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Thread: Amazon Fulfillment

  1. Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    ^^ I bet this is also the case for other "undesirable" middle cities such as Omaha, Des Moines, and Kansas City. ..
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  2. #327

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    We might as well give up. OKC's elite will NEVER get involved in the success of this city (facts). Therefore, OKC stands no chance to compete. That, and there are no wealthy developers in this city that are willing to be daring and try for big projects. OKC is what it is - middle of the road, and really, there are not many projects proposed to help lift it from that class. Not bashing OKC, but just saying it will never really increase in stature, in my opinion.

    As such, incentives will be the main thing OKC can do to attract any new companies here. The state cripples the city with crappy education funding and crappy funding of QOL aspects (such as healthcare and mental health funding, among others).

  3. #328

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    ^^ I bet this is also the case for other "undesirable" middle cities such as Omaha, Des Moines, and Kansas City. ..

    I am old enough to remember that Dallas is the city that killed Kennedy. Sounds crazy today, but that was a real opinion across America in the 1960s. Eastern elites had no problem accepting the concept that small minded, southern bigots were an easy incubator for the hatred that claimed our beloved president. But, you must also understand that Kennedy was seen as a crazy leftist in our part of the country at the time. Obama was no worse a threat than Kennedy.

    Dallas in 1963 was not as advanced as OKC is today. Population and growth patterns would suggest that OKC is able to advance in much the same way, if not better, than Dallas did within the last 50-60 years. Dallas, starting around 1840, IIRC, has a 60 year head start in regards to development and growth on OKC.

  4. Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    I'm not here to dig up dirt on Dallas' past or it's socioeconomic leanings, as one could very easily do the same and say that about OKC and its Tornados or Tim McVey. It was Lee Harvey that Killed Kenedy and not the city of Dallas, all the same it was TMV who destroyed the Federal Building in OKC and not the city of OKC. ...

    And while you do bring up an interesting point regarding the segregation of wealth and philanthropy in Dallas (and Tulsa, Omaha, etc), please note that Dallas developments do not themselves segregate. If Dallas elite were so prejudice they would not build projects where they could be easily accessible to the masses.

    Now, I agree OKC is well ahead with regard to socioeconomics in the way that OKC is even built, slums right a block or two away from the best residential. This probably will ensure OKC will continue to be a better city overall than the others.

    But just imagine if the wealth of OKC stepped up more often and guided this city. I'm talking about ensuring the success of city projects by private means (mostly). That's what OKC is lacking since we have a great city government and leadership for inclusive projects. If we can also think on a grand scale, think BIG, then when people come here they will leave with some of the same impressions as they do when they leave Dallas.

    Not saying they don't have good impressions of OKC, but one thing the elite of OKC can really step up to do IMO is beautification of the city. I wish they would take the lead in making OKC look better. It would really go a very long way, perhaps leaving the best impression of all our projects/amenities or at least tying the OKC experience together, if the city was 'beautiful'. Trees, lighting, sidewalks, bike lanes, and transit, along with statues, fountains, memorials, and monuments at key locations. Yes OKC as a city takes the lead and likely brunt of the costs, but I wish the 100 or so elites in OKC would emulate the 1000 Dallas elites in the philanthropy of cleaning up and maintaining the image of OKC. ..

    Could do the same for OKC as what Dallas elites have done for their city - propell the city inspite of its geographic shortcomings.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  5. #330

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Houston is on a port but Austin, San Antonio and Ft. Worth are not and are big success stories in their own right. And even with Houston, there are plenty of port cities on the gulf that do not approach their huge size and growth.

    The biggest difference between Oklahoma and Texas is the latter has invested heavily in education, while we are at the bottom of the barrel.

  6. #331

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Amazon begins hiring for 1,500 warehouse workers August 2nd.


  7. #332

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    They officially opened over the weekend.

    Doing mostly training now and still hiring in advance of full ramp-up.

