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Thread: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

  1. #26

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by drpepper View Post
    I know, right? As silly as you think the MAPS 4 route will work (and the 10 years you need to wait to see the day it actually opens.)
    Yeah having to wait 10 years is a royal pain. Better try to fundraise it in 1 year and build it in 6 months so you don’t have to wait as long.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    Yeah having to wait 10 years is a royal pain. Better try to fundraise it in 1 year and build it in 6 months so you don’t have to wait as long.
    Indeed, you may die before you can put it on the "maps," better to doing something than sitting on your hands and whinning why why there's not my dear child on MAPS.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Seriously, why in gods name does everyone keep talking about Aquariums. 1) THIS IS NOT GODAMNED 1983, zoos and aquariums are considered by many younger people to be cruel and extremely passe, most of the people I know and hang out with literally refuse to go to any of them 2) WE ARE NOT A COASTAL CITY, you know why the Baltimore Aquarium is so popular? because a lot of people visiting Baltimore are also visiting THE OCEAN 3) For the love of god, quit with the silly ideas of city run mega destinations. Dallas has a (lame) aquarium and it's a private venture, it's gross and run down and weird, but the city didn't have to pay for it or operate it and they still get to reap whatever economic benefits it produces. 4) The cornerstones of downtown have been set and it's silly to keep piling on when we can't attract people to lease space in office buildings and our growth of population has slowed to a trickle. WE NEED RESIDENTS DOWNTOWN not more suburban family destinations. The improvements needed to the inner city and downtown are necessary to make the city propper a more attractive place to both potential residents and employers. A vanity aquarium for no logical reason will not help to accomplish any of that.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Dallas aquarium is anything but lame and though I have read articles trying to claim younger people don’t like them but anecdotally I disagree and the stats on zoos seem be indicative of healthy attendance and record numbers at that.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Dallas aquarium is anything but lame and though I have read articles trying to claim younger people don’t like them but anecdotally I disagree and the stats on zoos seem be indicative of healthy attendance and record numbers at that.
    I know they are still popular with many, and that my experience is anecdotal, but there really is more of a general feeling these days that animals in cages attractions are inhumane and on the way out.

    Either way I'm a fan of MAPS4 ideas that make our city more attractive to LIVE IN and WORK IN, not more reasons for people from Edmond to come visit for 2 hours and leave.

  6. #31
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    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by EBAH View Post
    I know they are still popular with many, and that my experience is anecdotal, but there really is more of a general feeling these days that animals in cages attractions are inhumane and on the way out.

    Either way I'm a fan of MAPS4 ideas that make our city more attractive to LIVE IN and WORK IN, not more reasons for people from Edmond to come visit for 2 hours and leave.
    Or Moore, or Midwest City, or Norman, or Del City, or Bethany, or Yukon, or El Reno, or Mustang, or Britain ,or Piedmont .... we don’t need to host any of those terrible suburbanites. They don’t help the economy or add to our great inner OKC society. Just wonder why Edmond is always the devil.

  7. #32
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Just wonder why Edmond is always the devil.
    Easy. Because it's a soulless piece of sh*t.

    That's a joke.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Or Moore, or Midwest City, or Norman, or Del City, or Bethany, or Yukon, or El Reno, or Mustang, or Britain ,or Piedmont .... we donÂ’t need to host any of those terrible suburbanites. They donÂ’t help the economy or add to our great inner OKC society. Just wonder why Edmond is always the devil.
    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE suburbanites visiting, and I LOVE collecting the sales tax, and enjoying our institutions, like many I was raised in a suburb too. Also, youre right, no reason to make Edmond the bad guy really I just meant any suburb. I don't think those people are bad people. I have nothing against suburbanites visiting at all of course, that's all incredibly productive and good for funding our city.

    WHAT I AM SAYING, is that now we have built a downtown worthy of visiting, and complimented it with an inner city also worth visiting, it's time to spend money on our current problem.

    The current problem needing to be addressed is no longer getting people to come to downtown or to think that it is a fun place to visit, we've largely accomplished this and continue to build upon it with steady improvements.

    The problems we need to address now are how to keep infill projects moving for, getting the occupancy rates of our downtown structures up so that they are more than a backdrop to a basketball stadium and more a functional tool to a thriving business and residential community. We need to be focused on making inner Oklahoma City function fully for its actual residents.

