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Thread: Soda Pops

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Soda Pops

    Soda Pops is one helluva great place to eat. Classic diner type food, it's really pretty cheap (think just a tiny bit more expensive than fast food prices) and tastes so great. It's at 1020 SW 119TH ST, please give it a try if you are in the area. It's worth it!!!

    - John

  2. #2

    Default Re: Soda Pops

    great place, ive been there once or twice.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Soda Pops

    what cross street is that close to?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Soda Pops

    119th & S Western...On the SW side of the intersection

    Good stuff and cheap

  5. #5

    Default Re: Soda Pops

    I'll have to give it a try! I love places like that.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Soda Pops

    I have eaten there since it opened and its one of my favorite places to get a good burger and fries EXCELLENT chicken fried steak and it had a great little atmosphere!!!

  7. Default Re: Soda Pops

    Oh I just luv this place. I'm usually there having lunch once a week. The service is great. The food is great. But I think they recently sold out to someone else? Cause I never see the guy that used to run the place. Any information if this is true. Would be most helpful.

  8. Default Re: Soda Pops

    Heya ~

    I couldn't agree more! We drive all the way from the far North side of the city to eat there. They won my heart when I found out they have Orange Crush in the bottle! <swoon> A good friend who lives on the South side often gives us a "buy one get one free" coupon that the restaurant apparently mails to the surrounding neighborhoods. If you live over there, keep an eye on your mailbox. :)

    Mmmmmm.... grilled onion burger ~

  9. #9

    Default Re: Soda Pops

    Great place to eat. I like the atmosphere and the food is just right.

  10. Default Re: Soda Pops

    Hmmm, that must've been the Rivendale neighborhoods. Cause, I can't say that I've ever got one of those "Buy One, Get One Free" coupons

  11. #11

    Default Re: Soda Pops

    Quote Originally Posted by linze View Post
    Oh I just luv this place. I'm usually there having lunch once a week. The service is great. The food is great. But I think they recently sold out to someone else? Cause I never see the guy that used to run the place. Any information if this is true. Would be most helpful.
    all I have is heresay from my parents, but I believe it was sold (my mom noticed the same thing about the other "owner" not being there anymore)

    at least the food hasn't changed!

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