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Thread: OU President Gallogly

  1. #901

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    Unfortunately a lot of damage has been done that will take awhile to repair. They better knock it out of the park with the next hire.
    I lay this completely at the feet of the regents.

    At least now, hopefully, they've learned a valuable lesson.

  2. #902

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Can't be overstated how much the new tax laws affected donations recently. But yeah, he did not do any favors with big-time donors.

  3. #903

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Good riddance to a disaster that should never have been hired.

    Quote Originally Posted by jonny d View Post
    Can't be overstated how much the new tax laws affected donations recently. But yeah, he did not do any favors with big-time donors.
    Unless every other school in the state has had the same donation issues then yes, it absolutely can be overstated.

  4. #904
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    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Good riddance to a disaster that should never have been hired.

    Unless every other school in the state has had the same donation issues then yes, it absolutely can be overstated.
    Nationally, giving to universities was up 7.8% fiscal yr. 2018. Gallogly believed his own bs that a school was same as a business and that he could bamboozle givers like ceos do stockholders.

  5. #905

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    his 1 year at the helm was unbelievably successfull .... he has righted the ship financially and put OU on a great path .. he has also increased reasearch funding and donations (and no longer has the university lying to ratings boards about donation rates)

  6. Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Even thought he was widely disliked, he may have been the medicine the university needed to help re-arrange the house before a more permanent president could come in. Now the new president (probably another old white guy) can come in and gets a bit of a pass comparatively. Of course, the new pres has as much of a chance of hosing things up as they do of improving. We'll see.

    Some of the things Boren pushed so hard for, didn't really matter, but they made him feel good. Like the National Merit Scholar thing. It really didn't impact enrollment to any degree and so what was the point? It didn't raise the overall GPA. It did, however, eat up a lot of scholarship money. I did agree that all the cultural exchange stuff was important but in order to require those credits, then they had to not require others. Again, not that im against it, by why should they not have to take both pre and post civil war history of their own country but have to take 15 hours of foreign language? It'll will be interesting to see what choices the new person makes and if they have any pet projects that affect the campus as well? That foreign language thing helped expand the languages departments and thus gave the GTAs in that department better opportunities to help cover more of their expenses. Just some thoughts.

  7. #907

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    Unfortunately a lot of damage has been done that will take awhile to repair. They better knock it out of the park with the next hire.
    i still firmly believe that the damage that was done was told to be done... when he was announced i said he would be here two years tops, and was only brought in to be the face of the changes that the Board of Regents wanted to make. just didn't think it would only be one year

  8. Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    I hope for an open and transparent selection of the next president. Boomer Sooner.

  9. #909

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    I hope for an open and transparent selection of the next president. Boomer Sooner.
    Well said.

    Also, does @soonerheart delete his/her account now? I predict silence.

  10. #910
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    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    his 1 year at the helm was unbelievably successfull .... he has righted the ship financially and put OU on a great path .. he has also increased reasearch funding and donations (and no longer has the university lying to ratings boards about donation rates)
    Nice spin

  11. #911

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Lots of unbelievably successful people quit after 10 months.

  12. #912
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    his 1 year at the helm was unbelievably successfull .... he has righted the ship financially and put OU on a great path .. he has also increased reasearch funding and donations (and no longer has the university lying to ratings boards about donation rates)
    lulz. That's why he's quitting 10 months in.

  13. #913

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    it not like he needed or needs this or any job ... he was brought in to fix a bunch of things that were very broken at the university ... and he has done that ... i would expect his replacement to continue most of what he has started /accomplished

  14. #914

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Turnaround leaders are always criticized during the process: He's moving too quickly, too slowly, making the wrong cuts, too many, too few. Jim Gallogly moved quickly, decisively and with transparency. Some terminated employees became vocal and threatened to sue. The unrelated (not Gallogly's fault) racist incidents were handled openly. The unrelated Boren accusation(s) resulted in an investigation. Although budget cuts were necessary, they received more public criticism than support. And overall support by the Regents was insufficient. Time will tell whether or not he was the right guy doing the right things, but I don't blame him one bit for leaving.

  15. #915

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    lulz. That's why he's quitting 10 months in.
    With his net worth, he did not need this job. As soon as it got to be too much of a headache, he decided to leave. Can't fault him for that. What he did while on the job, sure. But he did not need the low 6-figure income for this job. He is worth a ton of money.

  16. #916

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly


    People take and stay on jobs for many reasons other than money.

    Power and perceived importance, principally.

  17. #917

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    People take and stay on jobs for many reasons other than money.

    Power and perceived importance, principally.
    or in this case the love for a university that was in bad shape

  18. #918

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Gets hired.

    Immediately misleads the public about the financial situation at OU.

    Personally attacks his predecessor in public.

    lays off the groundskeepers in the name of fiscal responsibility.

    Creates animosity toward the faculty and student body.

    Tanks the amount of donations coming to the university.

    Brings a ton of negative press to the university.

    Dips out after 10 months.

    Yea, not sure i would call that a great success.

  19. #919

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Quote Originally Posted by GoGators View Post
    Immediately misleads the public about the financial situation at OU.
    i'll agree with all of the others, and i don't think Gallogly was perhaps the best person for the job... but i know several people who work specifically with University finances who would state that this one wasn't as misleading as some people would like to think.

  20. #920

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Quote Originally Posted by GoGators View Post
    Gets hired.

    Immediately misleads the public about the financial situation at OU.

    Personally attacks his predecessor in public.

    lays off the groundskeepers in the name of fiscal responsibility.

    Creates animosity toward the faculty and student body.

    Tanks the amount of donations coming to the university.

    Brings a ton of negative press to the university.

    Dips out after 10 months.

    Yea, not sure i would call that a great success.

  21. #921
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    i'll agree with all of the others, and i don't think Gallogly was perhaps the best person for the job... but i know several people who work specifically with University finances who would state that this one wasn't as misleading as some people would like to think.
    My friends that work for the University would also corroborate this version of events.

  22. #922
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    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    I guess I missed his quote from March (or April) as quoted by Oklahoman today - "I thought this would be an easy job and I wouldn't work long hours. Boy, was i wrong."

    I am sure he had no idea about some of the issues he'd face, but you have to anticipate a lot of work as a the President of a large public university. Maybe that was tongue in cheek.

    Also thought his speech Friday night was interesting (in hindsight) - he talked about the fact he was essentially completing his "Freshman year" as President and all the graduates were completing their 4 or more years at the University and he seemed to say he was looking forward to ongoing work. I wouldn't expect him to address retirement in that setting but his forward looking comments seem a little surprising.

    Regardless, been a rough 10 months no matter how you cut it.

  23. #923

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly


    I wouldn't be surprised if that almost immediately after commencement he was given a 'retire or be fired' ultimatum.

    Clearly, something big changed very recently.

  24. #924

    Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    Can you imagine how hard it will be to hire the NEXT president?

  25. Default Re: OU President Gallogly

    I believe we will see Kyle Harper take over as interim President in the upcoming couple of months.

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