Re: Downtown Trolleys
guys, I think in order for park n rides to be successful, they need to be a bit further out and advertised!!!!
The fairgrounds is too far in, you might as well keep driving the 5 miles to downtown rather than park, wait on the bus/shuttle, then be several minutes later than if you had just drove there.
I think Park N Rides should be at the suburbs for now in order to make a difference, when the inner city becomes more populated then we could start talking about having them at places in like the fairgrounds.
Whatever the case, this needs to be advertised for a while so people can even become aware of it. I mean, OKC is a major CAR city and it wont change just because we're now a 1.3M metro - we got to get the word out and have reliable schedules and reasonable park n ride locations.
I think a very good way to get this going is by having bus shuttles during major downtown events. .... But it has to be reliable. It has to be convenient. and for a little while, it has to be advertised (until it catches on, which may take a year or two).
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!