I'm guessing this falls in the "federal money-federal rules" category? When a school accepts federal funding I would think that adherence to federal guidelines regarding speech and conduct are a primary condition. And this would supersede any state, local or institutional rules?
No. Codes of Conduct promulgated by public universities can't supersede the Constitution. I can explain it, but the ACLU does a better job.
Always nice when practitioners of the law step in to provide clarity — separating fact from fiction and educated accuracy from supposition/opinion.
Threads like this illustrate just how little understanding there is about constitutional rights as well as the difference between public/government boundaries versus private entity exemptions from many of those same boundaries (e.g. "freedom of speech" restrictions).
Not 100% sure of the accuracy, but this is an interesting page.
Thank you. That puts into much better words what I was trying to say. This was basically the case we were building for if Boren had actually tried to expel any students involved in the SAE Incident. Fortunately cooler heads prevailed and Boren realized that would’ve been a giant overstep in his authority so it never came to that.
And the decision to suspend SAE's charter was SAE's, not David Boren's. Boren could have suspended university recognition, but that would not have any impact on SAE's right to exist, although since the school owns the former SAE home, they certainly could have evicted SAE, but that's about it. In this case, SAE nationals and local alumni condemned this behavior and pulled the plug.
Media reports differ on who owns the home, but SAE should be back any semester now. Generally when a major chapter is shuttered in Greek Life, it stays closed about 4-5 years before they ramp up again.
The University owns the land that the SAE House is on but our SAE chapter housing corporation owns the building itself. I actually don’t think they could’ve legally evicted us from it, but like you said (and unlike Boren said during his grandstanding adventure), the national and local fraternity boards were why chapter was closed, Boren didn’t have the authroity to do that either. Most of the media reports surrounding that deal have been unsurprisingly lazy.
It's surprising that the media reports were as lazy as they are. I can tick off several OKC media people who were involved in a fraternity or sorority in their undergrad days. I guess it'd be a bad assumption on my part to think that just because those folks were involved in FSL that they've thought much about the 1st Amendment or Free Assembly clauses of the U.S. Constitution as applied to those groups. They also have likely not thought a great deal about the Supremacy Clause and the incorporation of the Bill of Rights to the states through 5th and 14th Amendment incorporation.
PhiAlpha, I think most SAE alums at OU have thought a lot about those issues for very good reasons--and you're probably a lot more educated than even the rest of the FSL community as a whole on those issues because of how your chapter was thrown under the bus.
Retiring already.
What a failure.
Good riddance.
What a sad, horrible chapter in the school's history.
I'm quite sure this 'retirement' was forced upon him.
What a sh*t show. Hopefully they get a *qualified* leader and ou can come back stronger.
I am laughing a little bit tho. But Oklahoma needs ou to be strong.
To the clown earlier up in this thread claiming Gallogly would be here for years, I really don't hate to do this, but
On a more serious note, I really hope the BoR can get it's crap together and hire a quality President again.
So keeping tuition level and getting teacher raises is a failure...got it! Damn the student and teachers, but don't you dare let the flower beds have weeds in them.
Not saying he was perfect, but he was not as bad as this board made him out to be. Just my opinion, and I know I will be lambasted for it.
Weeds were very far from the biggest criticisms about Gallogly.
I know. But he had a few highlights (he got alcohol sales at sporting events, something the beloved Boren would never allow) and he kept tuition stagnant in a state that consistently cuts higher ed.
His vendetta with Boren is probably what is getting him to "retire". It was petty.
He could have done all that and not made a complete jackass of himself and caused the school national embarrassment.
You can bet some big donors turned up the heat.
Donations were way down. Even a first-year business student knows you can't cut your way to prosperity.
All this makes me very curious about his prior business background. Would be very interesting to interview people from his previous employment.
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