  8. #333

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Saw over the weekend the article about how Amazon wouldn't help sponsor a bus route to get service to this facility. Pretty sad considering their workers might need it since they don't pay them enough.

  9. #334

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Saw over the weekend the article about how Amazon wouldn't help sponsor a bus route to get service to this facility. Pretty sad considering their workers might need it since they don't pay them enough.
    They're making $15 an hour, that is pretty solid given the cost of living in OKC. Not saying that it will be easy work, but I'd not drag them down too much seeing as they are paying a pretty solid rate.

  10. #335

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Saw over the weekend the article about how Amazon wouldn't help sponsor a bus route to get service to this facility. Pretty sad considering their workers might need it since they don't pay them enough.

  11. #336

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Quote Originally Posted by Mballard85 View Post
    They're making $15 an hour, that is pretty solid given the cost of living in OKC. Not saying that it will be easy work, but I'd not drag them down too much seeing as they are paying a pretty solid rate.
    Im getting a little tired about the attacks on Amazon about pay. Even council member Hamon retweeted someone today that bashed amazons pay. Its $15/hr in OKC, that isnt terrible and theres lots of other folks making way less but its just not at some big mega corp thats easy and fashionable to attack. Do I like that we gave them money to build and that they arent interested in helping with public transportation, no. But its a little ridiculous to go after someone paying double minimum wage for basic work.

  12. #337

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Im getting a little tired about the attacks on Amazon about pay. Even council member Hamon retweeted someone today that bashed amazons pay. Its $15/hr in OKC, that isnt terrible and theres lots of other folks making way less but its just not at some big mega corp thats easy and fashionable to attack. Do I like that we gave them money to build and that they arent interested in helping with public transportation, no. But its a little ridiculous to go after someone paying double minimum wage for basic work.
    Although their refusal to assist with a bus route near them is aggravating, $15/hr is $31,200 before overtime. This is for warehouse labor. I wouldn't want to support a family on that but there are a lot of people out there that make less than 30 and have no benefits. The benefits they offer are pretty decent. Health care (including dental and vision) from day one, 50% match on 401k, tuition assistance after one year (so you can get a job making more than $15/hr)


  13. #338
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    South OKC Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Good, $15 an hour in OKC's market is more than an adequate piece of change to start; workers will need to keep in mind a budget and put the brakes on what you spend.

    Emphasis on not spending anything until you get it in your hands. Make sacrifices now & save 10%, get off to a good start.

  14. #339

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    I suspect Amazon knows that very few people working at their facility in OKC would ever use the bus.

    Otherwise, it would be in their best interest to help fund the route, and that's the only lens they look through.

  15. #340

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I suspect Amazon knows that very few people working at their facility in OKC would ever use the bus.

    Otherwise, it would be in their best interest to help fund the route, and that's the only lens they look through.
    That article in the Oklahoman was written to be click bait and to prey on peoples hatred on big corporations. Anyone with a brain can realize that given the lack of density in OKC that it does not make any sense for Amazon to fund a bus line that would predominantly server their workers. I guarantee that +95% of the employees at that facility would arrive by car regardless.

  16. #341

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    For what it's worth, Michael Scroggins told me on Twitter that Amazon came to Embark and asked how much it'd cost to get service - then balked at the price. The idea was to extend an existing route out to the Amazon FC; Mr Scroggins said it'd likely be route 016. Amazon balked partially because the cost included adding an additional bus to ensure they could maintain 30-minute headways on the route.

  17. #342

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Quote Originally Posted by baralheia View Post
    For what it's worth, Michael Scroggins told me on Twitter that Amazon came to Embark and asked how much it'd cost to get service - then balked at the price. The idea was to extend an existing route out to the Amazon FC; Mr Scroggins said it'd likely be route 016. Amazon balked partially because the cost included adding an additional bus to ensure they could maintain 30-minute headways on the route.
    Thanks for that info.

