hold on. i need popcorn.........
ok. continue.
i'm going to regret this.....
while you continue searching for the answers you will never receive, because they simply do not exist..ponder this - maybe the reason why we attend church is to educate ourselves about scripture. Not all of us go the route of complete background investigations and/or analyzing the church doctrine before we choose where to attend. Most of us also do not try to memorize the Bible before we start attending church. Therefore...it is not and should not be expected that we have all of the answers for you. If you want those things, seek them for yourself and quit asking us to provide them for you. Obviously it just isn't as important to us as it is to you. And before you begin to talk about how we can go to a place and believe in things that we aren't familiar with let me present this idea to you...I have attended numerous denominations and churches before choosing LC. To name a few - baptist, methodist, mennonite, catholic, non-denominational, etc. and I didn't do background investigations on them either - but I know I didn't agree with things I heard in the sermons, nor did I agree with the gossip that went on afterwards, and I also didn't agree with being told I was going to go to hell for not thinking the exact same way they did. But in the years that I have attended LC, I have agreed with almost every thing I have learned or listened about. The things I didn't agree with, I presented to the pastor and we openly discussed the topic until we resolved the questions. Sometimes he made sense, and sometimes I made sense to him.
So here is a question for you...before you put gas in your car, do you investigate the company that provides that gas and could you tell us what evidence they provide to back up their company creed and/or reasoning in doing things they do? I for one would love to see the documentation on why their prices are so high. No, you didn't do that? How can you buy gas from someone when you don't even know what they believe in????
Get my point?
Why do I keep coming back to this thread??