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Thread: Where is everyone?

  1. #1

    Default Where is everyone?

    Back to G.N.L.?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Where is everyone?

    Everyone stopped posting here about the time I arrived, I think. Haven't seen a single post from him since April.

    But I'm sure that if we all just think good thoughts and send out a few more threads like this one into the cybersphere, maybe he'll come right back...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Where is everyone?

    There is no good gossip here.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Where is everyone?

    Agreed...as long as you have smart asses like Rifleman2C around it just kind of makes a person go elsewhere anyway...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Where is everyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marko View Post
    Agreed...as long as you have smart asses like Rifleman2C around it just kind of makes a person go elsewhere anyway...
    Isn't that a harsh comment for someone trying to encourage participation? We all have differing personalities and response styles as well as differing opinions to discuss and defend.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Where is everyone?

    The only way you get people to respond over here is to post something historically incorrect.......... Bar, Saloon, same freaking thing LOL

  7. Default Re: Where is everyone?

    Guthrie sucks.

  8. Default Re: Where is everyone?

    Harsh Cuatro...very harsh. Yet, oddly accurate. Seriously, I have noticed that since a certain goofy orange cat stopped posting, the raging debates that used to occur frequently have stopped popping up. Makes me wonder if we don't have a need for a human lightning rod to stir things up.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Where is everyone?

    I saw Guthrie unanimously struck down the burlesque show. Too bad, I think that could have been a huge draw for them.

  10. Talking Re: Where is everyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    Harsh Cuatro...very harsh. Yet, oddly accurate. Seriously, I have noticed that since a certain goofy orange cat stopped posting, the raging debates that used to occur frequently have stopped popping up. Makes me wonder if we don't have a need for a human lightning rod to stir things up.

    HEY ...watch it with those "human lightening" quips.....I became *twitch* one a couple of weeks *twitch* ago.....

  11. #11

    Default Re: Where is everyone?

    Metro, I agree with you. It was debateable what she really "meant", but a burlesque show would have been fun.

    I also agree with Okiekatt. Very few, not all, on this site seem to jump in with anything intelligent to add to a conversation. Which is probably for the obvious reason of no or little intelligence to jump in a conversation with. However, they are quick to jump in about saying bar or saloon wrong or beat the dead horse for days about breaking a precious rule you didn't even know existed.

    Sad really. Seemed like it would be fun to conversate over here and I did check out other areas or forums and really didn't find much difference. Feel free to tell me to go away if I don't like it (that's so easy to do) or prove me wrong.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Where is everyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    Harsh Cuatro...very harsh. Yet, oddly accurate. Seriously, I have noticed that since a certain goofy orange cat stopped posting, the raging debates that used to occur frequently have stopped popping up. Makes me wonder if we don't have a need for a human lightning rod to stir things up.
    Perhaps the dementia set in to a point where he forgot his password?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Where is everyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    I saw Guthrie unanimously struck down the burlesque show. Too bad, I think that could have been a huge draw for them.
    I grew up in Guthrie and while I would have loved to see something like this go in, I believe the city council is too conservative to let it happen. I've heard them strike down other business ideas as well that required a small zoning change but they wouldn't allow it.

    In fact, it seems that they don't want very much change in that city.

  14. Default Re: Where is everyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Perhaps the dementia set in to a point where he forgot his password?
    More likely the Liberal Mafia had him rubbed out for security reasons. Or, he's hiding out in a cathouse watching porn. Or, he's in DC performing a thorough audit of the DOD awards record keeping system.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Where is everyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    More likely the Liberal Mafia had him rubbed out for security reasons. Or, he's hiding out in a cathouse watching porn. Or, he's in DC performing a thorough audit of the DOD awards record keeping system.
    He hasn't been here since before Bastille day. Before then, he had been checking on things every single day.

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