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Thread: State Fairgrounds

  1. #826

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by baralheia View Post
    I've never actually experienced a setup like this in person... can you explain why it sucks? On paper, it seems like a reconfigurable arena like this would make a lot of sense due to it's flexibility.
    It kills the atmosphere of a game completely. sounds sucks, the overall feeling sucks. 1/2 of attendance is about the experience and just looking at that pic tells me how terrible of an experience that would be.

  2. #827

    MAPS3 Re: State Fairgrounds

    In all fairness, we have one year to generate Ideas 4 MAPS: https://www.okc.gov/government/maps-4. Let's see what ideas submitted by the voters will be on the ballot initiative.

    The MAPS 4 initiative is expected to cover 7 years (2020-2026); potentially $1 billion in projects. If haven't submitted your ideas please visit the above link.

  3. #828
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    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    i'm curious as to the issues others have as well... my experience with events in arenas set up like this is just terrible acoustics and echos... but other than that, it had little affect on the events themselves.
    It seems like any venue created for multipurpose only seems to fail at being great for ANY event. That’s why they generally aren’t being built anymore.

  4. #829

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    I think those retractable roof stadiums are coming in at around $1 billion lately.

  5. #830

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    I think those retractable roof stadiums are coming in at around $1 billion lately.
    depends upon the rest of the stadium... a report just a few years ago

    said that the cost to add one to a stadium during construction adds about $100-$150 million

  6. #831

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    At least for basketball, it was the dynamics of shooting at a basket with a massive amount of light and space behind the basket. Where as most college and NBA arenas have dark space with fans very close in proximity to the basket makes it feel more tight.

    Or sometimes, for college at least, the basket is on the wall.

  7. #832

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    I’ve seen it done two ways. One is the build the court/rink next to one side of the field. Not too bad for the viewers in the permanent seats but a long way from amenities for the people in the temporary seats. The other way set the court/rink in the center of the field with temporary bleachers all the way around. Puts everyone in cheap bleachers and pretty far from amenities.

  8. #833

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

  9. #834

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    I see some green spots that haven't been turned into barns or parking lots.

  10. #835

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds


    Also shows how all those massive parking lots have zero trees or any sort of landscaping.

  11. #836
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    Also shows how all those massive parking lots have zero trees or any sort of landscaping.

  12. #837

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    The entire grounds are embarrassing. I drive through an open gate the other day and drove around and couldn’t believe it.

  13. #838

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    How does Tulsa's fairgrounds compare to OKC's Premier Horsebarn Exhibition Grounds (oops, sorry, Fairgrounds)?

  14. #839
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    The OKC Equestrian Park is nice (if you value such things), but there’s really no comparison between the two in the quality of upkeep IMO.

  15. #840

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    The OKC Equestrian Park is nice (if you value such things), but there’s really no comparison between the two in the quality of upkeep IMO.
    So Tulsa's is more in line with what OKC's used to be about 20 years ago, still a functioning, halfway-decent actual fairgrounds?

  16. #841

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    So Tulsa's is more in line with what OKC's used to be about 20 years ago, still a functioning, halfway-decent actual fairgrounds?
    I have seen pictures of Tulsa’s fairgrounds and they look pretty good. Dallas has an awesome fair ground but it is in need of an update.

  17. #842

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Trivia time: The road running parallel to the railroad tracks on the south side in photos (right side in the last pic) is the last remaining part of the drag strip, IIRC. Kinda goes west from the area south of the Norick Arena. It was a full quarter mile strip, and was site of the NHRA U.S. Nationals for a few years in the late 1950s. I think they started in Great Bend Kansas, moved to OKC after a couple years, and finally settled in Indianapolis.

  18. #843

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    Trivia time: The road running parallel to the railroad tracks on the south side in photos (right side in the last pic) is the last remaining part of the drag strip, IIRC. Kinda goes west from the area south of the Norick Arena. It was a full quarter mile strip, and was site of the NHRA U.S. Nationals for a few years in the late 1950s. I think they started in Great Bend Kansas, moved to OKC after a couple years, and finally settled in Indianapolis.
    When I was a kid in the 60s you could still easily tell it had been a drag strip.

  19. #844

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Totally shameful, this one-time fairgrounds turned into a horse facility. Everyone on the fairgrounds board should be fired. It should be the new stockyard city.

  20. #845
    Join Date
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    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    State Fair approved for PPP (not a judgement, just an FYI)

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Annotation 2020-07-09 224547.jpg 
Views:	63 
Size:	6.6 KB 
ID:	16233

  21. #846

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    The new state fair arena, will it have Ice making equipment installed for hockey? I hope it's not just a horse barn.

  22. #847

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by Miracle121 View Post
    The new state fair arena, will it have Ice making equipment installed for hockey? I hope it's not just a horse barn.
    Don’t take this as gospel but I don’t think there are any plans for the new arena to ever be used for hockey.

  23. #848

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Mayor Holt take notice OKC is the largest city in US without a hockey team. We have 3 arenas that could be used for hockey. Robert Funk poor management ran the last team out of town.

  24. #849

    MAPS3 Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    Don’t take this as gospel but I don’t think there are any plans for the new arena to ever be used for hockey.
    You are correct Bill, there aren't any plans... Just mainly to address horse related events & trade shows (Bennett Event Center) and high school basketball playoffs.

    Now it doesn't mean that an ice-making plant can't be installed for future use; just like we did with the State Fair Arena. You will need a concrete foundation base if you want to avoid milky-mud, dirty-ice appearance.

    If the Thunder holds the cards for the Chesapeake Energy Arena and the Cox Convention Center Arena's use (OKC Blue G-League occupies); then we need to look at the new coliseum for ice hockey use.

    New coliseum although it won't match up to Ft. Worth's Dixie's Arena dollar wise; it will provide a cozy seating for horse show events that attract crowds in the 1,500 range, as well as vital parking for trailers at the old All Sports Stadium site. New coliseum will have chair back seats without the feel of an empty arena; an advantage you have over the Lazy-E Arena's predominantly bench rodeo style seating.

    Lazy E Arena, Guthrie, 7,200 permanent seating capacity

    State Fair Coliseum, 4,700 fixed seats, 2,600 retractable seats

  25. Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

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