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Thread: IT jobs / Television jobs in OKC Area?

  1. #1

    Default IT jobs / Television jobs in OKC Area?

    Hope that this is the correct forum for this...
    if not, my apologies...

    An illness in the family might be forcing a return back home to Oklahoma.

    My wife is a teacher, I don't think we'll have too much trouble on that front,
    I think she should be able to land a teaching job without too much trouble...

    I'm in a little more difficult situation. My background is in Television Production,
    Internet Video / Webcasting, and IT and MIS (hardware, software, networking, etc)

    Can anyone suggest any pointers to where I should look for high-tech type jobs in Oklahoma City (or the surrounding area)

    My former tv station has just been sold, and it looks like the hiring freeze is on there...

    any info, or leads appreciated..


  2. #2

    Default Re: IT jobs / Television jobs in OKC Area?

    What area in OKC will you be residing in? I may be able to get you into something.

  3. #3

    Default Re: IT jobs / Television jobs in OKC Area?

    Quote Originally Posted by skwillz View Post
    What area in OKC will you be residing in? I may be able to get you into something.
    Well, seeing how this is sort of an unplanned emergency type of move, we will probably be living at her mother's place...which is in the NW Expressway and Meridian area...

    I would appreciate any suggestions you may have...



  4. Default Re: IT jobs / Television jobs in OKC Area?

    Oil and gas is where the jobs are right now for IT. Check out all the players, big and small.

    I would avoid Chesapeake, a friend there says they overgrew the IT department and are going to start trimming soon.

  5. #5

    Default Re: IT jobs / Television jobs in OKC Area?

    I was going to suggest trying the IT department at OU, but if you're by NW Exp, you'll basically be paying to go to work since you'd have to drive to Norman and most likely would have to buy one of their overpriced staff permits.

  6. Default Re: IT jobs / Television jobs in OKC Area?

    You could try the OU Health Sciences Center, it's in OKC. Parking is only $20 a month here, is it more in Norman?

    OUHSC Preview Job Search Listings

  7. #7

    Default Re: IT jobs / Television jobs in OKC Area?

    Quote Originally Posted by Misty View Post
    You could try the OU Health Sciences Center, it's in OKC. Parking is only $20 a month here, is it more in Norman?

    OUHSC Preview Job Search Listings
    I could go off on a rant about OU's parking permit prices, but I'll be good for now.

    Night Parking - $69
    Dorms - $70 ish?
    Student Commuter - $190
    Faculty/Staff - $220 ish

    I believe the faculty/staff does run for an entire year vs the student commuter that only works during the fall and spring semesters.

  8. Default Re: IT jobs / Television jobs in OKC Area?

    Quote Originally Posted by skwillz View Post
    I could go off on a rant about OU's parking permit prices, but I'll be good for now.

    Night Parking - $69
    Dorms - $70 ish?
    Student Commuter - $190
    Faculty/Staff - $220 ish

    I believe the faculty/staff does run for an entire year vs the student commuter that only works during the fall and spring semesters.
    If those are annual prices I don't think they are bad. Seems reasonable to me.

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