888

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

  14. #2889

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    With 3 OSU and 5 Alabama players reporting to campus positive and asymptomatic I wonder how many there are out there that have or have already had COVID and had no idea. Since the NCAA regulates everything I assume Alabama had about the same 150 players as OSU. That would mean 8 out of 300 current cases. How many of the 292 left could have had it since March but would be negative now? I wish they would do and report antibody tests of the rest of the players.

  15. #2890

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Covid is done. 1,000 heath professionals signed a letter saying protesting is more important than Covid. I am not trying to make this a political post. I am saying that when I see this I say to myself, well that was all for nothing and probably the feeling of many people.

  16. #2891

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by emtefury View Post
    Covid is done. 1,000 heath professionals signed a letter saying protesting is more important than Covid. I am not trying to make this a political post. I am saying that when I see this I say to myself, well that was all for nothing and probably the feeling of many people.
    If you’re going to post stuff like this provide a link to the source. Which in ths case I have no doubt is not trustworthy.

  17. #2892

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    If you’re going to post stuff like this provide a link to the source. Which in ths case I have no doubt is not trustworthy.
    Untrustworthy, you bet. Real...unfortunately.


  18. #2893

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    It's hard when you seen 100,000 protesters in just about every major city not to think it's over. Mask or no mask these people are all bunched together. Even in London it was happening today. My only hope is that is has weaken. Some doctors have said that in Italy and Pittsburgh do a google search you will find it but even if it has we still need to be practicing social distancing

  19. #2894

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric View Post
    Untrustworthy, you bet. Real...unfortunately.

    Wow! Just wow! However it doesn’t really say protesting is more important than COVID. From the article the letter “focuses on techniques to reduce harm to people protesting racial injustice“.

  20. #2895

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    Wow! Just wow! However it doesn’t really say protesting is more important than COVID. From the article the letter “focuses on techniques to reduce harm to people protesting racial injustice“.
    Exactly, COVID's not done either, as the OP suggested, nice spin he tried to put on it, though.

  21. #2896

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)


    Open letter advocating for an anti-racist public health response to demonstrations against systemic
    injustice occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic. On April 30, heavily armed and predominantly white protesters entered the State Capitol building in Lansing, Michigan, protesting stay-home orders and calls for widespread public masking to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Infectious disease physicians and public health officials publicly condemned these actions and privately mourned the widening rift between leaders in science and a subset of the communities that they serve.

    As of May 30, we are witnessing continuing demonstrations in response to ongoing, pervasive, and
    lethal institutional racism set off by the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, among many other Black
    lives taken by police. A public health response to these demonstrations is also warranted, but this message must be wholly different from the response to white protesters resisting stay-home orders. Infectious disease and public health narratives adjacent to demonstrations against racism must be consciously anti-racist, and infectious disease experts must be clear and consistent in prioritizing an anti-racist message.

    White supremacy is a lethal public health issue that predates and contributes to COVID-19. Black
    people are twice as likely to be killed by police compared to white people, but the effects of racism are far more pervasive. Black people suffer from dramatic health disparities in life expectancy, maternal and infant mortality, chronic medical conditions, and outcomes from acute illnesses like myocardial infarction and sepsis. Biological determinants are insufficient to explain these disparities. They result from long-standing systems of oppression and bias which have subjected people of color to discrimination in the healthcare setting, decreased access to medical care and healthy food, unsafe working conditions, mass incarceration, exposure to pollution and noise, and the toxic effects of stress. Black people are also more likely to develop COVID-19. Black people with COVID-19 are diagnosed later in the disease course and have a higher rate of hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, and death. COVID-19 among Black patients is yet another lethal manifestation of white supremacy.

    In addressing demonstrations against white supremacy, our first statement must be one of unwavering support for those who would dismantle, uproot, or reform racist institutions. Staying at home, social distancing, and public masking are effective at minimizing the spread of COVID-19. To the extent possible, we support the application of these public health best practices during demonstrations that call attention to the pervasive lethal force of white supremacy. However, as public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people in the United States. We can show that support by facilitating safest protesting practices without detracting from demonstrators’ ability to gather and demand change. This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders. Those actions not only oppose public health interventions, but are also rooted in white nationalism and run contrary to respect for Black lives. Protests against systemic racism, which fosters the disproportionate burden of COVID-19 on Black communities and also perpetuates police violence, must be supported.

