Well...Here's a Data Set to consider:
OKC is obviously doing atrociously in the left graphic on that page. So I wondered to myself, how have we been doing *recently*. So I pulled their data set, and isolated all cities who had >= 10 kills originating with an officer over the 2013-2019 period. There were 115 such cities.
I then summed the 2017-2019 and 2013-2016 kills separately and found the percentage of kills that occurred in the most recent 3 years in relation to the previous 4. Obviously when you account for population growth, a flat rate of kills is not exactly 75% of the previous 4 years, but it's close enough for most cities. The Median was actually 82.35% and the Average 95.38%
OKC ranked 42nd out of 115 where 1st means relatively less kills and 115th means relatively more kills. That's 63rd percentile on a scale that values less kills (I suppose that should be notated as 37th percentile for the "Blue Lives Matter" crowd). Our recent-3-years kills as a percentage off our previous-4-year kill was 58.06% so that does look to be an improvement in our rate, even accounting for population growth.
I'd be interested to know when OKCPD began taking the measures described in this video. If within the last 5 years, I think that's probably a good sign that we're taking some good initial steps to improvement.
Unfortunately, from 2013-2019, among the 100 largest cities we still killed a greater percentage of our population than all cities but St. Louis. So perhaps Chief Gourley might have been better to say "Guys, we're actually really bad at this, and we've looked at the data and determined we need to do better".