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Thread: Xfl

  1. #151

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    i think the difference is HS FB is during the season... and the difference in money... that's probably why a NFL Preseason game was allowed... the money
    The 6A championship is usually played at he end of the regular Big 12 schedule. They don't want to have the fans choose. Last year it was Dec. 4th. As to the money factor, there are always stadium concerts .

  2. #152
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    Default Re: Xfl

    XFL would be a good fit for expansion into some smaller markets like Louisville (UL), Omaha (TD Ameritrade), Little Rock (War Memorial) and Oklahoma City (Gaylord Family MS).

    Lower bowls of some of the larger facilities (excess of 40,000) like GFMS would make a great venue where 30,000-40,000 seat max needed.

    Outdated video, hope you can envision the potential the XFL could become.

    American football would have the venues available (spring) to absorb the players to supply a new league. XFL would not be a direct competitor, but a nice alternative.

    Tulsa, let's not overlook, it would be a city you could add to those cities in the XFL YouTube markets.

  3. #153
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    Thumbs up Re: Xfl

    Now, we need to see how the resurrection of the XFL will turn out. It doesn't hurt to talk about expansion; however one guy puts OKC on his list for XFL expansion:

  4. #154

    Default Re: Xfl

    What! Jim Traber is not on the list?

  5. #155

    Default Re: Xfl

    Even though Vince claimed to have the money to weather 3 seasons of losses, he couldn't make it through one.

    XFL suspends operations and lays off employees, no plans to return in 2021

  6. #156

    Default Re: Xfl


    Example of a business not reopening after Covid-19.

    There shall be plenty more.

  7. #157

    Default Re: Xfl

    I'm sure Vince was anticipating having some cash flow coming in the second half of the season. Plus, he probably see's a lot less low hanging fruit for the next 2 or 3 years at least.

  8. #158

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    I'm sure Vince was anticipating having some cash flow coming in the second half of the season. Plus, he probably see's a lot less low hanging fruit for the next 2 or 3 years at least.
    also his core business WWE is not generating the same revenue as 2 months ago .... so his "net" is not longer around

  9. #159

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Even though Vince claimed to have the money to weather 3 seasons of losses, he couldn't make it through one.

    XFL suspends operations and lays off employees, no plans to return in 2021
    Yeah he probably didn't forecast a global, economy crippling pandemic shutting him down halfway through the first season.

  10. #160

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    Yeah he probably didn't forecast a global, economy crippling pandemic shutting him down halfway through the first season.
    That is true. However he was not getting any tv revenue this year at all and he claimed to have 500m to operate over 3 years. One would have thought the losses were greater the first year than anticipated but not so crippling as to close the doors completely.

  11. #161

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    also his core business WWE is not generating the same revenue as 2 months ago .... so his "net" is not longer around
    I wasn't thinking about the other parts of his business where he lost money. He's also smart enough to know there isn't going to be a V shaped recover. At least not for the people that buy tickets to his events.

  12. #162

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    I wasn't thinking about the other parts of his business where he lost money. He's also smart enough to know there isn't going to be a V shaped recover. At least not for the people that buy tickets to his events.
    exactly... this is probably the biggest factor. and now that the NFL is possibly talking about a shift in their schedule if needed this year, as well as the fact they are going to be adding more games. led a lot of unknowns about when you could start your schedule. i don't think it's the last we have seen of the XFL. but i think they are going to regroup and wait a year or two before coming back again.

    for example they proved there is a need for some more football, but also proved there isn't enough talent for 8 whole teams. i wouldn't be surprised if they came back with only 6 teams, and moved a couple of them. with attendance so great in places like St Louis and Seattle and so awful in New Jersey, DC and florida... i could see them trying to find some better markets

  13. #163

    Default Re: Xfl

    So, what things are folks hoping might make it into NFL? I think the XFL had some good innovation this year, and had the potential to be really great football. It's a shame their timing was so bad.

    I like the new kickoff style a lot. I also like the changes with the extra point, but honestly I'd be fine if these didn't get picked up. I liked the double forward pass a lot but I know it's more of a novelty.

    The mics on the coaches and the coach interviews in games can die as far as I'm concerned. That didn't seem to work well.

    Oh, and I liked the team colors on the balls but this is not needed, but it doesn't hurt anything.

  14. #164

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    So, what things are folks hoping might make it into NFL? I think the XFL had some good innovation this year, and had the potential to be really great football. It's a shame their timing was so bad.

    I like the new kickoff style a lot. I also like the changes with the extra point, but honestly I'd be fine if these didn't get picked up. I liked the double forward pass a lot but I know it's more of a novelty.

    The mics on the coaches and the coach interviews in games can die as far as I'm concerned. That didn't seem to work well.

    Oh, and I liked the team colors on the balls but this is not needed, but it doesn't hurt anything.
    the replay communication

  15. #165

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    the replay communication
    Oh yeah. I loved seeing inside the replay booth and getting some insight into that. Seeing some of the decision making might help the NFL replay booth.

  16. #166

    Default Re: Xfl

    I loved the kickoff. I was totally shocked, but I did love it.

    The replay communication.

    The mic'd up coaches.

  17. #167

    Default Re: Xfl

    The transparency that went on with replay communication and coaches really upped the commentary game too. Everybody could be like Romo at that point, or be exposed as frauds.

  18. #168

    Default Re: Xfl

    So this in an interesting development -


  19. #169

    Default Re: Xfl

    Oh, how I wish we could be having spirited discussions about the viability of spring football. Now I'm just hoping we can have football.

  20. #170

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    Oh, how I wish we could be having spirited discussions about the viability of spring football. Now I'm just hoping we can have football.
    Yeah. Priorities have definitely changed sports wise. I was over the moon that baseball started. But my Cardinals have 7 games of the first 12 postponed already.

  21. #171

    Default Re: Xfl

    " Fairytales can come true ..."

  22. #172
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    Post Re: Xfl

    PRO FOOTBALL CFL, XFL explore partnership

    The Canadian Football League and the XFL are exploring a potential partnership as they seek to return to play in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The leagues announced Wednesday that they “have agreed to work together to identify opportunities for the leagues to collaborate, innovate, and grow the game of football,” though they did not offer specifics about what such a patnership would entail.

    The XFL also said it is putting its plans for the 2022 season on hold as discussions continue. The CFL canceled its 2020 season but is hoping to return to play June 10.

    Wire reports

  23. #173

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    PRO FOOTBALL CFL, XFL explore partnership

    The Canadian Football League and the XFL are exploring a potential partnership as they seek to return to play in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The leagues announced Wednesday that they “have agreed to work together to identify opportunities for the leagues to collaborate, innovate, and grow the game of football,” though they did not offer specifics about what such a patnership would entail.

    The XFL also said it is putting its plans for the 2022 season on hold as discussions continue. The CFL canceled its 2020 season but is hoping to return to play June 10.

    Wire reports
    Could be an interesting partnership. I guess whatever happens Bob Stoops won't be coaching since he has another job now. Even if the seasons don't overlap I don't think he wants to be that busy.

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