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I represented a client recently at an FED (eviction) hearing in Oklahoma County. What a complete **** show it was. We had 150-200 people in the hallway, lined up for check in at one courtroom. They had one set of hearings at 10 and another at 2.
The folks who did wear masks mostly wore them incorrectly, but many people and attorneys didn't even bother. I'm up there with my client because this is my workplace. A lot of folks were allowed to disrespect my safety in my own workplace. I know exactly how those Costco employees must feel, but at least Costco has their backs. If it's an access to the courts issue, we require people to wear shoes, pants and a shirt to court. That doesn't violate their rights. One more article of clothing which could save their lives or someone else's isn't much of a reach.
My heart really goes out to the Deputy Court Clerk who managed all of the people in the hallways and had direct contact with every single person in that hallway, masked or not.
Not requiring masks of everyone in public places is much like having a free pissing policy in the public pool. Except the piss is a virus which can kill you, allow you to spread it to others and kill them, or in a moderate case, force you to stay home from work for weeks on end. Not even in the wildest dreams of Ayn Rand would this be acceptable. We keep expecting these doctors and nurses to show up for work every day and treat these asshats who disregard their own health an the health of others. If everyone would just be decent human beings and try to stay six feet apart, wear masks, wash and sanitize frequently, lives would be saved.
But I guess this world is all about some folks' convenience or their wish to exude machismo. Just put a set of testes on your trailer hitch, maybe add a Calvin pissing on something sticker, and wear a mask.