Was there any sort of campaign website for this shiny object?
Was there any sort of campaign website for this shiny object?
As I recall, and everything I could find online backs up my spotty memory, they never did figure out what exactly was the source of the bacterial infection was that lead to the deaths, which led them to returning the remaining dolphins to their owners and closing the exhibit. I'd also love to know if there is more to the story.
I'm also sort of curious how the National Aquarium became the only bar... like, if somehow what's done isn't as nice as the National Aquarium, it's not world class? I guess any museum that's not the Smithsonian isn't worth it either?
Regardless, agree with you, and with others, in the fact that 150M would definitely get us a pretty nice aquarium. Would it be the best and biggest in the country? Course not, and I don't think that's a reasonable expectation in a land locked state.
Yes to keep it out
MAPS 4 has always needed a sexy project. Not one proposed project has had any “punch” or excitement except this one - and it’s not going to be included. Fail.
My very first project when I moved to Oklahoma twenty years ago was to build the little clock tower at the new Cat Forest Park at the OKC Zoo. As a single person, I didn't go to the zoo for probably a good ten years. Now with two kids, I probably go out there every month and my wife probably weekly. I brought up the aquarium idea to her at lunch. Immediately I was bombarded with questions. Would we have to pay to get in as we all have an annual family pass, etc? Why would it be in Bricktown? Would she have to pay to park? Why isn't it at the zoo that already exists? I could tell the whole idea of lugging the kids to someplace else was an anathema.
For people who actually support the zoo, having a sensible awareness campaign with simple answers to these questions is just covering the basics to get their support.
I have to say that if you did install an aquarium at the zoo itself, you would continue to propel that entire complex further into a continent-wide destination for zoo lovers. This idea about Bricktown just smells like some sort of payoff to developers and property brokers. This is a really odd day for all of this suddenly become an issue.
But those can happen without MAPS and with MAPS and this aquarium. The powers that be need a shake up. This was shown today to be a very popular project and it wasn't even given a chance. Bike lanes and buses aren't getting that much funding anyways and this MAPS just throws a bone to those supporters instead of a meaningful change. This is sad and will turn me against MAPS 4(not like it really matters anyways).
The world-class Shedd Aquarium in Chicago was built in 1930 for $3 million, which equates to about $46 million today. Of course, the Shedd Aquarium has had a lot of investment in it since - but this definitely goes to show that $125 million would *absolutely* build us a world-class aquarium.
To provide some additional context, here's the original tweet, Mayor Holt's response, and the original poster's reply to Mayor Holt.
Like the OP, I don't think I've ever seen so many people express support for a potential MAPS project this quickly. This is an absolute slam dunk of a project, and it's inclusion in MAPS 4 would get people to the polls and virtually guarantee that it passed. Despite incorporating some important social projects and other stuff I would like to see happen, the current slate of expected projects is just incredibly lackluster for most people.
That is really nice! They would get my vote!
I’ll say it again, this MAPS is misguided. You don’t wave a $700 million to $1 billion dollar check in the air and ask what we should spend it for. It seems as if the city has already done their scientific polling ahead of time and already knew what they wanted to do. It’s disguised as a public process but it seems like the same old Oklahoma City we all know too well.
An Aquarium on the I-40 front: Gaining momentum; however it may be too late in the process to get it on MAPS 4: Contact your council representative if you want help drum up interest; what do we have to lose...
MAPS 4 would leave the current Oklahoma City sales tax rate of 4.125 percent unchanged. Including state sales tax, the overall sales tax rate in most of OKC is 8.625 percent (8.975 percent in Canadian County and 8.875 percent in Cleveland County because of county sales taxes).
It gave me another reason to start another twitter account to call Steve out on his bull****. He blocks every single account even though I have never been rude, but he is a snowflake that cant take a hard question let alone ask one. Steve Lackmeyer embodies the mediocrity of the Oklahoman.
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