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Thread: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

  1. #1
    Patrick Guest

    Default Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    My goodness. The Moore Wal-Mart Supercenter has had all sorts of problems in the past few years. I can't count how many thefts, rapes, etc. they've had in their parking lot. Now this? I'm not shoppig there. And I thought the Belle Isle Wal-Mart was a little rough.

    "Moore Wal-Mart Evacuated After Three Fires Set Inside Store

    POSTED: 9:43 am CST January 18, 2005

    MOORE, Okla. -- Authorities said Tuesday that the Wal-Mart store in Moore was evacuated Monday after three separate fires were set inside the store.

    About 300 customers were forced to leave the store at about 6:30 p.m. Monday, but no injuries are reported.

    Deputy Fire Chief Gary Bird said the fires were put out by store employees before firefighters arrived. Bird said investigators have not determined who started the fires.

    According to Bird, the damage is not extensive. However, no damage estimates were immediately available.

    Store manager Bill Meek said the store will be open for business Tuesday."

  2. #2
    mistipetal Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    Are there any Wal-Marts that aren't rough? I avoid shopping there because of their terrible business practices, but besides that, they are always busy, easy places for vandalism, child abduction, ect. Even when you try to keep an eye on a child, it isn't easy. I have a friend in Moore, with two kids, and she loves her walmart..and I'm sure will continue to shop there. She is a great and loving mom, so seriously, opinions vary. I really don't think the Moore one is any worse than any other, I've been there with her before. The thought of going to walmart makes me cringe though. I'd rather make extra trips to different locally owned stores personally.

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    I agree with you that all Wal-Mart's are rough, for the most part, with the exception of a few. It's just funny that all of the problems are occurring at the Moore Wal-Mart. They've been in the news a lot the past year.

    Like you, I'm not a big fan of Wal-Mart. I'd much rather shop at Target, Crest, or Albertsons. The filth and trash at Wal-Mart is a turn off. Obviously, our good OKC Talk friend okcpulse is trying to make the Wal-Mart experience better, but there's so many factors at Wal-Mart defeating his attempts.
    But, on a lot of items you can't beat Wal-Mart's prices, and when you're shopping on a budget, what other choice do you have? In the future, I might consider shopping at Target for cosmetic items and Crest for grocery items. For now, I've just been shpping at Wal-Mart on NW Expressway and Council...it's not too bad.

  4. #4
    mistipetal Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    I shop on a budget. Crest is where I shop for groceries. I've compared and while some things are cheaper at WalMart, most are about the same price and if you are doing bulk shopping, I don't think it makes much difference. Groceries are easier than other products. Target is slightly higher, but even with a budget, I'd go there before walmart, due to the stress level and general ugliness of walmart. A lot of it depends on what you are shopping for. Mostly, you can find comparable quality and prices if you look. I shop at dollar tree pretty often, their body wash and such are cheaper than walmart and better quality. You can find the same picture frames and decorative items as walmart. To me, well worth the effort.

  5. #5
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    Quote Originally Posted by mistipetal
    I shop on a budget. Crest is where I shop for groceries. I've compared and while some things are cheaper at WalMart, most are about the same price and if you are doing bulk shopping, I don't think it makes much difference. Groceries are easier than other products. Target is slightly higher, but even with a budget, I'd go there before walmart, due to the stress level and general ugliness of walmart. A lot of it depends on what you are shopping for. Mostly, you can find comparable quality and prices if you look. I shop at dollar tree pretty often, their body wash and such are cheaper than walmart and better quality. You can find the same picture frames and decorative items as walmart. To me, well worth the effort.
    I hear you on Dollar Tree! I find myself frequenting that place often. I also buy most of my picture frames there. Big Lots is another store I frequent often. They have pretty competitive prices.

    In the future, I'm probably going to use the scheme you mention....shop at Crest for groceries and Target for discount items.

    It amazes me that with Wal-Mart's filth, lack of decent service (for the most part), and high employee turnover, they do as well as they do. I guess people like the one-stop shopping experience (convenience), selection, etc. I suppose that's why I go there. Unfortunately, as floater mentioned in the other forum, there aren't a lot of alternative choices, and those that are there, require you to drive to multiple stores, which is a hassle for those of us on time schedules.