    I love the suburban visitors and the cool new stuff but if you actually live in the actual city it is very frustrating to think about aquariums for suburban families to visit, meanwhile the infrastructure I'm using every day is in terrible shape, my friends are being hit by cars biking home from work, I watch old people walk in the street day after day because there isn't anywhere better to walk, drive past vacant building after vacant building all over the place, watch people walking for MILES from where I work on the west side to get around because the bus service is laughable, just basic stuff. If you make a vibrant downtown that people are constantly in 365 days a year, guess what? People that want to make money, might just actually build an aquarium without the city having to pay for it.

    Anyway, I'm venting a bit, but geeeeeze MAPS addressed the problems of its day, and it's time that we start realizing in order to actually fulfill its mission statement this one needs to address the city's problems in THIS day.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by EBAH View Post
    Seriously, why in gods name does everyone keep talking about Aquariums. 1) THIS IS NOT GODAMNED 1983, zoos and aquariums are considered by many younger people to be cruel and extremely passe, most of the people I know and hang out with literally refuse to go to any of them 2) WE ARE NOT A COASTAL CITY, you know why the Baltimore Aquarium is so popular? because a lot of people visiting Baltimore are also visiting THE OCEAN 3) For the love of god, quit with the silly ideas of city run mega destinations. Dallas has a (lame) aquarium and it's a private venture, it's gross and run down and weird, but the city didn't have to pay for it or operate it and they still get to reap whatever economic benefits it produces. 4) The cornerstones of downtown have been set and it's silly to keep piling on when we can't attract people to lease space in office buildings and our growth of population has slowed to a trickle. WE NEED RESIDENTS DOWNTOWN not more suburban family destinations. The improvements needed to the inner city and downtown are necessary to make the city propper a more attractive place to both potential residents and employers. A vanity aquarium for no logical reason will not help to accomplish any of that.
    Like you said, its 1983. The purpose of zoos has grown beyond entertainment. The OKC zoo isn't getting animals that were recently captured in the wild. Unfortunately, a lot of animals wouldn't survive out in the wild and in a lot of cases their species would be extinct. Panda's are the most famous examples.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Like you said, its 1983. The purpose of zoos has grown beyond entertainment. The OKC zoo isn't getting animals that were recently captured in the wild. Unfortunately, a lot of animals wouldn't survive out in the wild and in a lot of cases their species would be extinct. Panda's are the most famous examples.
    so this new aquarium would be rescuing local aquatic life? or serving some higher purpose? nah man, it's an animals in boxes display. Also, even if we can agree that they're going to stay super popular in the coming decades (which trust me, I am way far from agreeing on) still isn't a valid reason that the city of Oklahoma City should be operating an aquarium for decades. It's a totally silly proposition, not to mention, WE ALREADY BUILT ONE AND IT WAS A DISASTER, the city has already failed RECENTLY to properly run an aquarium that cost the city Millions of dollars to build, back in the 80's when everyone thought Sea World was a thing we needed to copy because that was guaranteed to be a super popular thing for many decades to come hahaha

  11. #36

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by EBAH View Post
    Seriously, why in gods name does everyone keep talking about Aquariums. 1) THIS IS NOT GODAMNED 1983, zoos and aquariums are considered by many younger people to be cruel and extremely passe, most of the people I know and hang out with literally refuse to go to any of them 2) WE ARE NOT A COASTAL CITY, you know why the Baltimore Aquarium is so popular? because a lot of people visiting Baltimore are also visiting THE OCEAN 3) For the love of god, quit with the silly ideas of city run mega destinations. Dallas has a (lame) aquarium and it's a private venture, it's gross and run down and weird, but the city didn't have to pay for it or operate it and they still get to reap whatever economic benefits it produces. 4) The cornerstones of downtown have been set and it's silly to keep piling on when we can't attract people to lease space in office buildings and our growth of population has slowed to a trickle. WE NEED RESIDENTS DOWNTOWN not more suburban family destinations. The improvements needed to the inner city and downtown are necessary to make the city propper a more attractive place to both potential residents and employers. A vanity aquarium for no logical reason will not help to accomplish any of that.

