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Thread: New Arena (formerly Prairie Surf)

  1. #301

    Default Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    I've said this before and many will throw rocks at me for saying it, but i dont feel like restoring the grid at the Cox site is a good idea. We have land in the heart of downtown that's primed for that next arena when the Peake is ready to go. Getting that land back later would make the project a LOT more expensive. The Cox can still serve a purpose for smaller events and will most likely be a cheaper option than the new CC anyway. The fact that we have two venues so close could be beneficial for very large events too.

    There really isn't anything there to NEED the grid restored either, as in you dont get anything from it. East/West you just get access from a rail wall with no connection to bricktown and then the park. North South, you aren't REALLY blocked today because people walk through the Cox all day and get to be indoors while they cross. But that being said, there isn't much need there between the 2 hotels and the Peak. Normal downtown workers go to SantaFe and go north or west to their buildings, not south towards the Peak.

    There is SOOOO much open land right now with C2S, we definitely don't need a plot like this open. And without a developer ready to build without TIFF/etc, then we'll just end up with another OG&E/Stage Center debacle.
    I disagree. This site is perfect for restoring the original street grid. Chesapeake Arena won't need to be replaced for decades. Renovated/expanded but not replaced and is in a great current location. The question is more will the Cox site be developed to its potential and I hope it is.

  2. Default Re: Cox Center

    the city will rebuild the street grid and carve up the land, offering piece(s) to developers. CBD expansion will be the protocol here, meaning at least midrise development.

    Keep in mind, CBD rules are different for the other downtown districts or in the rest of the core. One can nearly be assured the city will uphold them at the Cox site due to the expense it has taken and will to demolish it; as well as the inherent value of the land once the Cox become obsolete. I can assume there every block of the four will require at least one tower above 15 floors - again, CBD expansion here. ..
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  3. #303

    Default Re: Cox Center

    Once demolished (2020-21) and there are some proposals made, then decide whether or not what to do with the street grid; not limited to the current grid.

  4. Default Re: Cox Center

    Was looking over some recent shots and realized what an astonishingly big impact this site can have on downtown. Will be exciting to see what happens with all of this!

  5. #305

    Default Re: Cox Center


    It's just a monster monolith, especially as it takes the entire eastern boundary of the Myriad Gardens and completely blocks the Santa Fe Station.

    Can't wait for it to be gone.

  6. #306

    Default Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    It's just a monster monolith, especially as it takes the entire eastern boundary of the Myriad Gardens and completely blocks the Santa Fe Station.

    Can't wait for it to be gone.
    Would love to see a central street with a terminal vista of the Station when standing at the opposite end of the Myriad Gardens.

  7. #307

    Default Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    It's just a monster monolith, especially as it takes the entire eastern boundary of the Myriad Gardens and completely blocks the Santa Fe Station.

    Can't wait for it to be gone.

    Careful...it may become Myriad Gardens Part III and the Holy Larry Nichols may convince Rehco never to build a lot and we'll have the head of the cross standing 844 feet tall and the rest of the "T" nothing but lowly ground level vegetation, with some parking.The Boulevard could be seen as the spear going directly into the side to finish it all off.

  8. #308

    Default Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Geographer View Post
    Would love to see a central street with a terminal vista of the Station when standing at the opposite end of the Myriad Gardens.
    A restored California Ave would dead end at the station entrance:

    Broadway would terminate at Reno with Chesapeake Arena as the terminus

  9. Default Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by hoya View Post
    I don't think there's enough demand for land in downtown OKC right now to demo the Cox Center. In 10 years that might be different, but right now I think it's unlikely to generate the level of investment that we desire.

    For that development to truly be a "success", we probably need something larger than the proposed OG&E/Clayco project. There's twice as much available land here, and this need a $1 billion-plus level of investment. To do it right, the city probably needs to coordinate 4 or 5 different developers, each one moving forward on a different piece of the property with their own (well funded) projects. But I don't think anybody is ready to do that right now.

