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Thread: Questions about a Church...? Occult?

  1. #26

    Default Re: Questions about a Church...? Occult?

    You are probably right, I couldn't remember who started it?

  2. #27

    Default Re: Questions about a Church...? Occult?

    The First Capital Bank thread is gone, because Tuffenough started it and it's pretty safe to say they are members. It is still getting discussed on the "sign of the times" thread.

    Have you guys gone to the web site and heard this guy preach, I have watched two sermons and have found three misquotes from the bible, he must not be using the "King James" version, more like the "Armstrong NutsO" version.

    There are so many holes to their theory, and to say that Armstrong was Elijah for our times just because in 1944 Armstrong said the Nazis would go underground. YEAH well duh, who wasn't saying that in 1944?? That makes him Elijah? Armstrong's own son has said that his teachings were false, the entire church Armstrong founded, doesn't follow that belief anylonger. But our Rev Flurry at the PCOG is sticking to it. They are the one and only True Church, the rest of us are satan worshipers. They also believe that we are not saved by the blood of Christ, the only way to be saved is to be part of their church and if you leave it, you will burn in hell. Nice loving group huh?

  3. #28

    Default Re: Questions about a Church...? Occult?

    You're right, it was Tuffenough, not 10/20.

    I just can't believe I've lived here pretty much my entire life and have never even heard a rumor about them. When I was a kid we were told rumors of a group that did satanic rituals at the Children's Home and the Cimarron river under the bridges. Figured that was just kids telling other kids scarey stories.

    This group sounds pretty scary. Granted, I do not go to church every Sunday and know all there is to know, but I think I'm pretty safe sticking with the first thing I was ever taught, "Jesus loves me, this I know, cause the Bible tells me so."

  4. #29

    Default Re: Questions about a Church...? Occult?

    There use to be a couple of satanic "churches" around logan county, an old law enforcement guy took me to one back in the 80's, it was a scary place. (it wasn't open at the time, no one was there)
    When you walked in, there was a picture of Jesus on the floor of the entry way, they would spit on it as they walked in.
    I'm sure they are still around here, somewhere.

    The people I ask in Guthrie about the PCOG, either they know all about it, or like you (wbrook) and me, know nothing about it until now. If they are indeed a church, why is it they are not listed in the phone book, Edmond's or Guthrie's.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Questions about a Church...? Occult?

    They (PCG) are an offshoot of the WCG (Herbert's), but a fringe splinter more than the mainstream WCG members under a new name. The split of the WCG resulted in many disparate factions going their separate ways.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Questions about a Church...? Occult?

    Okie, where was that "church" at? Is the building still standing?

  7. Default Re: Questions about a Church...? Occult?

    There's an Armstrong College north of Edmond on 170 acres?

    I've never heard of it.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Questions about a Church...? Occult?

    It's in South Logan County, on 170 acres, yes, apparently so...

  9. #34

    Default Re: Questions about a Church...? Occult?

    Yes thats it

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