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Thread: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

  1. #76

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCretro View Post
    name names
    Eley's. I do need to clarify - there didn't seem to be any top-down decisions being made, seems like some employees were wearing masks (homemade, of course), some weren't, some wearing gloves, some not. Seemed to be better the 2nd trip we did there, but still not enough and that's when I talked to the manager and he basically said "we're a small store, we can't social distance, we can't afford to blahblahblah" (my wife said to me "Really, they can't afford to put a bunch of tape on the floor?)", and some customers were literally brushing against other customers (one idiot went in through the cashier lane while another customer was checking out) so we decided to not go back, even though they're incredibly convenient to us.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Eley's. I do need to clarify - there didn't seem to be any top-down decisions being made, seems like some employees were wearing masks (homemade, of course), some weren't, some wearing gloves, some not. Seemed to be better the 2nd trip we did there, but still not enough and that's when I talked to the manager and he basically said "we're a small store, we can't social distance, we can't afford to blahblahblah" (my wife said to me "Really, they can't afford to put a bunch of tape on the floor?)", and some customers were literally brushing against other customers (one idiot went in through the cashier lane while another customer was checking out) so we decided to not go back, even though they're incredibly convenient to us.
    Walmart has plenty of signs up, doesn't mean the customers obey them. The one-way signs are literally meaningless, people still shop in groups instead just 1-2 at a time, and social distancing while inside the store seems totally random. I don't see how you can put that on the store. As for gloves. I think its ridiculous to wear them unless you've got an opened box of them next to you and you're changing them constantly. Employees wearing masks is nice and I think the plexiglass barriers should have been in place years ago.

  3. #78

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brad72 View Post
    Walmart has plenty of signs up, doesn't mean the customers obey them. The one-way signs are literally meaningless, people still shop in groups instead just 1-2 at a time, and social distancing while inside the store seems totally random. I don't see how you can put that on the store. As for gloves. I think its ridiculous to wear them unless you've got an opened box of them next to you and you're changing them constantly. Employees wearing masks is nice and I think the plexiglass barriers should have been in place years ago.
    The experience there was a total 180 from Homeland on Classen, where people *were* social distancing, and following the aisle signs, and they have someone in the produce/deli section making sure people were following the rules in that more complicated area. Masks and gloves, yeah, you have to follow protocol to be truly effective, but I believe Homeland made gloves, masks, and sanitizer available to their employees, which appears to not be the case for Eley's.

  4. Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    We've been dining out a lot. Most everywhere we go the employees are wearing masks. Some restaurants are better than others at keeping tables spaced out.

    The problem has been, you really have to call first to make sure a restaurant is even open for dine in. It's totally random what is open and what isn't. We eat out every day downtown and many of our regular spots are still closed.

    Did Grill on the Hill yesterday and they were doing a really good job.

  5. #80

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    I just stopped at 7-11 on NW Exp & MacArthur. In the time it took get gas and beer I saw probably 30+ customers go in and out of the store. Only one other guy besides me had on mask. All the employees did. Also gas pumps are the one time I do wear gloves. I was the only one I saw.

  6. #81

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    I've been in several places in the last couple weeks, from OnCue to 7-11, Carls Jr to Whataburger, and Homeland to Wal-Mart in the last week in two primary locations, NW OKC around NW Expressway/Rockwell/Macarthur, and North OKC around Memorial/May/Penn. I can say without hesitation in my experience there is a stark difference in social distancing. Around Expressway/Rockwell/Council/MacArthur, I can count the number of people on two hands I've see observing 6 feet distancing and mask wearing, while when I head over to the May corridor near Memorial, it seems like many more people are wearing masks/observing distancing. Wondering if anyone else has seen differences in communities observing social distancing/advancing faster.