  6. #6
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    I am sorry I have to interject here as well,Is it me or is every woman that works at wal mart either constantly PMsing or just BITCHY ?They are the rudest cashiers I have ever seen.I have had MANY run ins with them .They have crappy attitudes and pretty much seem like they just are completely unhappy with being there.This is mostly at the one by my house which is 1-40 and Reno Or Reno Macarthur whichever.Anyways I HATE going there.Also I would also rather go to the dentist every day for a straight week than DARE set foot in that place on a weekend FORGET IT!


  7. #7
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    I think the Wal-Mart in Moore has had more trouble with crime, etc...than any other Wal-Mart. Although I live on the south side of town, I work close to downtown, so I usually frequent the store at Reno & MacArthur. I usually park way out in the parking lot away from everybody, and enter through their garden center, because it is a lot less crowded.

    When I need an oil change, I go to the one at I-240 and S. Santa-Fe, only because it is closer, and they do an excellent job of changing my oil, and at a great price.

    We actually shop the Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market for our groceries, and the Wal-Mart Super Centers for other things. I shop some at Target because it is closer to me and usually less crowded. Sometimes it is better to pay a little more at Target to avoid the congestion at Wal-Mart.

    I also shop at Family Dollar, Dollar General Store and Big Lots. I get a lot of cleaning supplies from those stores.

  8. #8
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    Hey, DarlingDiva, it is probably because you are prettier, younger, and better proportioned than they are...and they are just jealous of you. Most of the ones I see are older ladies.

  9. #9
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    AWwww shucks Keith You are swell.Um wait a minute....Is this the same Keith that last night asked Masterwolf If I was caught at a bad time with the MONKEY AVATAR!!!!!!!

    LOL ,DD

  10. #10
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    Quote Originally Posted by DarlingDiva
    I am sorry I have to interject here as well,Is it me or is every woman that works at wal mart either constantly PMsing or just BITCHY ?They are the rudest cashiers I have ever seen.I have had MANY run ins with them .They have crappy attitudes and pretty much seem like they just are completely unhappy with being there.This is mostly at the one by my house which is 1-40 and Reno Or Reno Macarthur whichever.Anyways I HATE going there.Also I would also rather go to the dentist every day for a straight week than DARE set foot in that place on a weekend FORGET IT!

    Hmmm...does that store have Self Checkout? I've started using that more to avoid crappy checkers.

    Anyways, like I said, for the most part, service at Wal-Mart sucks. Our very own okcpulse is a ray of sunshine compared to most Wal-Mart employees.

    What I don't get is they have a ton of check out lanes, but usually only a few open and the lines are long. Seems like at Target I never have a problem with long lines at the check out, and the employees for the most part, seem to be friendlier.

  11. Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    I'm also a fan of Targets. Anyway, to have some good news, according to my cousin who used to work in a Wal-Mart in Toronto, our Wal-Marts were one of the best kept he's seen. It seems we respect the merchandise more than Torontoans (?) who just ransack the place.

  12. #12
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    Right Patrick I agree with the Target shopping over Wal mart.I LOVE target especially the Rockwell and N.W.Expy store.They have STARBUCKS WHOO HOOO!


  13. #13
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    Quote Originally Posted by DarlingDiva
    Right Patrick I agree with the Target shopping over Wal mart.I LOVE target especially the Rockwell and N.W.Expy store.They have STARBUCKS WHOO HOOO!

    That's an interesting Target. I do like it though....afterall, it's a brand spankin' new store. I'm still wondering what's up with all of the red concrete spheres/balls lining the front of the building though. I guess they're just for decoration! LOL!
    For those that have no clue what on earth I'm talking about, visit the Target at NW Expressway and Rockwell sometime.

    Target just seems to have a character that Wal-Mart is unable to create! I've happened to notice that ceiling tiles make a difference! lol! I suppose that doesn't make much of a difference though, because the Buy For Less at NW Expressway and Lake Hefner Parkway is extremely nice and it has a warehouse type ceiling. I suppose lighting and cleanliness are my big issues.

  14. #14
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    I like Target for one simple reason no loud paging. They communicate and page associates through walkie talkies. I can't stand the screaming pages over the PA system. I like the upscale decor of the Super Targets and the one on Rockwell. Not mention you can always find help when you need it.