    1) If you're mad at the aquarium, feel free to leave this discussion, I didn't start this post to rally people to steal money from your other beloved MAPS 4 projects, so you should never be angry (it's not good for your health, and people usually shouldn't waste time dealing with grumpy guys), because nobody steals anything from you, and you have no business here. Btw, since it's not 1983, what we should build in 2019, a space shuttle?

    2) Mention God here won't help you make your points any clearer.

    3) Atlanta is not a COASTAL CITY, Chattanooga is not a COASTAL CITY, now check out what the aquariums have brought them, and I hope you enjoy the all capitalized "coastal city."

    4) Why should we quit? If you don't like it, check back 1) above and feel free to go back to your little forest

    5) Why someone trades his house in Edmond with spacious shelter and garage for an overpriced apartment downtown (and with schools that aren't as good) if not much thing going on there? The aquarium (is one of those things that) helps bring visitors to the downtown, and it's ready 24/7 while the lame soccer stadium is useless when it's too hot, or too cold, or it snows, or it rains, it helps the people going to the conferences, Thunder games spend their money, then restaurants and shops are opened to help them spend even more money, then people will start moving to downtown to live because of those shops and restaurants, nobody would live downtown because of its first class sidewalks. Big companies won't move to downtown if their employees have to pay for parking and still have nowhere to go for lunch. Big companies constantly need to attract young talents (from way more exciting places like San Francisco, LA, Denver, NYC), and those guys won't come here just to jog around the Scissortail Park after work.

    You get that know? It can't be simpler than that. You're welcome!

  12. #37

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    I'm old enough to remember when crowdfunding was known as admission fee.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by stile99 View Post
    I'm old enough to remember when crowdfunding was known as admission fee.
    If you're still not too old to use the internet, you may check out Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Gofundme to see that things keep evolving.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by drpepper View Post
    Indeed, you may die before you can put it on the "maps," better to doing something than sitting on your hands and whinning why why there's not my dear child on MAPS.
    I couldn’t care less if they built a water zoo or not

  15. #40

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    I couldn’t care less if they built a water zoo or not
    I'm curios, why did you bother to read this post anyway? The title is clear, "crowdfunding", that means no one is trying to steal your MAPS 4 money to build something that you don't care, then you joined the conversation just to let people know that you don't care. LOL.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by EBAH View Post
    so this new aquarium would be rescuing local aquatic life? or serving some higher purpose? nah man, it's an animals in boxes display. Also, even if we can agree that they're going to stay super popular in the coming decades (which trust me, I am way far from agreeing on) still isn't a valid reason that the city of Oklahoma City should be operating an aquarium for decades. It's a totally silly proposition, not to mention, WE ALREADY BUILT ONE AND IT WAS A DISASTER, the city has already failed RECENTLY to properly run an aquarium that cost the city Millions of dollars to build, back in the 80's when everyone thought Sea World was a thing we needed to copy because that was guaranteed to be a super popular thing for many decades to come hahaha
    Serious question is there another Aquarium built in OKC I dont know about? What was built at OKC zoo was primarily built around Sea Lions and Dolphins with the aquarium aspect an afterthought. I dont think anyone is talking about a Sea World here.

    Like was said before, it doesnt look like aquarium will be part of Maps anyway. The zoo may eventually circle back and build one with it's own funds years down the road once they touched every part of the OKC zoo which is years down the road.

  17. #42

    MAPS3 Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    ERROR; Moved to General Civic Issues, Ideas for MAPS..

  18. #43

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by EBAH View Post
    Seriously, why in gods name does everyone keep talking about Aquariums. 1) THIS IS NOT GODAMNED 1983, zoos and aquariums are considered by many younger people to be cruel and extremely passe, most of the people I know and hang out with literally refuse to go to any of them 2) WE ARE NOT A COASTAL CITY, you know why the Baltimore Aquarium is so popular? because a lot of people visiting Baltimore are also visiting THE OCEAN 3) For the love of god, quit with the silly ideas of city run mega destinations. Dallas has a (lame) aquarium and it's a private venture, it's gross and run down and weird, but the city didn't have to pay for it or operate it and they still get to reap whatever economic benefits it produces. 4) The cornerstones of downtown have been set and it's silly to keep piling on when we can't attract people to lease space in office buildings and our growth of population has slowed to a trickle. WE NEED RESIDENTS DOWNTOWN not more suburban family destinations. The improvements needed to the inner city and downtown are necessary to make the city propper a more attractive place to both potential residents and employers. A vanity aquarium for no logical reason will not help to accomplish any of that.
    why so angry??