    Let's say there are (at least) 3 barriers to this moving forward today. First, we've got a lot of Class A office space that is unfilled thanks to the BOk building that just opened up. It will fill up eventually, but we don't have a pressing need for more office space downtown right now. Second, until First National opens up, we've got very little information on how the city will handle high rise housing. As I understand it, it's almost impossible to get loans to build high rise residential until the city proves it can support something comparable. Third, the city can't use any TIF funds to help with a hotel for the foreseeable future because of our deal with Omni.

    Now, all those issues could be worked out. BOk may fill up in the next few years, and if the oil industry continues to recover, or we get some more tech companies moving here, we may need more Class A space in the future. From what I understand, Harold Hamm runs a super-tight ship, and once he retires here in 5 or 10 years, it's possible that CR could grow significantly. Our outlook on office towers could be a lot stronger in 2028 as opposed to today. First National may be a huge success, and high rise residential could work very well in OKC. And Omni may do such good business here that they might want to exercise their option to put an additional hotel on the Cox Center grounds.

    But I don't think any of this is going to happen the day after the new convention center opens. I'd suggest keeping the Cox Center open for smaller conventions, at least for a few years until a truly world-class (not make believe world class like we sometimes see) proposal is ready to go.
    Im a little shocked to see someone agree, even if for different reason. But can't say im sad to see it LOL. The lack of NEED and investment to build on the site is a MAJOR factor. As Hoya said (and i sort of said) unless we have someone lined up that doesn't require a billion dollars in TIFF to even make the project move, then we're not doing ourselves any favors by dozing. Im sure the symbology of having this much land vacant (along with the Stage Center) in the heart of downtown would not be a good thing. And as said, we're far from needing more Class A space or really residential of any kind either. The market simply isn't there. If it were, we'd have people lined up ready to submit proposals for the land.

  10. #310

    Default Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Im a little shocked to see someone agree, even if for different reason. But can't say im sad to see it LOL. The lack of NEED and investment to build on the site is a MAJOR factor. As Hoya said (and i sort of said) unless we have someone lined up that doesn't require a billion dollars in TIFF to even make the project move, then we're not doing ourselves any favors by dozing. Im sure the symbology of having this much land vacant (along with the Stage Center) in the heart of downtown would not be a good thing. And as said, we're far from needing more Class A space or really residential of any kind either. The market simply isn't there. If it were, we'd have people lined up ready to submit proposals for the land.
    When MAPS3 wraps up in a few years, I think the opportunity from outside investment will grow exponentially. A several billion dollar development is undoable for a local investor group. But what if a firm in Dallas or Los Angeles is interested?

  11. Default Re: Cox Center

    We definitely don't need to keep the Cox. Restoring the grid and expanding the CBD organically but with a master plan only makes sense.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  12. #312

    Default Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    We definitely don't need to keep the Cox. Restoring the grid and expanding the CBD organically but with a master plan only makes sense.
    I.M. Pei i think is still doing occasional consulting work... maybe the city could hire him for the master plan

  13. #313

    Default Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    I.M. Pei i think is still doing occasional consulting work... maybe the city could hire him for the master plan

  14. Default Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    I.M. Pei i think is still doing occasional consulting work... maybe the city could hire him for the master plan
    thanks so much for may laugh of the day with that suggestion. LoL.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  15. #315

    Default Re: Cox Center

    Until we have a funded plan on paper utilizing one company or multiple companies, I would prefer if they operated the COX as is nod try to increase the total convention/event business in downtown OKC. The Stage center site and bob Moore parking lots are cautionary tales.

  16. #316

    Default Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by citywokchinesefood View Post
    Until we have a funded plan on paper utilizing one company or multiple companies, I would prefer if they operated the COX as is nod try to increase the total convention/event business in downtown OKC. The Stage center site and bob Moore parking lots are cautionary tales.
    I believe that would be the approach.

    I don't believe they are going to demolish an existing, functioning and valuable city asset without having real development lined up.