  15. Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    WOW, I didn't realize I hated Wal-Mart so much either. Thanks everyone for pointing out all those reasons. I'm particularly fond of the reason being the loud PA system. I did find that VERY annoying.

    I guess my main reason for Wal-Mart shopping...is the ONE STOP SHOP. With children, it was just easier.

  16. #16
    mistipetal Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    The one stop shop is the main draw. It's close and easy. They have some SuperTargets now, which I hope they make more of. None close to me, so I can't say how good they actually are, but at least they are trying to compete with walmart and offer the one stop shop. I'd forgotten about the speakers. Those are evil. I walk in and immediately need earplugs and something for the migraine. Most of the checkers are just nasty, but they are overworked and extremely underpaid. They usually give them no more than 32 hours so they don't have to pay benefits, if they increase rate of pay, a cut in hours comes with it. If I had no choice but to work at walmart, I'd be extremely hard to get along with as well.

    I agree that Target has more personality. They have a style about them, unlike walmart. My aunt says Walmart is beneath her and she won't set a foot in one. True or not, that's the impression walmart gives.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    I have to so agree with Diva about the walmart on reno and macarthur. They have no customer service skills and I have spoken to many of managers there about that. When we were building the salon, I went into there and had a run in with the hardware manager. She is about the rudest grrr person I have ever met. I told her that and she said to me. " We have so many people we deal with that sometimes it happens." My response to her was take a midol and I walked off. I have many customers that work there and they all say the same thing its the managers that make the store have a bad attitudes. I will not shop there. I would rather have my nails pulled off one by one.

  18. Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    Quote Originally Posted by ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ View Post
    I am sorry I have to interject here as well,Is it me or is every woman that works at wal mart either constantly PMsing or just BITCHY ?They are the rudest cashiers I have ever seen.I have had MANY run ins with them .They have crappy attitudes and pretty much seem like they just are completely unhappy with being there.This is mostly at the one by my house which is 1-40 and Reno Or Reno Macarthur whichever.Anyways I HATE going there.Also I would also rather go to the dentist every day for a straight week than DARE set foot in that place on a weekend FORGET IT!

    If most of you all hate going there, can you imagine working there? Can you blame them for seeming to not want to be there? As I understand it, Wal-Mart's female employees are consistently payed less than their male co-workers any way. Maybe this is why they are bitchy.

  19. #19
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    What kind of employees do you expect to get when you're paying slightly over minimum wage?

  20. #20

    Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    So only low-class, rude people are working for minimum wage? I really don't think you mean that, Patrick. I'm sure everyone would like to have a job making a ton of money per hour, but the fact that they don't doesn't make them shiftless, gripy wannabees.

    In general, I've found the clerks at WalMart to be more than gracious considering what they have to endure. If you had to stand at a checkout line for hour after hour, doing the same thing over and over, listening to screaming, undisciplined kids, impatient customers, touchy computers, mispriced products, rejected credit cards, (and I could go on), you might not be Mr. Happy Guy, either. I usually offer a "thanks" or try to offer my appreciation for their work in some way, and I'm almost always reciprocated with just as much appreciation in return. May sound corny, who knows, but this is one of those cases where kindness really begets kindness.


  21. Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    ^^Totally agree.

    I am always kind, pleasant, and thankful to those who work in the service industry in any way. Waitstaff, clerks, check-out people, all of them. I see no reason to be rude to them. I deal with a lot of the same crap they deal with every day, i.e. rude people, crazy children, irate visitors, crappy computers, etc. so I can probably relate to them a little more than someone who may be a little "higher up" in life.
    Still corrupting young minds

  22. Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    Found this on accident, know it's way old but found it amusing. Now it's always the Edmond walmarts on the news for someone getting robbed in the parking lot. Either that or Kohls.

  23. Default Re: Moore Wal-Mart- more problems

    I occasionally must visit the Wal-Mart in Moore but I don't make a habit of it. Now that the Norman Target is a bit closer to where I live I do all of my necessity there.

    I've never thought the Moore Wal-Mart any worse than any of the others. The one at Santa Fe and 240 does take the cake though. Only been in there once to know not to ever go anywhere near that hellhole.

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