Recap: OKC Central Live Chat with Steve Lackmeyer:
by Steve Lackmeyer
Published: Fri, August 9, 2019 5:32 AM Updated: Fri, August 9, 2019 11:31 AM
Guest said:
How do we know there is a financial need if the Fair Board does not open their books to the public? If they get public money and tax dollars shouldn't we know? Could they use their bonding capacity to borrow the money and pay it back using the hotel/motel tax money they get?
Web User replied:
TIM: Oklahoma State Fair Inc's financial records have been public with the City of Oklahoma for over 20 years. They are filed with the city annually when the audit is presented and accepted by the Oklahoma State Fair Inc. board.
It's a certified financial audit. It's required in our lease agreement with the City of Oklahoma City.
We do not receive any public money. The hotel/motel money is directly deposited into the City of Oklahoma City's accounts. Every expenditure of that money goes through the City of Oklahoma City purchasing process and is ultimately approved by the city council. So all of those expenditures are public record.
State Fair Inc. does not have that type of bonding capacity. I assume the bonding capacity you are referring to is through the hotel/motel tax.
The last bond indenture statement filed with the city in February said the hotel/motel tax indebtedness was about $77.5 million as of June, 2017. In a course of the year, the indebtedness was reduced by $2.7 million to $74.8 million.
It has been discussed that when there is capacity available to supplement the MAPS 4 allocation to build the colosseum. Keep in mind, architectural fees have already been paid from the hotel/motel tax - about $3.4 million to date.
STEVE: During the presentation to the council, Mayor David Holt discussed the future bonding capacity which he estimated would be available in a few years. What are we looking at?
TIM: We don't know. The City of Oklahoma City manages all of that through their financial advisors and timing of bond issues.