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Thread: Dell and the Flaming Lips!

  1. Default Dell and the Flaming Lips!

    I was watching TV last night and was quite surprised to see a Dell commmercial using the Flaming Lips song, "The W.A.N.D.".

    Oklahoma Rock Newsblog » Blog Archive » Dell commercial unleashes “The W.A.N.D.”

    Man...I wish I would have bought my Inspiron this year instead...they have colors and a num pad. Oh well.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Dell and the Flaming Lips!

    I'm in the same boat Cuatro...Bought mine last year

    Pretty funny article regarding music fests....I'm sure those guys have seen it all

    I would hate to think what it would take now to make them shake their heads in horror

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dell and the Flaming Lips!

    Did anybody else catch the Lips at D-Fest the other weekend? Good stuff, as always, from our eclectic Oklahomans.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dell and the Flaming Lips!

    Yeah I was there. Great concert. I was surprised they did a set as long as they did... was pretty cool I was expecting just 3 or 4 songs and that's it, but they pretty much did an entire concert.

  5. Default Re: Dell and the Flaming Lips!

    Yeah I was there too. Good show.

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