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I went out to do some grocery as well as some other needed shopping yesterday. i am trying to go out every 2 or 3 weeks since I am in my 60's with asthma. No problems with shopping at my usual Sprouts and Aldi's shopping. I had to go to Lowe's for light bulbs and a few other essential items. (I did stock up before hand but went through a bunch) No one would social distance or if I asked them to social distance, people who ignor me. I am have a bad knee and it was clearly bothering me. People made me move instead. I had one employee who came up to me close and asked if I needed help finding anything. I asked her to social distance and waved her away. She kept following me and said, that she could not hear me and let me get close to you to hear. I mean should just kept following me around. She finally got the message. Later at the check out, I was watching a man stand in the exit door way with his kids. Well after a few price checks and a few delays, the lady got me checked out. I asked the man to move so that i could get my cart out the door and he refused to even make room for me to leave the store with the cart. Really, forget social distancing. People are just rude. At Target, I choose the wrong doors, the set was closed, so I walked to the open set. About 8 people shoulder to shoulder spanning the width of the sidewalk and younger then men refused to move a bit and I had to step off into traffic. What happened to being a gentleman?? What kind of person makes an older lady step off a side walk into the road full of cars? Not even talking about social distancing. I walked about 4 x as much as I should have for the amount of shopping I needed to do and now trying to get my knee to feel better after this. If we are not talking social distancing, can we at least be a bit polite to older people? If one doesn't want to social distance because they don't believe this is anything, then at least do so for those who are at greater risk. I live out in the country so delivery is not an option. And no I don't have anyone to shop for me. Please can people think about those who are older. I am not attacking anyone on this group. I am afraid that if we don't follow basics on this, if we do get a large second wave, we may be in trouble.