So what’s going on with the Winco site on Penn & Memorial? I havent been by there recently.
So what’s going on with the Winco site on Penn & Memorial? I havent been by there recently.
Seems work has stopped. Maybe they found a body... Wouldn't surprise me.
I love the WinCo at NW 39th and Portland. Easily the best grocery store within a 15 minute drive of my apartment. But at the same time, it's hilarious how long this site is taking to finish compared to the Costco a mile east.
I love that 39th & Portland Winco, too. It's my go-to grocery store for a number of reasons.
I have no idea what is going on at the Penn & Memorial location.
Hey! Some movement at Memorial and Penn...
Looks like they will soon start paving the access drives and hopefully things will start moving forward again.
I wonder if they'll take as long to open as the one on 39th seemed too.
Only thing I really like about winco is their bulk food section. Other than that I still like crest. Winco doesn't carry some things in the frozen department that I like which is odd but they don't.
I went to Winco for the first time last week. It felt like Aldi and Sams Club has a baby.
From yesterday; still no movement but I believe the project will soon start moving forward again.
They've been dumping dirt in the lot next to Starbucks, as you can see in the shot above. Not sure if it's for any specific project, or just to bring to grade with the rest of the strip...
Guessing this Winco project on Penn is dead as they were laying sod on the property as of 1pm.
That's Nice. Crap
Last edited by brian72; 09-09-2019 at 05:05 PM. Reason: .
They also own that property and it is not for sale.
I bet they'll build there eventually.
That's what i thought. I hate the weird layout with those really long rows. It causes a lot of people to be crammed in. Lots of having to move around people because you can't skip rows when you dont need to go down them. Not to mention the prices were not as good as Crest. They had a few things Crest had stopped carrying, but not worth changing stores. They definitely win on the items they have on sale, im just not willing to include yet another store in my weekly rotation for just one thing.
Winco and Del Taco still happening here?
I drove by today and noticed steel going up. I’m not sure if that’s the Winco or something else.
Somebody is building now.
No Winco. Construction is for a Triple A service facility.
The Penn/Memorial location has gone dormant.
The construction to the south of Whataburger is for an AAA Care Center.
In the foreground is construction for 13200 N. Penn (Pho Lien Hoa and a strip center).
In the background is a dormant Aloft.
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