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Thread: Surf Machine

  1. #1

    Boathouse District Surf Machine

    Information & Latest News




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  2. #2

    Default Re: Indoor Surf Park

    This looks pretty radical.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Indoor Surf Park

    Now that would be fun. Do they allow belly boarding?

  4. #4
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Indoor Surf Park

    How is the fundraising going on this? Well enough that they expect to begin work in 2014?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Indoor Surf Park

    This was always to be the last phase after the play area and zip line.

    The zip line is just starting, so I would expect the surf park to start not long after that, although I'm not sure about the fund raising.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Indoor Surf Park

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    This was always to be the last phase after the play area and zip line.

    The zip line is just starting, so I would expect the surf park to start not long after that, although I'm not sure about the fund raising.
    So to be clear, the only thing along the river that is part of MAPS3 is the stadium lighting, grandstand & whitewater facility. This is separately funded?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Indoor Surf Park

    Yes, the SandRidge Youth Pavillion (play area, zip line, surf park) is privately funded.

    MAPS 3: Lighting, grandstand, wind screen, whitewater facility and some other minor improvements.

    Other Boathouse District projects: UCO Boathouse (starting this month) and OU Boathouse (starting in 2014).

  8. #8

    Default Re: Indoor Surf Park

    Ah, yes, the windscreen. Forgot that one. All told..amazing now AND will be even more awesome when totally finished!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Indoor Surf Park

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Ah, yes, the windscreen. Forgot that one. All told..amazing now AND will be even more awesome when totally finished!
    When it's done, it will alternate with the Thunder as the real downtown draw.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Indoor Surf Park

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    When it's done, it will alternate with the Thunder as the real downtown draw.
    But, of course, the Thunder are only available for 41 days, 2 1/2 hours minimum per day. This will be frequented much more...

  11. #11

    Default Re: Surf Machine

    Plans move forward for city-owned surf park

    The MAPS3 board voted yesterday to seek construction bids for a proposed double occupancy surf machine to be located along the Oklahoma River.

    The facility would cost $1.45 million and would come from $7.9 million in excess MAPS funds that were allocated to the Boathouse Foundation as part of improving the MAPS 3 whitewater facility that opened in 2016.

    An engineer from Hornbeek Blatt Architects told the board that the facility would generate additional revenue for the complex as the new facility would bring more visitors and revenues, especially through repeat visitors seeking to improve the skill on a surf or body board.

    Since opening, the whitewater facility has proven expensive to operate and has contributed to sizeable loses for the foundation which manages the several river-based facilities on behalf of the city. Earlier this week, city council voted to provide $1.5M to the foundation in additional funding to help cover a $3M annual cost.

    Last June, the MAPS3 board also approved $2 million in additional funding. Along with the excess MAPS funds, taxpayers have provided nearly $11.5 million to the foundation in just over a year. As a part of studies and an independent financial audit, several personnel and board changes were mandated.

    The surf machine uses turbines to pump a continuous flow of water across a soft neoprene surface similar to a trampoline.

    Construction bids are due at the end of October with work starting in November with a targeted opening of spring 2020.

    The facility would be located directly next to the main whitewater structure and add to other river attractions such as ziplines, an exercise park, and bike pump track.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Surf Machine

    Along with excess Maps fund’s, the city has provided over 11.5 million this year. That needs to sink in, don’t you think? How much money, that could used productively in the city, going down the rapids ( drain ).
    And now another 1.5 million project that costs more to run, than the revenues it brings in. Follow the money...

  13. #13

    Default Re: Surf Machine

    Keep in mind the $1.5M gift earlier this week was because they are projecting a $3M loss this year.

    I've been worried about this for quite a while. I would be less so if any of the foundation's projections actually came to pass.

    It's been going on for years where they present big plans, talk about the return the latest/greatest expenditure will generate, then in the end they are bleeding cash faster than ever.

    It's too late to turn back now, as the city has spent hundreds of millions on the river and the related facilities. But it seems time to come to grips with the fact that for the foreseeable future, this entire operation is going have to be funded by an on-going budget allocation from the city, just like the Myriad Gardens and now Scissortail Park.

    This has really turned into a broken promise and completely unrealistic numbers around MAPS3 that no one wants to address so close to the next MAPS vote.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Surf Machine

    And the City can’t even repair and keep the west river bike path open, along with repairs and maintenance on the rest of the bike paths.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Surf Machine

    Has Riversport ever advertised (e.g., billboard) in DFW? I don't think I've ever talked to anyone in DFW knows they live three hours from whitewater rafting. Just seems like there is such a huge market that is largely untapped.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Surf Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    Has Riversport ever advertised (e.g., billboard) in DFW? I don't think I've ever talked to anyone in DFW knows they live three hours from whitewater rafting. Just seems like there is such a huge market that is largely untapped.

    Not sure people will drive 2 hours for something like this. I wish they would have more things to do in the Spring. I had family visiting first week of April and wanted to check things out. Go zip lining down the slide, it as 77 outside on a Friday and it was closed. I get it kids are in school and stuff but maybe get a few more attractions so that you can stay open in March, April when the weather is starting to get nicer.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Surf Machine

    This is the same company and looks identical to the ones I've used on Royal Caribbean ships.

    Will they have multiple FlowRiders? On the larger RC ships, they have 2.

    They ARE a lot of fun, but with only 2 people possible at a time, the lines will be long.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Surf Machine

    I think a downtown Mumble Rap museum would be a better idea.

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  19. #19

    Default Re: Surf Machine

    I wish they would put in an indoor snow skiing facility. I have been to one before and it had a lot of business and it was a lot of fun.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Surf Machine

    Pretty stoked about this. It is approved and moving forward.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Surf Machine

    Flowriders are neat little things that are popular at a number of water parks. Spectating is a lot of fun. It doesn't really seem like something you would do by itself though... usually you only get a few minutes at a time and what you can do is pretty limited.

    I mean, it's another cool little toy for an area filled with a lot of cool little toys... it just doesn't feel cohesive at all. You know what would tie it all together a lot better? Adding an actual water park of some kind. White Water/Hurricane Harbor is about the only true water park in the metro, and even it is undersized IMO. Oklahoma in general is surprisingly sparse on water parks despite our obvious demand for them.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Surf Machine

    Now at 1.9M from 1.4M projected.

  23. #23
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Surf Machine

    An indoor water park there would kill it.

  24. Default Re: Surf Machine

    IMO it's fun window dressing, but not a draw. I mean, they have these on cruise ships.

    More like something you'd see White Water add and feature.

    Regardless, we are on the fence about buying season passes this year. We bought for awhile, then stopped. Considering it again. Mainly for the adventures at other area lakes.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Surf Machine

    It's hard to say. I am a avid surfer. It's my sport of choice. This isn't a true "wave pool" that simulates oceanic undulations. It is a "wave form" that is static. I have never been on a Flowrider but would assume that it would help with balance training and style development.

    I might be an exception, but I suspect there are many landlocked Californians here that would enjoy it. Right now, there really isn't a draw to the river for me.

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