    If for no other reason, a massive amount of public parking would be lost.

  17. #317

    Default Re: Cox Center

    City council to vote next week on extending the Blue's contract at the Cox Center for 2 more seasons.

    Sounds like it will be around at least that long.

    PBC NBADL, LLC owns the Oklahoma City Blue professional basketball franchise (the “Team”) which is a member of the National Basketball Association’s development league (“G-League”), and is the affiliate of the Oklahoma City Thunder, a franchise of the NBA which plays home games at the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City.

    The Team and SMG desire to enter into an Extension Agreement to the January 9, 2015 Extended Use License Agreement with SMG for presentation of professional basketball at the Cox Convention Center. The 2015 Extended Use License Agreement provided for an initial term of three years, with two one-year renewal options. The second renewal option was exercised and effective through the 2018-2019 G-League season.

    The Extension Agreement provides for a third renewal term consisting of two seasons, concluding at the end of the 2020-2021 season. Three oneyear extensions may subsequently be exercised upon mutual written consent and agreement of the parties. The attached Term Summary outlines key points of the proposed Extension Agreement.

    Adoption of the Resolution by the OCPPA will authorize SMG to enter into the Extension Agreement with PBC NBADL, LLC to present professional G-League basketball at the Cox Convention Center Arena.

  18. #318

    Default Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    City council to vote next week on extending the Blue's contract at the Cox Center for 2 more seasons.

    Sounds like it will be around at least that long.
    Would probably have an out clause if a definitive plan is in place for redevelopment of the site once the new CC is open. But this is smart, either way.

  19. #319
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    Default Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    City council to vote next week on extending the Blue's contract at the Cox Center for 2 more seasons.

    Sounds like it will be around at least that long.
    I would think it will take at least that long to fully complete and move the convention center and make even basic proposals for redevelopment of the current one.

  20. #320
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    Default Re: Cox Center

    In this video, Mike Carrier with the CVB talks about some time lines with the convention center. Unfortunately, he stood on the opposite side of the room from his slides so we can't see those in the video, but he gives a lot of good info.

  21. #321

    Multiple Locations Re: Cox Center

    OZ Oklahoma City's zones

    The area of the cox center represent 4-square blocks for prime development opportunity if and when the City decides to drop the wrecking ball on the Cox center site.

    Will OKC be able to salvage 900 underground parking spaces.
    Will the 4 sq., blks be return to street grid; also parceled out.
    Will Omni exercise their exclusive rights if a hotel comes into play.
    Will a wealthy developer/s invest in OKC's Opportunity Zones.

    As dreaded as it seems; it may be a while before or if the cox is demolished.

    Should OKC approach 2021-25 with optimism...

  22. #322

    Default Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    OZ Oklahoma City's zones

    The area of the cox center represent 4-square blocks for prime development opportunity if and when the City decides to drop the wrecking ball on the Cox center site.

    Will OKC be able to salvage 900 underground parking spaces.
    Will the 4 sq., blks be return to street grid; also parceled out.
    Will Omni exercise their exclusive rights if a hotel comes into play.
    Will a wealthy developer/s invest in OKC's Opportunity Zones.

    As dreaded as it seems; it may be a while before or if the cox is demolished.

    Should OKC approach 2021-25 with optimism...
    Moving for the sake of motion will not help OKC at all. OKC can wait on demolishing that until they have a solid plan in place. No need to rush.

  23. #323

    Default Re: Cox Center

    I'd be fine if this takes 25 years to develop. This city gets one shot to redevelop what will ultimately be the foremost real estate site in the entire state of Oklahoma.

  24. #324
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    Default Re: Cox Center

    Doubt the arena is razed before the new fairgrounds arena is open anyway.

  25. #325

    Boathouse District Re: Cox Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Doubt the arena is razed before the new fairgrounds arena is open anyway.

    The coliseum should be among the 1st four projects under construction where this venue can start reaping benefits; regardless of what happens with the Cox site.

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