What are your thoughts? Did you mail your favorite option in yet?![]()
What are your thoughts? Did you mail your favorite option in yet?![]()
I don't live in Guthrie, but I'd vote for option 6. It's the most in line with other districts around in the normal pk-5 elementary, 6-8 middle school, 9-12 high school.
If you're worried about the staggered start times, i wouldn't be. Most schools allow students to hang on in the gym or cafeteria or something before school (supervised of course).
I absolutely love the Jr. High building in Guthrie....but it needs some help. Things like the auditorium are in poor repair and need to be renovated. It's an amazing building, but it has been sort of ignored in failed bond issues.
I thought option 4 was more in line with the other school districts?
I too like option #6. I like the idea of a 9th grade academy. I do have a little problem with the concept of 6th, 7th, and 8th together. There is just too much difference in 6th and 8th in my opinion.
I'm not voting because it's either the option that we already voted down or neighborhood schools, and I don't like the neighborhood school option, I like the individual grades and age groups separated. I don't want my preK student with 5th graders. In other districts they build the schools so that ages can be separated, in the existing buildings we have, it's going to be impossible to do in my opinion. If south wants an elementary, fine, give them one, but you don't need to change all the schools to neighborhood schools.
Out of curiousity, what option would you require be on the ballot in order to vote??
Maybe I should have been more specific, I will vote when it comes to a general public election, just not now for the school board's internal vote because I don't support any of the options on the table now. The option I liked and voted for on the first board vote did not make it as one of finalist. I don't remember the specs on it, but it did not turn every school into a neighborhood school. I could do some research if you want me too.
From talking with some of the teachers, I haven't found one that like the current options either, but it's a small poll, 5.
Interesting. I've not gotten that same response from the Teachers!
I would name them, but this is Guthrie, and we all remember how well it went when a few teachers spoke out on GNL, witch-hunt is putting it kindly.![]()
Even though, things have improved with communication between admin and the teachers, I don't think anyone is 100% trusting as of yet. Plus these people know me and know it's safe to talk and be able to get their point of view out here (on the blog) and do it safely.
Marko I have no idea if the people I spoke to were part of a union, it was simply people talking about what they thought would be the better learning environment, as THEY see it, you know the teachers, in the class room. Your statement is very "NBC" of you, in other words, "we don't care what the military guys who are actually fighting this war have to say, we look at it from way over here and say it sucks, so it MUST suck."
There isn't anything wrong with a neighborhood school folks. I went to a K-6 elementary, so did everyone else I know. It's not as though you ever really interact with the other grades. You have staggered activities like gym/music/lunch/recess. They plan around those types of things so the 1st graders AREN'T out with the 6th graders. The only time you are every around someone in another grade is before/after school. But remember there are teachers everywhere...all the it's not as though the kids are ever unsupervised.
I went to neighborhood school in Altus america and I turned out fine.........Some of my best friends were a few grades older. I think it helps to socialize with all ages.
Yes, in schools that are built to separate the grades, I have no problem with and I see them working well. In my job, I travel to many many schools (30-50 a year)across Oklahoma, I see how well they can work and how badly they can work.
In Guthrie, we have these small little schools that I don't see how they will accommodate a neighborhood school safely. Not enough bathrooms, tiny lunchrooms, etc. Can that be over come, if done right, I don't trust that it will, I have my reasons, see below. And guys, likely when you went to school, Swats and Lick were in place. We had a higher respect level for each other and for adults back then, that is NOT THE CASE today, except in schools that still have Swats. Guthrie does not.
Some you may not be worried because your kids are older, or like you Jman, your child will go to the nice new built school in the south. Mine will not, mine will get to be the guinea pigs for this and in 5-6 years when they discover it is not working well, it's too late for mine, they were simply a 'speed bump' in the process.
I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly of all schools. If I thought for one moment that the admin was looking at this logically and with the best education and safety available, I would not be near as upset. But this is the same admin who until recently bullied the teachers concerning their votes, left the HS with very little books, and did not fix the HS air problem with the last bond vote when that's what it was suppose to do.
Gee I wonder why I don't trust this will go smoothly??????? This is MY children and I'll fight till the end for them. Any parent should get that.
FYI - I graduated from high school in it really wasn't that long ago....and teachers weren't allowed to swat when I was in elementary school....and I still turned out fine.
All of the schools in question were built as, and used as community schools. They have been used as so-called grade centers for only the last what, three decades or so?
And as far as having enough room to have the students go back to a neighborhood school system, remember, the High school, Guthrie Upper Elementary and if all pans out, the new "South" school will absorb whatever growth that has occured since these schools were switched to grade centers.
PreK-5, and 6-8 are your standard elementary & middle schools.
A lot of schools around the country (including Edmond) are going toward the 9th grade academy model. Might as well join that growing trend.
OkieKatt it wont affect me either way my child is in the Deer Creek school district. I bought there for a reason, because their schools admin seems to be very supportive of the students, faculty, and parents. Maybe thats why they have such a success rate in aptitude scores etc.......Guthrie might be able to learn something from them. Look at how they are growing and building and getting things done. PRO-ACTIVE
And yes I do realize the growth in Deer Creek schools is a lot more than in Guthrie, but still they have a very long history for success.
Jman, I have always heard good things and thought highly of Deercreek schools, my opinion would go even higher if they would hire us.![]()
They used the OCSO for awhile, I don't think they use anyone right now, could be wrong. I know the SRO over there, he use to be at Jones MS.
And guess what? They have neighborhood elementary schools.
Deer Creek age 5-15 district population 1,699
Guthrie age 5-15 district population 3,435
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