I, simply, based my opinion on a one-sided issue, of course, because that is what we do on here. This is not a forum for testimony, or resolving any particular issue.
I responded to Scoops post, simple as that.
We all have the right to express opinions, however it be that all may not agree. That is the particular focus on a forum. Solely to express opinions, none of us are in any legal position to obtain all of the facts on any issue. We simply, relate our, often uneducated, opinions with particular individual posts that we deem of interest. Solely based on what they post.
As well as, I didn't focus disregard on any elite section of any law officer or unit. I have the utmost respect for our people in uniform. YaY for those that place their lives on the line each and every day. I, sincerely, appreciate their chosen professions. I admire and respect the majority of them and what they undertake every day.
I am sure that any popping noise would bring them all running in a public environment and that they, more than likely, have a zero tolerance level for anybody that would cause or compel a disruption through this venue, due to the pressure placed on them to police this tourist area to such a high degree that they must become overzealous.
However, when confronted with a situation, as such, and exposed by professional officers, then due diligence has to come into play, as the investigation of the noise makers were truly revealed to be as such that it was a family utilizing a very small means to celebrate their holiday.
I am quite sure that after all was said and done that Scooper and Co learned a lesson.
It is my personal opinion that this situation could have been handled in the least restrictive manner for all of those that were involved.