    All this is to say that the cost outweighed the benefit, as Amazon saw it.

    What a wild business concept.

  18. #343

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Their job is to get me my packages on time, not help out with OKC's transit situation. Good to see they still know that.

  19. #344

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    Although their refusal to assist with a bus route near them is aggravating, $15/hr is $31,200 before overtime. This is for warehouse labor. I wouldn't want to support a family on that but there are a lot of people out there that make less than 30 and have no benefits. The benefits they offer are pretty decent. Health care (including dental and vision) from day one, 50% match on 401k, tuition assistance after one year (so you can get a job making more than $15/hr)

    Thank you. And for those thinking Amazon isn't doing enough, keep in mind they lease this facility, and they can walk away with a financial penalty that amounts to little more than a rounding error to AMZN and pocket change to Bezos. Then what would OKC do with it - and the jobs? But the complainers are likely not finance
    or econimics majors.

  20. #345

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Amazon is paying its OKC warehouse workers about what a starting teacher makes in this state.

    How many teachers are taking the bus to work?

  21. #346
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    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Quote Originally Posted by Executionist View Post
    But the complainers are likely not finance or econimics majors.
    Or maybe they're just past the first year of an economics major. Ha.

  22. Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Amazon is paying its OKC warehouse workers about what a starting teacher makes in this state.

    How many teachers are taking the bus to work?
    Valid point, but to be honest Amazon is not in the transit business nor are they in the municipal government or transit agency business. Oklahoma City and Embark are the municipal government and transit agencies for the region - it is their responsibility to provide city services to residents.

    There is a large, new employer in town. OKC and Embark knew they were coming and hsould have planned for it with transit options JUST the same as they changed/upgraded the roads in that area and provide transit to other large employers.

    Could Amazon be a partner with this, sure. But it is foolish to expect Amazon to pay extra for a bus just so the city could extend an existing route. You can't expect this from Amz from every community they go into - usually there's already transit service in cities OKC's size.

    OKc already doesn't fund bus service to the airport, FAA Center, nor the lariat Landing yet OKC benefits from businesses such as these and Amazon for the employment they bring.

    It is time for OKC to grow up and be a big city. That means providing at least minimal service to key areas where the working class of the city can have transit and pedestrian access to employment, services, amenities, attractions, and facilities and not HAVE to drive.

    I bet if OKC/Embark had a better plan to present other than Amazon buying a bus, (such as Amazon buying a block of bus passes for AMZ employees provided the city adds/extends a route in the city's mission to improve transit) then AMZ probably would have supported it.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  23. #348

    Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Im getting a little tired about the attacks on Amazon about pay. Even council member Hamon retweeted someone today that bashed amazons pay. Its $15/hr in OKC, that isnt terrible and theres lots of other folks making way less but its just not at some big mega corp thats easy and fashionable to attack. Do I like that we gave them money to build and that they arent interested in helping with public transportation, no. But its a little ridiculous to go after someone paying double minimum wage for basic work.
    Exactly and the location is extremely beneficial...the south side from the river to 89th is a very low income area and that many jobs paying over 30k a year with benefits is huge for for our city...

  24. Default Re: Amazon Fulfillment

    Like usual, the transit in OKC isn't going to win as long as its bus. And for OKC, we're a couple times over in needed growth to really make rails work. The car is still too fast and cheap comparatively for people to buy in. You put a bus stop outside this place's front door and guess what, its mostly going to be unused. And when the facility isn't the "destination" in an area definitely lacking in other walk-able destinations, it becomes pointless.

    And to the person that mentioned low economic....um you realize this is built in the Westmoore area right? It's 4 miles north to Western Heights. Maybe you meant the Western Heights folks would ride a bus there? I would argue that with it being in the Westmoore area, it's actually not a factor at all. We have countless areas with economic depression right next to economic thriving. It doesnt matter there either.

    For me, transit is totally not a factor for this place.

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