I saw that they're tearing down at least part of the Biltmore Hotel on Meridian. Anyone know what's planned?
I saw that they're tearing down at least part of the Biltmore Hotel on Meridian. Anyone know what's planned?
The only permit is for plumbing. No idea what they are up to.
As a side note, my first job was at this hotel as a 15 year-old when it was the Crosswinds Inn. I was a maintenance man; cut the grass, did some painting, various repair jobs. Still have a paycheck stub: $2.25 per hour in 1976. And I can tell you that lots of creepy things happen at an airport motel.
It’s been a dump for a long time. I worked for a company that contracted with a national commercial satellite TV service and the Biltmore was one of their clients. The place was scary, the owner was drunk most of time any time of day. He gave our guys hell about needing in wherever they needed in to work on the system. And we were there to help him! This was 20 years ago. I drive by there every day and it doesn’t look any different than it did then. Except maybe more run down.
Back in the 70's and early 80's, it was one of the better motels in that area.
But of course, that was a long time ago.
I have been told they're tearing down the south building (or parts of it) and building something new there. This is second hand from someone I know in management there so take it for what it's worth.
I do know they have switched hands a couple of times in recent history. They've made some weird changes such as closing down the restaurant and putting in a shady off track betting parlour, and downsizing their country bar. They redid most of the rooms in the far west building yet closed down the Chisholm Club there and moved it to the smaller space in the front.
When I was in high school ('86-'89) that was the goto hotel for Christmas Dance and Prom night rooms when large groups of teens wanted a place to stay all night. It wasn't really bad then - as in you didn't see crack heads living there - but was bad enough they looked the other way to hoards of teens having after dance parties.
Please correct me if this is an error; IIRC, the Biltmore on the Meridian hotel corridor has 500 rooms currently making it largest hotel by room count in the city.
This used to be a Hilton if I’m correct. Very significant property with ample meeting space and a popular club and restaurant. Big player during the 80’s oil boom.
You guys should read the write up over on the visitOKC webpage... I sure hope tourists don't take their recommendation all too often.
We stayed there for some sort of convention when I was a kid and it was still a nicer (at least in my kid-memory) Hilton. One night when we came back to the hotel, there were a bunch of emergency vehicles near the lobby. A guy had walked through the plate glass beside the front door, apparently mistaking it for an open passageway. After that they placed decals at strategic points near eye level to deter it from happening again.
I've always wondered this, does the current Biltmore hotel have any connection to the Hotel Biltmore that was downtown from the 1930s-1970s? or did the owner just want a high-end name to try to associate it with the Biltmore house in Asheville and the Vanderbilt family?
When my Sr. prom was there back in BC (before (most) computers) late `70s, it was a Hilton.
Heh, I used to run special events around the city, so I became quite familiar with the various venues that have usable meeting space (and I've used most of them at one time or another). Most everything I know is post 2000 though. The Sportspage has been there, but it was in a different location, and they replaced their Brandywine Room with a run down (imo) version of it.
I remember Jay Leno used to have a joke about that hotel. He talked about it being a Hilton and his room faced the interstate and he could hear car noise all night. I don't remember the joke but it was funny and I thought it was cool he mentioned OKC even though he was taking a jab at us for being a podunk town.
it's where all the internet prostis and 2 bit drug dealers work out of. That whole stretch of janky motels esp about another mile or so West.
West end of the building was on fire when I drove by about 6 PM
Just drove by there today and as I was on the east side (and not paying too much attention) I didn't see the fire damage but the eastern side looks like it is undergoing remodel.
Per Retail Oklahoma FB page: ....sits on 11.19 acres and was sold for $5,580,728.00. The new owner has plans to redevelop the site.
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