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Thread: Pelicans

  1. #1
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    Default Pelicans

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    OK, I know this may be weird but curious if others are seeing Pelicans in lake areas around OKC.

    Had about 50 on the lake in our neighborhood late today. Really beautiful. Sorry the picture isn’t very good but I didn’t want to spook them.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pelicans

    Yep. American White Pelicans. They come every year as part of their normal migration. There are frequently some in residence at each of the local lakes during the winter, but not always. I started seeing them at Overholser about two weeks ago. Some days they are there. Some days they aren't. Sometimes near the dam if the wind is blowing out of the south. Sometimes at the north end if the lake when the wind is out of the north. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/...ite_Pelican/id

    I took this photo at the north end of Overholser a number of years ago.

  3. #3
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    ^Thanks. I hope to see them again! Really impressive.

  4. #4

    Northeast OKC Re: Pelicans

    It’s exciting. I always look forward to seeing them. I can’t always get to see them up close but binoculars and their markings help. They are big birds and stand out in the distance by size compared to the gulls. Sometimes you can just see big white birds floating far off. The black tipped wings are a giveaway when they are flying and can be seen from a pretty good distance.

    Another local nature discovery I just learned about last year, we have minks at Hefner and perhaps other places. I’ve seen just one, on the jetty that separates the west boat harbor from the main lake. I found out about it from someone who sees them regularly on the rocks on the dam.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Pelicans

    Wow....had no idea. Thanks.

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