    Therefore, we propose the following guidance to support public health:
    ● Support local and state governments in upholding the right to protest and allow protesters to gather.
    ● Do not disband protests under the guise of maintaining public health for COVID-19 restrictions.
    ● Advocate that protesters not be arrested or held in confined spaces, including jails or police vans, which
    are some of the highest-risk areas for COVID-19 transmission.
    ● Oppose any use of tear gas, smoke, or other respiratory irritants, which could increase risk for COVID19 by
    making the respiratory tract more susceptible to infection, exacerbating existing inflammation,
    and inducing coughing.
    ● Demand that law enforcement officials also respect infection prevention recommendations by
    maintaining distance from protesters and wearing masks.
    ● Reject messaging that face coverings are motivated by concealment and instead celebrate face
    coverings as protective of the public’s health in the context of COVID-19.
    ● Prepare for an increased number of infections in the days following a protest. Provide increased access
    to testing and care for people in the affected communities, especially when they or their family
    members put themselves at risk by attending protests.
    ● Support the health of protesters by encouraging the following:
    ○ Use of face coverings.
    ○ Distance of at least 6 feet between protesters, where possible.
    ○ Demonstrating consistently alongside close contacts and moving together as a group, rather
    than extensively intermingling with multiple groups.
    ○ Staying at home when sick, and using other platforms to oppose racism for high-risk individuals,
    and those unable or uncomfortable to attend in person.

    ● Encourage allies who may wish to facilitate safe demonstrations through the following:
    ○ Providing masks, hand-washing stations, or hand sanitizer to demonstrators.
    ○ Providing eye protection, such as face shields or goggles, for protection against COVID-19 and
    chemical irritants used to disperse crowds.
    ○ Bringing wrapped, single-serving food or beverages to sustain people protesting.
    ○ Providing chalk markings or other designations to encourage appropriate distancing between
    ○ Supplying ropes, which can be knotted at 6-foot intervals, to allow people to march together
    while maintaining spacing.
    ○ Donating to bail funds for protesters
    ● Listen, and prioritize the needs of Black people as expressed by Black voices.
    These are strategies for harm reduction. It is our sincere hope that all participants will be able to follow
    these suggestions for safer public demonstrations, assisted by allies where possible and necessary, but we
    recognize that this may not always be the case. Even so, we continue to support demonstrators who are
    tackling the paramount public health problem of pervasive racism. We express solidarity and gratitude toward demonstrators who have already taken on enormous personal risk to advocate for their own health, the health of their communities, and the public health of the United States. We pledge our services as allies who share this goal.

    This letter is signed by 1,288 public health professionals, infectious diseases professionals, and
    community stakeholders.

  22. #2897

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    The 1288 health professions said nothing about the end of Covid. They said that, "Protests against systemic racism, which fosters the disproportionate burden of COVID-19 on Black communities and also perpetuates police violence, must be supported."

    Covid is here, is new, and can be deadly, Police brutality and abuse of blacks can be more deadly and has been around for centuries. All men are created equal, why don't we act like it?
    Last edited by RustytheBailiff; 06-06-2020 at 05:27 PM. Reason: accuracy

  23. #2898

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by RustytheBailiff View Post

    Covid is here, is new, and can be deadly, Police brutality and abuse of blacks can be more deadly and has been around for centuries. All men are created equal, why don't we act like it?
    VERY well put. I could not agree more.

  24. #2899

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Politics aside, it's not over 'till its over. Three weeks after Florida opening they set a new three day record of 4000 cases.


  25. #2900

    Default Re: Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    Politics aside, it's not over 'till its over. Three weeks after Florida opening they set a new three day record of 4000 cases.

    It's not in Arizona, either: https://tucson.com/news/arizona_news...6b3bf6cb8.html

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