    people don't go to baltimore to vist the ocean

    also your group is not remotly representived of the population of the city

  19. #44

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    why so angry??

    people don't go to baltimore to vist the ocean

    also your group is not remotly representived of the population of the city
    I know right, some people are acting as if they own every square inch of this city.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by EBAH View Post
    so this new aquarium would be rescuing local aquatic life? or serving some higher purpose? nah man, it's an animals in boxes display. Also, even if we can agree that they're going to stay super popular in the coming decades (which trust me, I am way far from agreeing on) still isn't a valid reason that the city of Oklahoma City should be operating an aquarium for decades. It's a totally silly proposition, not to mention, WE ALREADY BUILT ONE AND IT WAS A DISASTER, the city has already failed RECENTLY to properly run an aquarium that cost the city Millions of dollars to build, back in the 80's when everyone thought Sea World was a thing we needed to copy because that was guaranteed to be a super popular thing for many decades to come hahaha
    I still don't see any reason why we should trust you if you provide zero fact, just a boatload of personal opinions. If you have a chance, I'd recommend you to visit a serious, world-class aquariums!

  21. #46

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by EBAH View Post
    I know they are still popular with many, and that my experience is anecdotal, but there really is more of a general feeling these days that animals in cages attractions are inhumane and on the way out.

    Either way I'm a fan of MAPS4 ideas that make our city more attractive to LIVE IN and WORK IN, not more reasons for people from Edmond to come visit for 2 hours and leave.
    Sure but if built right as the OP described it would bring in many more than just those from Edmond or the suburbs. It would make the CC more attractive and provide yet another reason to make OKC more than a destination city than it currently is.

    It’s interesting to me that many here criticizing the OPs plans aren’t doing anything more than just ripping into it and providing no plans of their own. Pointless criticism at its best.

    PS, that last paragraph isn’t directed at you.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    I think your optimism is refreshing and your outline to bring in money doesn't really seem all that crazy. Not sure why people are so opposed to an idea of a crowd funded aquarium. I fear this would be a very very extremely complex project, though, and that people would be hesitant to contribute unless there was a finely detailed plan for everything (who would operate, where it'd be located, what it'd look like, what type of aquatic life would be there and where would we source them from, etc.)

  23. #48

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by cappa View Post
    I think your optimism is refreshing and your outline to bring in money doesn't really seem all that crazy. Not sure why people are so opposed to an idea of a crowd funded aquarium. I fear this would be a very very extremely complex project, though, and that people would be hesitant to contribute unless there was a finely detailed plan for everything (who would operate, where it'd be located, what it'd look like, what type of aquatic life would be there and where would we source them from, etc.)
    Thank you for your kind words! I used to contact the people at the Oklahoma Zoo and proposed this idea, but seems like they prefer the MAPS 4 route. I believe it starts with a group of people, who believe the feasibility of this plan (or any other plan), get together and come up with a plan, then invite some experienced people with great connections (architects, developers, urban planners, zoologists, businessmen, etc.) to get on board and help prepare a detailed plan, then the campaign is launched and see what will happen.

    So, we should start at some place (then doing something), my first task, I believe, is to present my idea on this board and try to explain points as best as I cane.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Sure but if built right as the OP described it would bring in many more than just those from Edmond or the suburbs. It would make the CC more attractive and provide yet another reason to make OKC more than a destination city than it currently is.

    It’s interesting to me that many here criticizing the OPs plans aren’t doing anything more than just ripping into it and providing no plans of their own. Pointless criticism at its best.

    PS, that last paragraph isn’t directed at you.
    This is why I say if they build it to do it right and make it world class. Yes it might cost 300-400 mil. but it would attract visitors from all around the region IMO. If they want a cheaper knockoff for 100 mil or so I wouldn't vote for that. Do it right and first class or don't do it at all. It needs to be a top attraction.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Building the aquarium through crowdfunding?

    ^^^^ I completely agree.

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