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Thread: Braum's

  1. #1451

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Yes, they absolutely did change. It was a cost-cutting measure. They concocted a "base" *milkshake* mix that was ordered to be used *instead* of bottled shelf milk, because using the shelf milk was taking away inventory from retail sales. When it got out, Braum's put out a bunch of corporate BS about it being "healthier" and "fortified" or whatever, as if people are drinking a milkshake for its health benefits.

    For a time, individual managers were responding to requests to have the shakes make with actual, regular, real milk, but Braum's HQ found out about it and started threatening local managers with termination if they didn't use the mandated mix.

    Yeah, that swirling motion you see is Braum's going down the toilet. Just to add a little ancillary insult to injury, my mom was telling me the other day she had picked up some "sale" butter from Braums the other day, but when she used it, noted it had a horrible smell and realized that, somehow, it had spoiled. Not sure how, exactly, but it was simply another nail in Braum's coffin. We don't do Braum's anymore. I think since the younger generation took it over, they've pretty much turned it into a pure bean-counting operation, the overall quality has gone in the crapper, and the leadership just doesn't care anymore. They'll throw a ton of money at a pretty storefront, and make sure it looks nice for a while, but once it isn't new or popular anymore, they'll let it rot.

    I've lived in Oklahoma nearly all my life, and remember Braum's as a wonderful, special treat as a kid, great milk and dairy products, and even when my kids were little, we took the extra effort to get their products. That was 20 years ago. Braum's is no longer worth the effort, at least not for me/my family. I also know they don't give two rips about my opinion, either. If they still work for someone else, that's great, power to ya. They're living on their name IMO.
    Odd. I was in Braums just two weeks ago. Watched the lady scoop the ice cream into the cup and pour milk from a jug of Braum's milk in the bin in the cooler. Same as I observed a couple of months earlier at another location, and Just like I've seen them do it for 20 years.
    Last edited by Executionist; 01-15-2020 at 08:59 AM. Reason: spelling

  2. #1452
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Braum's

    I am ashamed to admit that I have at least one shake from Braums a week and have done so for decades. I haven't noticed changes like some on here claim. Mine has always been made with real hand scooped ice cream and their milk. Mine are always great, except when a newby makes it too thin .

    As for the burgers, I really don't go to a dairy store to eat burgers. Just like I don't go to Tuckers for their shakes (mediocre, at best). Braums milk products are why I go and they are very good. It's just a struggle always to choose between best tasting version and least fat version. lol.

  3. #1453

    Default Re: Braum's

    Milkshake gate

  4. #1454

    Default Re: Braum's

    Slightly off topic, sorry, but it's kinda relevant.

    Been wondering how the shakes are at S&B and Patty Wagon (thick enough, flavorful enough)? I haven't had a shake/malt from anybody in years and years, am tempted sometimes at those places, but am usually too full to do one, and don't want to spend $5 to try without some foreknowledge and y'all seem to know your shakes...

  5. #1455

    Default Re: Braum's

    I'd be delighted to think Braum's had reversed course on the milkshake thing. Don't know. If they have, great.

  6. #1456

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    I'd be delighted to think Braum's had reversed course on the milkshake thing. Don't know. If they have, great.
    They are still using Shake Milk. However like I said depends on how lazy or busy they are they will use whatever they can find. Sometimes they will fill milk jugs with the shake milk also and just pour it as it's easier than using the machine it comes out of. So don't get your hopes up too high.

  7. #1457

    Default Re: Braum's

    A2 Milk is the "new milk".

  8. #1458

    Default Re: Braum's

    Casady Square (on Penn just south of Britton) where the new Braum's will go:

  9. #1459

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Casady Square (on Penn just south of Britton) where the new Braum's will go:
    Since they have the whole strip blocked off are they wiping it all away?

    This was my neighborhood strip center, went trick or treating as a kid can't really recall much that was in that strip, maybe blockbuster, a paint store, pool supply store

  10. #1460

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by JDSooners View Post
    Since they have the whole strip blocked off are they wiping it all away?
    Yes, see the plans here: https://www.okctalk.com/content.php?...-Casady-Square

  11. Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    A2 Milk is the "new milk".
    This post had me worried, but I picked up a gallon of the old-label milk and the A2 milk at the same time when my Braum's was switching over. As far as I can tell, they're exactly the same other than the label. They taste identical to me, and the nutrition facts are identical line-for-line, which would be pretty impossible to do if they changed anything about the milk.

