The rules regarding relocation in the National Basketball Association Constitution impose restrictions similar to those in Major League Baseball. They prevent teams from relocating without the consent of the NBA Board of Governors, and take into account factors like the proximity of other teams to the proposed relocation destination, the profitability of the new destination for the team and for the league, as well as any state or local laws or regulations that might inhibit or prohibit an NBA team’s success in a new destination.
Despite the perceived restrictiveness of the NBA’s relocation rules, their actual implementation is considerably more liberal when considered in the light of the specific case law that has helped to define and apply them. Unlike Major League Baseball, the NBA does not enjoy an antitrust exemption, and is thus subject to “rule of reason” analysis in cases regarding relocations.“Rule of reason” analysis was applied to the NBA by the decision in NBA v. San Diego Clippers Basketball Club.
Like MLB, the NBA oversees a lower-level basketball league that functions as a reserve system. This league, known as the NBA Development League (or D-League), is comprised of 16 teams, some of which are owned directly by NBA teams. However, since the NBA exerts greater of control over this lower league than does MLB wields over MiLB, it is less of a consideration for relocation issues, and does not present problems to clubs attempting to move.
The absence of antitrust protection makes the NBA’s rules regarding franchise relocation more difficult to enforce than those in MLB. The “rule of reason” analysis applied in NBA relocation cases gives the league less control over the ability of teams to relocate and NBA teams receive higher subsidies toward constructing a new stadium or remodeling an existing stadium than teams in MLB
With that being said I see relocation more likely than expansion. 30 profitable teams give all owners more revenue than 28 profitable ones and 4 unprofitable ones. I see NO on the way to Seattle within two years.