Re: Could OKC eventually have the tallest tower in the nation?
I agree STL
I think times are a changin for downtown OKC tho. Announcements of some kind are happening almost daily now. This is a GREAT time for downtown OKC!!!
And like WE both said, as long as the city does not rest on its laurels, downtown will once again become the business center of the state, not JUST the entertainment center.
I predict, once the Sonics do relocate to OKC, development will skyrocket. Not soo much because of the Sonics but because of what the NBA does for your city - we become major league in the eyes of marketers/advertisers. This translates into corporations!!
And the city has a good baseline established with its zoning and C2S designations, so as long as the city holds businesses and developers to quality and dense URBAN design and as long as the development is appropriate for the zoning, nothing should stop the next wave of development.
Could OKC be a different looking city in 2010 - with the Sonics (now a different name, say Bolts/Thunderbolts) and all of the current construction complete with new stuff getting started???
I predict so.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!