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Thread: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

  1. #276

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by chuck5815 View Post
    In all fairness, it was a huge mistake to think that Aggies could successfully negotiate a highfalutin, new-age device such as the electric scooter.
    Dude, seriously? It's really not funny.

  2. #277

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by Colbafone View Post
    Dude, seriously? It's really not funny.
    Oh, puh-leeze. There's some real **** going down in the world these days, there's no reason to look THAT hard for something by which to be offended. School rivalries have been around since about a third of a second after the big bang. Go Team Hydrogen, no, go Team Helium.

  3. #278

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by stile99 View Post
    Oh, puh-leeze. There's some real **** going down in the world these days, there's no reason to look THAT hard for something by which to be offended. School rivalries have been around since about a third of a second after the big bang. Go Team Hydrogen, no, go Team Helium.
    ^^^hahaha keep feeding him

  4. #279

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Startup impounds discarded e-scooters


  5. #280

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by wunderkind View Post
    Startup impounds discarded e-scooters

    Guys look like they would own a tow company.

    Low lifes, IMO.

  6. #281

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by chuck5815 View Post
    Guys look like they would own a tow company.

    Low lifes, IMO.
    and what is your justification for that opinion? as you deemed it relevant to bring up on this discussion.

    good for these guys to try and find a need and attempt to make a business out of it... will be interesting to see if the few that aren't willing to pay, eventually do.

  7. #282

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Am I reading that right? They are collecting scooters that are illegally parked and then charging to release them back? This sounds super sketchy and I'm curious about if there is something in the law about property being held hostage like that.

  8. #283

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    Am I reading that right? They are collecting scooters that are illegally parked and then charging to release them back? This sounds super sketchy and I'm curious about if there is something in the law about property being held hostage like that.
    Illegally parked on private property. Private property being the driving force behind this service.

  9. #284

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Illegally parked on private property. Private property being the driving force behind this service.
    yep. no real different than if your car gets towed by a private business for parking there after hours, or something

  10. Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Illegally parked on private property. Private property being the driving force behind this service.
    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought I recall years ago a property owner in Bricktown tried something similar and was found to be violating the law? He was booting cars illegally parked on his parking lot and charging the vehicle owners to remove the boot. He argued it was his property and his fee was cheaper than if the driver had to pay a tow fee. That said, he had to stop doing it.

    I couldn't find the local example above, but I did some Googling and found lots of similar examples.

    My personal opinion: I'm against what these guys are doing.

  11. #286

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought I recall years ago a property owner in Bricktown tried something similar and was found to be violating the law? He was booting cars illegally parked on his parking lot and charging the vehicle owners to remove the boot. He argued it was his property and his fee was cheaper than if the driver had to pay a tow fee. That said, he had to stop doing it.

    I couldn't find the local example above, but I did some Googling and found lots of similar examples.

    My personal opinion: I'm against what these guys are doing.
    i recall the situation you are mentioning... i thought that issue was because of lack of proper licenses... i might be wrong though

    but i personally have no issues with it... my issue is with how the scooter companies just dropped thousands of scooters (often without permits) onto cities, and expected them to just work it all out... this isn't good business. and if private businesses don't want them on their property, then there should be a way to remove them from their property. It's the fault of the scooter companies for not making sure all of the people who use their product, know all of the rules.

  12. #287

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    I'm in the middle. If there was some provision in place for business owners to have the scooters removed through the police or whatever, then yeah, this is unnecessary. Otherwise, I'm not sure this is all that difference than business/lot owners having contracts with tow companies to haul off illegally parked vehicles. Certainly, some licensing should probably be in place, and some controls on fees, and such. But this is definitely a solution fixing a problem (although not one I've seen locally).

  13. #288

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    I'm in the middle. If there was some provision in place for business owners to have the scooters removed through the police or whatever, then yeah, this is unnecessary. Otherwise, I'm not sure this is all that difference than business/lot owners having contracts with tow companies to haul off illegally parked vehicles. Certainly, some licensing should probably be in place, and some controls on fees, and such. But this is definitely a solution fixing a problem (although not one I've seen locally).
    i just don't think we have the number of them, that some places do... i was in San Fran not too long ago, and there were sections of streets where you could not walk on the sidewalks because they were just covered with hundreds of scooters, all the time

  14. #289

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing


    Newer, better urban scooter option in Norman; more stable, larger wider wheels, and larger deck. Rode one the other day & has a much better feel, less like a toy, more like adult-designed (if there is such a thing as an adult scooter).

  15. #290

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    rode one in Austin.... was doing great until the front wheel got stuck in a small pot-hole and threw
    me about 10 feet... o0f! I'll ride again, it's fun. Hate the whole silicon valley warchests of venture
    capital bs surrounding these things, but oh well... Click image for larger version. 

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  16. #291

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    I went to House Of Blues in Dallas last Sunday night. There were rental scooters and bicycles everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE! They were littering the sidewalks and you had to maneuver around them. It was sad. Such a good idea gone bad.

  17. #292

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    ^^^^ it’s like that here in LA. People throw them all over, into rail tracks, trash cans, etc. they fall or people kick them and block the side walks and it’s easy for me to walk around them but not those with disabilities. I used to move them or simply kick them in the street but there are so many I’d be spending too much time. I only now will move them if see someone who needs assistance.

    I am starting to turn against these things if they can’t find a solution to this issue.

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