  12. #1462

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott5114 View Post
    This post had me worried, but I picked up a gallon of the old-label milk and the A2 milk at the same time when my Braum's was switching over. As far as I can tell, they're exactly the same other than the label. They taste identical to me, and the nutrition facts are identical line-for-line, which would be pretty impossible to do if they changed anything about the milk.

  13. #1463

    Default Re: Braum's

    I don't know if this was mentioned elsewhere but, Braums announced Bill Braum passed away on March 23rd at the family farm in Tuttle.

    Makes one wonder what will come next. Will they sell out to an investment group or will they grow beyond the five state region they currently cover.

  14. #1464

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by NavySeabee View Post
    I don't know if this was mentioned elsewhere but, Braums announced Bill Braum passed away on March 23rd at the family farm in Tuttle.

    Makes one wonder what will come next. Will they sell out to an investment group or will they grow beyond the five state region they currently cover.
    if they are smart. they will not open new stores and just update the brand... heck farm to fork is so popular right now, and this company has been doing it for decades without taking credit for it.

  15. #1465

    Default Re: Braum's


  16. Default Re: Braum's

    Before it was farm to table, we called it vertical integration.

  17. #1467

    Default Re: Braum's

    The new Braum's location in The Village at Penn & Britton:

  18. #1468

    Default Re: Braum's

    How do you get these wonderful photos

  19. #1469

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Slimjim View Post
    How do you get these wonderful photos
    Something like this, I’d assume:


  20. #1470

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Slimjim View Post
    How do you get these wonderful photos
    I have a drone.

  21. #1471

    Default Re: Braum's

    Not being an "Okie" and only living here for 8 years now I don't get the obsession with Braums. I do like the Milk and I like to be able to run in and get a few grocery but when it comes to food they are near the bottom of my list. Fries are good burgers and chicken sandwiches are Meh at best. Ice cream I guess is ok but I like Dairy Queen, or Bryers ice cream at home . Braums has more flavors which i can see as a plus but overall I just don't go there to eat and I eat out 2 if not 3 times a week on my way to work in the afternoon.

  22. #1472

    Default Re: Braum's

    I love Braum's apart from the upkeep of their stores and generally poor service.

    It's very reasonable and the products are fresh and of good quality.

    It helps if you grew up with it, as most Okies did.

  23. #1473

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I love Braum's apart from the upkeep of their stores and generally poor service.

    It's very reasonable and the products are fresh and of good quality.

    It helps if you grew up with it, as most Okies did.
    And then there's my contrary opinion, grew up with them a block from my house when I was a kid, ate there lots, but cannot stand them now. Food is just average, if not below, their grocery selection just isn't that great (their produce is sad at the ones I've been in), their uncleanliness is legendary, their bad staffing/getting orders wrong is also legendary, the way they wanted to demolish the Donnay building is a prime example of being a horrible corporate citizen, they changed portion sizes (among other food/drink changes). I also don't eat ice cream type foods much anymore, but when I do, Talenti gelato or other brands like that fill the need quite well. Having said all that, their milk is better than most and doesn't spoil as quickly, and their eggnog is probably the best around, and they seem to keep doing business like crazy, so I'm obviously in the minority...

  24. #1474

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I love Braum's apart from the upkeep of their stores and generally poor service.

    It's very reasonable and the products are fresh and of good quality.

    It helps if you grew up with it, as most Okies did.
    And I will go in for groceries from time to time. Some Markets are much better than other markets. The one i go too has great fresh produce. I think it's cause some stores will have a dedicated market person that works during the day and cares about the place while other stores don't and just throw someone ever there.

    Food quality yeah 1/3 burger to 1/4 burger. Hit or miss how long they been in the cabinet. I really don't like their buns they are too dry. Shakes are too hit or miss they can be like drinking milk half the time. Fries are good though. Service can be really bad also.

  25. #1475

    Default Re: Braum's

    I think Braum's has found a unique place in the market. A business limited to food products. Packaged, perishable, and/or immediate consumption make up all of their business. They appear to be good enough to keep customers returning and allow them to grow.

    I would suggest that for those with physical challenges or simply getting older, this place is a godsend. They have a good range of food without long walking or crowds.

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