  7. Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Quote Originally Posted by bbhill View Post
    I've been in several places in the last couple weeks, from OnCue to 7-11, Carls Jr to Whataburger, and Homeland to Wal-Mart in the last week in two primary locations, NW OKC around NW Expressway/Rockwell/Macarthur, and North OKC around Memorial/May/Penn. I can say without hesitation in my experience there is a stark difference in social distancing. Around Expressway/Rockwell/Council/MacArthur, I can count the number of people on two hands I've see observing 6 feet distancing and mask wearing, while when I head over to the May corridor near Memorial, it seems like many more people are wearing masks/observing distancing. Wondering if anyone else has seen differences in communities observing social distancing/advancing faster.
    I pretty much shop within the same orbit 80% of the time - 10 mile radius from my home in East Edmond - Sam's, OnCue, 7-11, Costco, Target, TLC, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, TLC, Tractor Supply.... It's always a crap shoot. I find it's more about time-of-day rather than geographic location.

    I'll go into Walmart in the early morning and see maybe 50% of patrons wearing masks. I go back in the afternoon or evening and it might have dropped to 20%. At the gas station I go to it's never been more than about 30% wearing masks. ACE seemed to have a lot more mask wearers than the Home Depot a couple of blocks away. In that case I think it's the average age of the patron. For me, I've only ever worn a mask when mandatory: Costco, doctors office, part time employment gig I took for a day.

  8. #83

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    News 9 Doctor said if everyone wore a mask it would decrease the spread greatly. What are people not understanding about wearing a mask
    Why would anyone listen to Science in this state? It's been proven time and time again that most people wear a mask it does a lot to stop the spread. The Rona must be pretty happy looking at Oklahoma. As a people we just aren't intelligent so we will need to forced to wear mask. Or people will just filter out peer reviewed scientific studies and listen to pseudoscience.

  9. Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocaine View Post
    Why would anyone listen to Science in this state? It's been proven time and time again that most people wear a mask it does a lot to stop the spread. The Rona must be pretty happy looking at Oklahoma. As a people we just aren't intelligent so we will need to forced to wear mask. Or people will just filter out peer reviewed scientific studies and listen to pseudoscience.
    I get a chuckle out of the new social divide: "I wear a mask because I'm smarter than you" vs. "I don't wear a mask because I'm smarter than you."

    Throw around all your nonsense, shaming, and "You don't wear a mask, therefore you are ignorant" all you want. I mean hey, you listed to a doctor on TV!

    As for me. I don't wear one. My immediate family doesn't wear one. I've not for one second thought others don't have the right to wear or not wear a mask. And I've certainly never thought I'm better or more informed than those who choose the opposite. But, please, carry on...

  10. #85

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I get a chuckle out of the new social divide: "I wear a mask because I'm smarter than you" vs. "I don't wear a mask because I'm smarter than you."

    Throw around all your nonsense, shaming, and "You don't wear a mask, therefore you are ignorant" all you want. I mean hey, you listed to a doctor on TV!

    As for me. I don't wear one. My immediate family doesn't wear one. I've not for one second thought others don't have the right to wear or not wear a mask. And I've certainly never thought I'm better or more informed than those who choose the opposite. But, please, carry on...
    That’s a heck of a strawman argument. No one wearing masks is doing it for intellectual pride, it’s more that we wan to keep those around us safe and collectively act to lower the spread so we can go back to normal sooner. The argument against wearing masks are generally made by people who don’t understand epidemiological basics, how Constitutional rights work, or both. Seriously I’d love to hear a Science-backed, rational explanation for why we shouldn’t be wearing masks in public places.

  11. #86
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    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Went to Scissortail Farmers Market this morning. Well organized, with a nice flow into the market with hand sanitizers as you walked in. Looked like 70% of public were wearing masks. According to the website, all venders were to be wearing masks, several weren’t, and we just passed them by.

  12. #87
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    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Totally agree on science and mask wearing.

  13. #88

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Not wearing a mask anywhere.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Interesting article about a study suggesting that COVID-19 infections would drop dramatically if 80% of Americans would wear masks . . . it's too bad this has somehow become a political issue.


  15. #90

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    How hard is it to wear a mask for 2 minutes going into a 7-11? Or when picking up food in the drive thru. Make a grocery list and don't be in the Walmart or wherever for more than 30 minutes. It's not that hard. Those workers have to wear one all day. You don't know if your sick they don't know if they are sick. So to me just put on a mask. Only exception would be of course eating

  16. #91

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?


    Saw at least 4 people in the background not wearing mask. At least one smoking. SMH

  17. #92

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post

    Saw at least 4 people in the background not wearing mask. At least one smoking. SMH
    Interesting, wondered how casinos would handle slot machines and all the buttons/knobs on them...

  18. #93

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Quote Originally Posted by gamecock View Post
    Interesting article about a study suggesting that COVID-19 infections would drop dramatically if 80% of Americans would wear masks . . . it's too bad this has somehow become a political issue.

    Yeah personally I don't understand why anyone doesn't wear a mask. It's easy, doesn't impact anyone's life in any way, it's like a requirement to wear shoes to the store. I wish the decision to open would have been framed more along the lines of, "Do you want all these places to open back up with the requirements for masks or stay closed?" to develop the idea as an alternative to staying closed. In that vein though I'm open to anyone above throwing out their considerations as to their reasoning for not wearing one as I'm honestly curious as to the thought process (no flame whatsoever, pure interest as maybe it'd help develop further conversation as to why it makes sense to do so.)

  19. Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Quote Originally Posted by PoliSciGuy View Post
    That’s a heck of a strawman argument. No one wearing masks is doing it for intellectual pride, it’s more that we wan to keep those around us safe and collectively act to lower the spread so we can go back to normal sooner. The argument against wearing masks are generally made by people who don’t understand epidemiological basics, how Constitutional rights work, or both. Seriously I’d love to hear a Science-backed, rational explanation for why we shouldn’t be wearing masks in public places.
    Think what you will, as it literally has zero impact on my opinion. We've been told, often by 'experts,' that initially it couldn't be spread human to human, we've been told we don't need masks, we've been told only N95 type masks are effective, we've been told you can fold a t-shirt and be safe. We've been told to expect a million deaths in a short period of time, we've been told those numbers were grossly exaggerated, we've been told every possible answer there is.

    The fact of then matter is, I personally think it's pretty obvious care should be taken in public, but that masks are not statistically necessary in most situation where you are in open air environments, or when you're not in close contact with others for an extended period of time. Got my hair cut this morning - had zero issue with wearing a mask while the stylist spent 20 minutes+ in very close contact with me. I did not however wear a mask when I went across the street to Sam's, because I don't feel it's necessary.

    It has zero to do with wanting or not wanting to keep you or anyone else 'safe.'

    Try to shame me or others all you want by claiming our choice is simply the result of a lack of knowledge. Fortunately, all I have to do is go out in public to see that a majority of people obviously feel the same way I do.

    Lastly, I never said you shouldn't be wearing a mask in public. I've been very clear. You should do whatever you feel best doing. I'll do the same.

  20. #95

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post

    Try to shame me or others all you want by claiming our choice is simply the result of a lack of knowledge. Fortunately, all I have to do is go out in public to see that a majority of people obviously feel the same way I do.
    You've cited no knowledge at all to back up your point, so it's hard to take your claim seriously.

    There are lots of peer review studies done since this thing expanded in early April that shows that masks absolutely have an impact, such as the Vanity Fair article shown above (https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020...new-study-says). This isn't just a "it's a personal choice" thing. By not wearing a mask you are risking making others around you sick. Just because other folks are as clueless as you doesn't justify your stance at all. If you want to be bold in your ignorance, go for it, just recognize you have no factual standing.

  21. #96

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    I’ve been wearing my ventilated N95 into the riskier, middle market type places (i.e., Lowe’s, Target, etc.). But I refuse to wear it at the Club. The boys would get the best laugh out of me if I did.

  22. #97

    Default Re: Which places are and are not wearing Mask?

    I'm closing this thread.

    We have 2 dedicated threads on the covid virus and that is more than enough, especially because any mention quickly becomes mean-spirited bickering.

    And I'll be deleting posts about the virus in other threads as well.

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